Molecules, Compounds and more definitions Flashcards
an atom is the smallest part of an element that can exist
an element
is a pure substance made up of the same kind of atoms
a compound
a purse substance made up of two or more elements chemically bonded
a molecule
a pure substance made up of two or more atoms
can a molecule be a compound?
All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds
valence electron
is an electron found in the outer most energy level of an atom
number of bonds that an atom makes
a region in which electrons are most likely to be found
aufbua diagrams explain order
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s
field lines go from
north to south
combustion reaction
when a substance rests with oxygen to produce carbon and water
the chemical attack on the surface of a metal causing it to erode or break
has the ability to be hammered or pressed into a flat sheet without breaking
has the ability to be rolled into a wire
Mass/volume =
melting point
temperature at which a solid given sufficient heat becomes a liquid
hard but likely to break easily
a substance that shows increasing conductivity with increasing temperature
electrical conductor
a material that allows the flow of charge
electric insulator
a material that prevents the flow of charge
a thermal conductor
a material that allows wat to pass through easily
thermals insulator
a material that does not allow heat to pass through it
is anything that occupies space and has mass
substances composed of matter
is a combination of two or more pure substances that are not bonded together
homogenous mixture
is a mixture that has a uniform composition and the various components of the mixture cannot be seen
heterogeneous mixture
is a mixture that does not have a uniform composition and the various components can be seen
ferromagnetic substances
materials that are strongly attracted by magnets