Modules 3 and 4 Flashcards
having both masculine and feminine characteristics
Emotional Competence
one’s ability to express or release one’s inner feelings; implies an ease around others and determines one’s ability to effectively and successfully lead and express
Ethnic Identity
psychological attitudes and behaviors toward one’s ethnic and racial group membership
Gender Constancy
knowledge that gender will remain the same regardless of behaviors
Gender Labeling
being able to label one’s self and others as male or female
Gender-Role Attitude
the approval or disapproval toward societal expectations for each gender
Gender-Role FLexibility
the ability to alter social expectations regarding gender or their own and other’s behaviors
Gender-Role Idnetity
knowledge that one behaves appropriately according to societal expectations for their gender
Gender Stability
knowledge that gender will not change over time
Identity Achieved
adolescents who have explored and made commitments in occupations, academic skills, friendships, and values and commit to certain goals and values
Identity Diffusion
adolescents who either have not yet began the process of exploration (as you might expect for younger children) or have been through the exploration process but were unable to make commitments to their goals and value
Identity Foreclosure
adolescents who have parents that typically use an authoritarian style of parenting such as telling their adolescent who they are, what they will become, or where they will attend college are considered foreclosure
adolescents who are actively involved in the exploration process but have not yet made decisions or commitments
Prosocial Behavior
voluntary behavior intended to benefit others by helping or sharing
Psychosocial Crisis
psychological and social challenge with two developmental outcomes, one positive and one negative