Module 9 - Environments of Care Flashcards
Name 4 care environments.
- Care at Home
- Residential Care
- Flexible Care
- Respite Care
What are some elements that make the practice environment?
- Appropriate skill mix
- Shared decision-making
- Effective Staff relationships
- Power Sharing
- The physical environment
- Supportive organisations systems
- Potential for innovation and risk taking
What are the two mainstream programs providing care and support in the home?
The Commonwealth Home Support Program
Home Care Packages
What are the 4 levels of Home Care Packages?
Level 1—to support people with basic care needs
Level 2—to support people with low level care needs
Level 3—to support people with intermediate care needs
Level 4—to support people with high care needs
Name some services that older people can have access to though their Home Care Packages.
- Meals and food services
- Personal care services
- Nursing care services
- Allied health/ therapy services
- Specialised support services
- Domestic assistance
- Home maintenance services
- Home modification services T
- ransport services
- Social support services
What is Transition care?
This program provides short‑term care for older people following discharge from hospital. Older people may receive transition care for up to 12 weeks (with a possible extension of another six weeks) in either a community (home) or residential setting.
To be assessed for transition care, older people must be in hospital at the time of the assessment.
What is Short-term restorative care?
Early intervention. Designed to reverse and/or slow functional decline.
8 weeks to 12 months.
What is the Multi-Purpose Services (MPS) Program?
Provides integrated health and aged care services for small regional and remote communities. It allows services to exist in regions that could not viably support stand-alone hospitals or aged care homes.
FYI - Bombala has a MPS service.
What is the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program?
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program funds organisations to provide culturally appropriate aged care to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people close to home and community.
Flexible aged care services can deliver a mix of residential and home care services in accordance with the needs of the community. Services funded under the Program are located mainly in rural and remote areas.
Is the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program administered within the Age Cared Act 1997?
What is residential aged care?
Residential care provides support and accommodation for people who have been assessed as needing higher levels of care than can be provided in the home. Permanent or a temporary (respite) basis. 24 hour care.
What is respite care?
Respite care provides a short‑term support and care service for older people and their carers and is available in a number of care settings.
On what basis can spite care be used?
Residential respite may be used on a planned or emergency basis.
Who assesses a persons eligibility for respite care?
Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT)
What is the purpose of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and Quality Standards of Care?
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) independently accredits, assesses and monitors aged care services that are subsidised by the Australian Government (which includes the Commonwealth Home Support Program, Home Care Packages, Residential Care, Flexible Care and Respite Care). The ACQSC also resolves complaints about these services.
People in regional and remote communities tend to have poorer health outcomes. What are the main contributors?
- Coronary heart disease
- Other circulatory diseases
- Motor vehicle accidents
Compared to major cities, regional and remote areas:
- have lower rates of general practitioner consultation
- higher rates of hospital admission
- people from regional and remote areas tend to be more likely to have a higher use of alcohol and smoking.
- occupations in regional and remote area are more likely to be physically dangerous
- driving in regional and remote areas is more likely to involve risk factors such as long distances, greater speed, isolation, and animals on roads
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) of Australia commissioned a report that outlined that for people aged over 65…
Name 3 findings.
- rates of all cancers are higher in rural and remote areas than in cities, but country areas lack reasonable access to oncology, haematology and palliative care
- falls by older people are a key reason for RFDS transfers, but there are too few country physiotherapists and occupational therapists to provide injury rehabilitation
- an absence of aged care services in remote areas correlates with an increase in transfer by air of older remote residents for preventable hospital stays
The majority of people aged 65 and over in permanent residential aged care were located where?
Major cities (70%)
What percentage of people aged 65 and over are in permanent residential care in remote areas?
38% of facilities is remote area had less than 20 beds available?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines the abuse of older people as:
“a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person”.
What are the 5 forms of elder abuse recognised in NSW?
- Financial abuse
- Psychological abuse (including social isolation)
- Neglect – intentional or unintentional (This does not include self-neglect or self-harm)
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
Who can abuse a older person?
- A close family member
- Friend
- Carer
- Someone where there is an expectation of trust
Where can elder abuse occur?
Abuse can occur in any setting.
Person’s own home.
The community care facility
Name 3 reasons older people may be a higher risk of abuse.
1. rely on others for physical or emotional care and support
2. Live alone
3.Have physical or mental disabilities
What are the warning signs that an older person may be being abused?
- bruising, pressure sores or burns
- depression, fear, confusion,
- disrupted sleep or appetite
- lack of money for basic expenses,
- wanting to make sudden changes to Wills or Powers of Attorney,
- money missing from a bank account
- being inappropriately dressed, for example not having a warm jacket in winter
- dirty or unkempt appearance
- missing aids, such as a walking frame or hearing aid.
- Bleeding from the vagina or rectum
What are the 5 steps to identifying and responding to the abuse of older people?
1. Identify abuse
2. Assess immediate safety
3. Provide Support
4. Inform manager and document
5. Respond and refer.
Under the Aged Care Act (1997) a reportable assault is:
Unreasonable use of force on a resident, ranging from deliberate and violent physical attacks on residents to the use of unwarranted physical force, or Unlawful sexual contact, meaning any sexual contact with a resident without consent.
Is it compulsory to report required if you suspect an reportable assault?
Rates of abuse of older people may be higher for older people living in institutions than in the community.
What is the purpose of a interdisciplinary approach to care?
Different disciplines working together collaboratively with a common purpose.
What are the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach?
- Management of complex comorbidities
- Best possible outcomes for older people
- Promotes a person’s dignity of risk
- reduce length of stay in acute care services and avoid duplication of assessments
- comprehensive and holistic records of care
Who can be part of a interdisciplinary team?
- Older Person (and their family)
- Medical Officer/s (and/or Specialists)
- Physiotherapist
- Dietitian
- Speech Pathologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Nurse
- Social Workers
- Discharge Planner
- Case Manager
What are the impacts for carers of the older person?
- psychological distress
- often ignore their own health
- can have anxiety, depression and back problems
- Can have strong emotions such as anger, guilt, grief and distress.
- mental heath problems
- financial consequences
- earn less income
What percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are carers?
What are some barriers for lesbian gay bisexual transgender and intersex carers in Australia?
- Discrimination
- Blocked from services due to ethnic diversity of staff and clients.
- Blocked from organisations because they are faith -based.
- Family members deny the validity if existing relationship.
What steps can a nurse take to ensure care is culturally appropriate for a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian?
- Introduce yourself and your role.
- Gain consent!!!!!!
- Ask what their preferences are.
- Collaborate with the person and their family.
- Refer to the person as to how they like to be referred to.
- Be aware of eye contact.
Harry is a 70-year-old man who cares for his wife at home without any aged care services. Harry requires open heart surgery. The couple have no children and Harry expresses concern to you about his wife’s care while he is undergoing and recovering from the surgery. As a nurse planning for Harry’s operation, what could you recommend for him to do?
Talk to him about applying for an aged care assessment for his wife with the goal of obtaining additional support during the time of the operation and immediately after
Which of the following documents are used to give other people, including health care providers, information about a person’s wishes for medical care? Choose the correct answer.
a. Power of Attorney
b. Advance Care Directive
c. Not for resuscitation order
d. Enduring Guardianship Order
b. Advance Care Directive
Why is an older person more at risk of developing a urinary tract infection? Choose the correct answer.
a. The ability of the kidneys to filter urine diminishes with ageing
b. Incontinence is a normal part of the ageing process
c. Older people are more unaware of personal hygiene practices which can prevent an infection occurring
d. Females have a shorter urethra than males
a. The ability of the kidneys to filter urine diminishes with ageing