Module One - Characteristics of Water Flashcards
States of Water
Below 32 F (0 C) – freezing point of water – solid
Above 212 F (100 C) – boiling point of water – gas
Between 32 F and 212 F (0-100 C) – liquid
Specific gravity
Water = 1
Less than one – float
Greater than one – sink
Water Density
Weight per unit of volume
Measured in kg/m3
Weight of fresh water = 1000kg/m3
Lightest when close to boiling point
Specific Heat
A measure of the heat absorbing capacity of a substance
A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of water 1 C
Simple measure of weight
Push or pull on an object resulting in the objects interaction with another
Only exists as a result of an interaction
If several objects of the same size and weight are placed on a flat surface, they all exert the same force on that surface
Force per unit area exerted by a liquid or gas measured in pounds per square inch (PSI) or kilopascals (KPA)
Pressure affect on flow rate
Pressure on the fluid
Size of opening its flowing through
Speed the fluid travels
Determined by the pressure of fluid and size of the orifice
Six Principles of Pressure
- Fluid pressure is perpendicular to any surface on which it acts
- Fluid pressure at a point in a point in fluid at rest is the same intensity in all directions (hydrostatic testing)
- Pressure applied to a confined fluid from without is transmitted equally in all directions
- The pressure of a liquid in a open vessel is proportional to its depth
- The pressure of a liquid in an open vessel is proportional to the density of the liquid
- The pressure of a liquid on the bottom of a vessel is independent of the shape of the vessel
Principles of Pressure - First
- Fluid pressure is perpendicular to any surface on which it acts
Principles of Pressure - Second
- Fluid pressure at a point in a point in fluid at rest is the same intensity in all directions (hydrostatic testing)
Principles of Pressure - Third
- Pressure applied to a confined fluid from without is transmitted equally in all directions
Principles of Pressure - Four
- The pressure of a liquid in a open vessel is proportional to its depth
Principles of Pressure - Five
- The pressure of a liquid in an open vessel is proportional to the density of the liquid
Principles of Pressure - sixth
- The pressure of a liquid on the bottom of a vessel is independent of the shape of the vessel
Atmospheric Pressure
Surrounds earth, has depth and density
Greatest at lower altitudes
Sea level of 101kpa (14.7psi) is used as a standard
Calgary is 89KPA, gauges are set to 0
Any pressure less than atmospheric pressure
A vacuum is need to facilitate drafting of water from a static source
Perfect vacuum = absolute zero pressure
Head Pressure
Refers to the height of water supply above the discharge orifice
Convert head in m to pressure by times by 10
Static Pressure
Stored potential energy available to force water through pipes, fittings, hose and adapters
Pressure in a system before it flows from a hydrant is considered static for fire service purposes
Normal Operating Pressure
Pressure found in a water distribution system during normal consumption demands
difference between static pressure and normal operating pressure
is the friction caused by water flowing through the various pipes, valves, and fittings to the system
Residual Pressure
The portion of total available pressure not used to overcome friction loss or gravity while forcing water through pipes, fittings, hoses, and adapters
Flow or Velocity Pressure
The forward velocity pressure while water flows from a discharge opening
A pumps centerline or an objects position above or below ground level
Elevation pressure
Pressure loss or gain due to elevation above or below ground level
Position of an object above or below sea level
Friction Loss
The pressure loss due to friction that is in part or total loss while forcing water through pipes, fittings, hose or adapters
FL Caused by:
Movement of water molecules against each other
Lining of fire hose
Sharp bends
Change in hose size (by adapters)
Improper gasket size
Bends, kinks, etc.
Friction Loss Principles
- If all other conditions are the same, friction loss varies directly with the length of the hose or pipe (length)
- When hoses are the same size, FL varies approximately with the square of the increases in the velocity of flow (velocity)
- For the same discharge, FL varies inversely as the fifth power of the diameter of the hose (diameter)
- For a given flow velocity, FL is approx. The same regardless of the pressure of water
Friction Loss Principles - First
- If all other conditions are the same, friction loss varies directly with the length of the hose or pipe (length)
Friction Loss Principles - second
- When hoses are the same size, FL varies approximately with the square of the increases in the velocity of flow (velocity)
Friction Loss Principles - third
- For the same discharge, FL varies inversely as the fifth power of the diameter of the hose (diameter)
Friction Loss Principles - fourth
- For a given flow velocity, FL is approx. The same regardless of the pressure of water
Other factors that affect FL:
A pressure of 210,000 kpa is required to reduce its volume 1%
Size of the hose determines the velocity for a given volume of water
The smaller the hose, the greater the velocity needed to deliver the same volume
Reducing friction Loss:
Hose length
Hose diameter
Sharp bends (kinks) in the hose
Critical Velocity
There are limits to the speed at which a stream can travel
If velocity increases beyond these limits, the friction becomes so great the entire system is agitated by resistance
Beyond this point:
Twin or triple the lay or use a larger diameter hose to increase flow and decrease friction
What are the purposes of a private water supply system?
To provide water strictly for fire protection
To provide water for sanitary and fire protection
To provide water for fire protection and manufacturing
What are some advantages of using water as an extinguishing agent?
- Great at absorbing heat
- A large amount of heat is required to change water to steam, allowing more heat to be absorbed from the fire.
- The greater the surface area of water exposed, the more rapidly heat is absorbed.
- Inexpensive and readily available.