Agile Software Development: Scope Flashcards
Finding the right size of the work and estimating required resources
Scoping should be
Fast, easy, expose the unknown, estimates should be relative, not exact
Who should not dictate the scope?
Customers, product owners, stakeholders
who should scope a project?
The team discusses the work with the product owner
Scoping process
- PO adds and prioritize stories in the backlog
- The PO and team discuss the work together during a planning meeting, including the definition of done.
- the Team provides a relative estimate for each user story
Story Points
Story Points - The numerical units of measure that agile teams use to represent the size, scope, complexity, and level of effort for user stories
Drive consensus and conversation to ensure understanding
Numbers are relative and not equal to hours, min, or days
Story points are relative, have a different meaning from team to team, and cannot be used across teams
Used to determine the velocity of a team.
Components of User Story Estimates
- How hard is the story to complete?
- How many steps do we have to take to complete it?
- How big is it?
- How much of it is there?
Level of Effort
- The length of time it will take us?
- How many of us can work on it at the same time?
- How long did it take us the last time we did something like this
- Have we done this before?
- How certain are we that we can do it?
- What do we know?
- What don’t we know?
When are estimates done?
During the planning ceremony
Done in Ideal Time
What do big estimates indicate?
too much complexity and unknowns need to be split into smaller stories
Who can estimate work?
Only the team doing the work
Reducing Scope
User stories should be estimable.
If estimates are too big user stories should be split
When user stories are split, they do not have to equal the sum of the original story
Ideal Time
The amount of time it would take to complete the user story without any distractions.
Do not factor in time out of the office
Do not factor in time spent responding to emails, or IM’s
Do not factor in meetings, events, happy hours, etc
Relative Estimating
Relative Estimating - the art of estimating the size, scope, complexity, and level of effort for a user story, based on the size, scope, complexity, and level of effort of another user story
Story Points
Story Points - The numerical units of measure that agile teams use to represent the size, scope, complexity, and level of effort for user stories
Modified Fibonacci Sequence
Used for estimating story points
This modification allows for having unique values that force separation for estimation purposes and is still based on the original Fibonacci Sequence.
0, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100