Food + cooking methods Flashcards
A style of cooking characteristic of a particular country or region. (kuchyňa)
cuisine. Italian cuisine is famous for its pasta dishes.
A tool used in cooking or eating. (kuchyňská náradie)
a utensil. A whisk is a common kitchen utensil.
A piece of cloth or paper used to clean the hands and mouth during a meal. (servítka)
a napkin. She placed a napkin on her lap before eating.
A round dish for holding food or liquids. (miska)
a bowl. He poured the soup into a bowl.
A tool for removing corks from bottles. (vývrtka)
a corkscrew. Use the corkscrew to open the wine bottle.
A large cup, typically used for hot drinks. (hrnček)
a mug. He sipped hot chocolate from a mug.
A small container for drinking liquids. (pohár, nie sklenený)
a cup. She drank a cup of tea.
A container for drinking liquids, made of glass. (pohár)
a glass. She filled the glass with orange juice.
A container with a handle for holding and pouring liquids. (krčah)
a jug. The jug was full of fresh water.
A sour liquid used for flavoring or preserving food. (ocot)
vinegar. Add a splash of vinegar to the salad dressing.
A small dish placed under a cup. (podšálka)
a saucer. She set the teacup on the saucer.
A large dish used to serve food. (servírovací tanier)
a serving dish. The pasta was placed in a large serving dish.
A cloth used to cover a table. (obrus)
a tablecloth. She spread a clean tablecloth before dinner.
A container for brewing and serving tea. (čajník)
a teapot. The teapot was filled with hot green tea.
A flat surface for carrying food or drinks. (tácka)
a tray. He brought the breakfast on a tray.
A container for serving food or a prepared food item. (tanier/varené jedlo)
dish. The lasagna is my favorite dish.
To set the table with plates, utensils, and napkins. (prestrieť stôl)
to lay the table. The children helped to lay the table for dinner.
Knives, forks, and spoons used for eating and serving food.(príbor)
cutlery. The restaurant provided high-quality cutlery with each meal.
Small containers used to store and sprinkle salt and pepper. (soľnička a korenička)
salt and pepper shakers. He reached for the salt and pepper shakers to season his food.
To drink or eat something noisily, often making a sucking sound. (sŕkať)
to slurp. He slurped his soup loudly, making everyone laugh.
A food item used to prepare a dish. (ingrediencia)
an ingredient. The main ingredient for this recipe is a fresh avocado.
A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish. (recept)
a recipe. She found a delicious lasagna recipe online.
A small amount of a substance, usually salt or spice. (štipka)
a pinch. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the oatmeal.
Meat from a cow. (Hovädzie)
beef. She cooked a delicious beef stew for dinner.
Atypeoffoodconsisting usually ofmeatandvegetables,cookedslowlyin asmallamountofliquid. (ragú, guláš)
stew. She made a hearty stew with fresh vegetables for dinner.
Meat from a young sheep. We had roast lamb with mint sauce. (jahňacie)
lamb. We had some roast lamb with mint sauce for dinner.
Meat from an adult sheep. (baranina)
mutton. The restaurant serves a spicy mutton curry.
Meat from birds like chicken, turkey, or duck. (hydina)
poultry. She bought some fresh poultry from the market.
A dark red root vegetable. (cvikla)
beetroot. Beetroot salad is both healthy and delicious.
A vegetablesuch as acarrot, that is therootof aplant (koreňová zelenina)
root vegetable. Root vegetables, such as carrots, parsnips, and beetroot, are great for slow cooking.
A green leafy vegetable used in salads. (zelený šalát)
lettuce. Add some fresh lettuce leaves to the sandwich.
Amixtureofuncookedvegetables, usuallyincludinglettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. (Šalát)
salad. Serve the risotto with a green salad.
A type of fish with pink flesh.(losos)
salmon. Grilled salmon is a popular dish.
A sea animal with a long body and tentacles, often eaten as seafood. (kalamár, sépia)
squid. Fried squid rings are my favorite appetizer.
A type of large shrimp. (krevety)
prawns. She made a delicious stir-fry with prawns.
Containing a small amount of fat. (nízkotučný)
low-fat. He prefers low-fat yogurt for breakfast.
Milk with the cream removed. (odtučené mlieko)
skimmed milk. Skimmed milk is a healthier option for coffee.
A sweet dish served at the end of a meal. (dezert)
dessert . Chocolate cake is my favorite dessert.
The primary dish in a meal. (hlavné jedlo)
main course. For the main course, we had grilled chicken.
Small dishes served at the beginning of a meal. (predjedlá)
starters. The starters included soup and garlic bread.
Theskinof anorange,lemon, orlime, used toaddflavourtofood. (kôra)
zest . Add some lemon zest to the cake batter for a fresh, citrusy taste.
A very fine, powdered sugar used for making icing or dusting desserts. (práškový cukor)
icing sugar. She sprinkled icing sugar over the freshly baked cookies.
A thick cream with a high-fat content, often used in desserts and sauces. (extra tučná šľahačková smotana)
double cream. She whipped the double cream until it became thick and fluffy.
A light, flaky pastry made of many layers, used in sweet and savory dishes. (lístkové cesto)
puff pastry . She made a delicious apple tart with puff pastry.
A warm, aromatic spice made from the seed of a tropical tree. (muškátový oriešok)
nutmeg. A pinch of nutmeg adds a wonderful depth of flavor to pumpkin soup.
A fragrant herb with needle-like leaves, often used in Mediterranean cooking. (rozmarín)
rosemary. He seasoned the roasted lamb with rosemary and garlic.
A green, aromatic herb commonly used in Italian dishes. (bazalka)
basil . Fresh basil is essential for making authentic pesto.
A very thin and delicate pastry used in dishes like baklava and strudel. (štrúdľové cesto)
filo pastry . She layered the filo pastry sheets carefully to make crispy spanakopita, her favourite Greek dish.
A liquid mixture of flour, eggs, and milk or water, used in baking or frying. (cesto)
batter. He dipped the fish in the batter before frying it to a golden crisp.
A thick mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking bread, pastries, or cookies.
dough. She kneaded the dough until it was smooth and ready to rise.
To cook food using dry heat in an oven, usually for bread, cakes, or pastries. Piecť.
to bake. I’d like to bake cookies with chocolate chips.
To cook food in hot, bubbling water or another liquid. Variť.
to boil. Boil the potatoes until they are soft.
To cook food in hot fat or oil. (Smažiť, vyprážať.)
to fry. She likes to fry eggs for breakfast.
To cook food on a grill or a grate over direct heat.(Grilovať.)
to grill. We love to grill burgers during summer.
To cook food (especially meat or vegetables) in an oven or over an open flame with dry heat.(Piecť, opekať.)
to roast. Roast the chicken for about an hour until golden brown.
To cook food using the steam from boiling water. (Dusiť.)
to steam. Steamed vegetables are healthier than fried ones.
To cook food quickly in a small amount of oil or butter over medium-high heat. (Opiecť)
to sauté. Sauté the onions until they turn golden.
To cook food gently in liquid just below the boiling point.(Slabo vrieť.)
to simmer. Simmer the soup for 30 minutes to bring out the flavors.
To cook food directly under high heat in an oven. (Grilovať v rúre).
to broil. Broil the fish for 5 minutes until the top is crispy.
To decorate a dish with small amounts of food.(Ozdobiť, pridať oblohu)
to garnish. Garnish the soup with chopped parsley before serving.
To soak food in a flavored liquid before cooking. (Marinovať)
to marinate. Marinate the chicken in lemon juice and herbs.
To beat or stir food with a light, rapid movement. (vyšľahať)
to whisk. Whisk the eggs until they are fluffy.
To cut food into small cubes. (nakrájať na kocky)
to dice. Dice the onions finely for the sauce.
To shred food into small pieces using a grater. (Nastrúhať. )
to grate. Grate some cheese for the pasta.
To work dough with the hands to make it smooth and elastic. (miesiť v rukách)
to knead. Knead the dough for 10 minutes before baking.
To cook small pieces of food quickly in a small amount of oil. (restovať)
to stir-fry. Stir-fry the vegetables with soy sauce.
To mix ingredients thoroughly, often in a blender. (rozmixovať)
to blend. Blend the fruits to make a smoothie.
To cut food into pieces. (nakrájať, nasekať)
to chop. Chop the carrots into thin slices.
To remove the outer layer of fruits or vegetables. (ošúpať)
to peel. Peel the potatoes before boiling them.
To crush food until it becomes smooth. (rozpučiť, rozmačkať)
to mash. Mash the bananas for the cake batter.
To scatter small amounts of something over food. (posypať, poprášiť)
to sprinkle. Sprinkle some salt on the fries.
To add spices or herbs to enhance flavor. (okoreniť, ochutiť)
to season. Season the soup with salt and pepper.
To apply a layer of a substance over food. (natrieť)
to spread. Spread butter on the toast.
To heat something until it becomes liquid. (roztopiť)
to melt. Melt the butter in the pan.
To cover food with a layer of a substance like breadcrumbs. (obaliť napr. do trojobalu)
to coat. Coat the chicken with breadcrumbs for extra crunch.
To press food into smaller pieces or powder. (rozpučiť)
to crush. Crush the garlic with the flat side of a knife.
To fill food with another food or mixture. (naplniť)
to stuff. Stuff the peppers with rice and cheese.
To shrink and soften when exposed to heat, often used for leafy greens like spinach. (zvädnúť)
to wilt . The spinach will wilt quickly when added to the hot pan.
To flatten dough or pastry using a rolling pin. (vyvaľkať)
to roll. Roll the dough until it’s about half a centimeter thick.
To lower in temperature after cooking or baking. (vychladnúť)
to cool down. Let the cookies cool down before adding the icing.