molluscs Flashcards
what are the three main body parts of a mollusc
1) visceral mass
2) foot
3) mantle
what is the visceral mass
1/3 main body parts which contains internal organs
what is the foot
1/3 main body parts which is a muscular organ on the ventral surface used for locomotion
what is the mantle
1/3 of the main body parts which is the body covering the dorsal surface secreting a calcareous shell for protection
what is a radula
a membranous belt which carries rows of teeth and slides over the odontophore (cartilage under the radula)
outline the movement of blood in molluscs
- oxygened haemolyphy (not blood as lacks pigment) pumped through arteries to stomach and intestine into the foot which need o2 for locomotion
blood then floods organs in an open circulatory system
where can convergent evolution be seen in humans and mollusca
in the eye- similar structure but in vertebrates the optic nerve passes through the cells detecting light vs in mollusca it is behinde so they dont have a blind spot
what are the different classes of mollusca phylum
- aplacophora
- polyplacophora
- monoplacophora
-gastropoda - bivalvia
- scaphopoda
- cephalopoda
outline characteristics of the class aplacophora (without a plate)
- lacks a shell, mantle and foot
- mantle covered in calcareous scales
outline characteristics of the class polyplacophora (many plates)
- shell composed of 8 overlapping plates
- common on rocky shores
outline characteristics of the class monoplacophora (single plate)
- all marine
- live at great depths
- one symmetrical shield shaped shell
outline the class bivalvia
- two valves
- clams, oysters, mussels etc
- most microphagous feeders
- laterally compressed body enclosed with 2 valves
- muscles have a catch fibre mechanism
outline the class scaphopoda
- tusk shells
- burrowing marine molluscs
- shell is tubed shape with two open ends
- gas exchange through mantle surface
- feed on microscopic intersitial organisms
outline the class cephaloaopoda
includes squids, cuttle fish and octopods
- food divided into tentacles or arms anteriorally around the mouth
swim by jet propulsion
what is the subclass of cephaloapods - nautiloidea
possess an external coiled shell
no suckers or arms
many tentacles