Money - pre-int Flashcards
Paper or metal currency (hotovosť)
Cash. She paid in cash at the store.
A small round metal piece used as money (minca)
Coin. I found a one-euro coin on the floor.
A document showing how much money you must pay (účet, faktúra)
Bill. Our electricity bill is very high this month.
The amount of money something costs (cena)
Price. The price of this laptop is too high.
The amount of money needed to buy something (náklady, výdavky)
Cost. How much does this phone cost?
To give money in exchange for something (zaplatiť)
Pay. I will pay for dinner tonight.
Fixed amount of money earned monthly ( plat)
Salary. She gets her salary at the end of each month.
Money received regularly from work or investments (príjem)
Income. Their family has a high income.
Money paid for work on an hourly or daily basis (mzda)
Wage. The workers earn a daily wage.
To use money to buy something (minúť, utratiť)
Spend. He spends too much money on clothes.
To keep money for future use (šetriť)
Save. We are saving money for a new house.
A plan for how money is spent (rozpočet)
Budget. We need to set a monthly budget.
Money that you owe to someone (dlh)
Debt. He is in a lot of debt after buying a car.
Money borrowed from a bank (pôžička, úver)
Loan. She took out a loan to start her business.
A bank loan for buying property (hypotéka)
Mortgage. They are paying off their mortgage.
Extra money paid for borrowing money (úroková sadzba)
Interest rate. The loan has a high interest rate.
A personal or business bank account (bankový účet)
Bank Account. I opened a new bank account today.
To put money into a bank account (vložiť peniaze)
Deposit. She deposited $500 into her savings account.
To take money out of a bank account (vybrať peniaze)
Withdraw. He withdrew $100 from the ATM.
To have enough money to buy something (dovoliť si)
Afford. I can’t afford to buy a new phone.
A good deal or low price (výhodná kúpa, zľava)
Bargain. This coat was a real bargain!
A reduction in price (zľava)
Discount. There is a 20% discount on shoes.
Money returned after a purchase (vrátenie peňazí)
Refund. The store gave me a refund for the broken item.
A proof of payment document (bloček, potvrdenie o platbe)
Receipt. Keep your receipt in case you need a refund.
Money returned when paying in cash (výdavok, zvyšok peňazí)
Change. Here is your change from $10.
A plastic card for making payments (kreditná karta)
Credit Card. I paid for the flight with my credit card.
A bank card that withdraws from your account (debetná karta)
Debit Card. He used his debit card at the supermarket.
A written order to pay money (šek)
Check (Cheque). He wrote a check for the rent.
Money earned by a business (zisk)
Profit. The company made a big profit this year.
Money lost in business (strata)
Loss. The shop suffered a big loss.
To put money into something to earn more (investovať)
Invest. They invested money in real estate.
Shares in a company (akcie, cenné papiere)
Stock. He bought stock in a large company.
Relating to money and business matters (finančný)
Financial. She needs financial advice.
Money and valuable things someone owns (bohatstvo, majetok)
Wealth. He inherited great wealth.
Property or valuable things a person owns (aktíva, majetok)
Assets. Their company has many assets.
The study of money and trade in a country (ekonomický, hospodársky)
Economic. The country has economic problems.
Having a lot of money (bohatý)
Rich. He became rich by investing in business.
Having very little money (chudobný)
Poor. Many poor families struggle to buy food.
To receive money after someone dies (zdediť)
Inherit. She inherited a house from her grandmother.
To give money to help others (darovať, prispieť)
Donate. They donated money to a charity.
An organization that helps people in need (charita, dobročinnosť)
Charity. The charity supports homeless people.
A contract that protects against financial risk (poistenie)
Insurance. I have health insurance.
Money paid to the government (daň)
Tax. We have to pay taxes every year.
A financial penalty (pokuta)
Fine. He got a fine for speeding.
Regular payments after retirement (dôchodok)
Pension. My grandfather receives a pension.
Extra money given for work (prémia, odmena)
Bonus. Employees received a holiday bonus.
To give money temporarily (požičať niekomu)
Lend. Can you lend me 10 euros?
To take money temporarily (požičať si od niekoho)
Borrow. I borrowed money from my friend.
A piece of paper money issued by a central bank (bankovka)
Banknote. He paid for the book with a €50 banknote.
A machine that allows people to withdraw or deposit money (bankomat)
Cash machine (ATM). I withdrew some money from the cash machine.
To have a certain financial value (mať hodnotu)
Be worth. This old painting could be worth thousands of euros.
The amount of money someone has to pay for a service or product (poplatok, účtovať poplatok)
Charge. The hotel charges €100 per night.
To receive money in exchange for work (zarábať)
Earn. She earns €2,000 a month as a teacher.
To have to give money back to someone (dĺžiť peniaze, byť dlžný)
Owe. I still owe my friend €20 for dinner.
To withdraw money from a bank account (vybrať peniaze, vybrať hotovosť)
Take out. I took out €50 from the ATM.
To spend money carelessly or on unnecessary things (mrhať peniazmi, plytvať)
Waste. He wasted all his money on expensive clothes.
To return borrowed money (splatiť, vrátiť peniaze)
Pay back. I need to pay back the loan by next month.