Module 2 -Promoting the Health of Older People Flashcards
Healthy ageing is influenced by….
Name the two factors.
Biological (genetic) and modifiable (lifestyle) factors.
What are modifiable (lifestyle) factors?
- Nutritional intake,
- maintaining a healthy weight,
- tobacco and alcohol use
- salt and blood glucose reduction
- blood pressure reduction
Name 5 recommendations and guidelines for older people to maintain a healthy lifestyle and age well.
Health assessments, screening and interventions.
Name the different types of tests, assessments and interventions older people should have performed.
- Regular blood tests (liver, kidney and thyroid, blood glucose)
- Depression screening
- Aspirin daily in high risk groups for cardiovascular disease and stroke
- Vaccinations
- STI screening
- Vision and hearing tests
- Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy Faecal occult blood test (FOBT) yearly
What vaccinations should older Australians receive?
How often should vision and hearing tests be done?
What screening should males undertake yearly?
Rectal exam and prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test yearly.
What screening should females undertake yearly?
Mammogram yearly
Cervical screening for those in a high risk group
What should older Australians do to ensure a safe environment around them (both at home and in the community)?
- Home safety measures to reduce falls and hazards (rails, ramps, de-clutter, etc).
- Driving in later years - education and assessment
- Assessment for risk factors of any kind of abuse
What can older Australians do ensure that continue to move and eat well?
- Balanced diet (fewer calories due to low metabolic rate)
- Increase in Vitamin D, fibre and calcium intake
- Regular physical activity (recommended is 30 minutes every day)
- Cease smoking
What can older people to maintain social relationships?
- Keeping relationships fostering deep discussion on emotions, fears and hope
- Involvement in social groups meaningful for the older person
- Pursuing interests (hobbies, study, sport)
What happens to the urinary system when we age?
- Excretory function and filtering ability of the kidneys diminish
- Volume and capacity of the bladder decreases.
Is urinary or faecal incontinence a normal part of ageing?
Changes in the urinary system can result in:
- Urinary urgency (sudden feeling of needing to void)
- Frequency (increase in regularity of needing to void)
- Nocturia
- UTIs
What are ways to promote health and function of the urinary system?
- Ensuring fluid intake of 8-10 glasses of non-caffeinated drinks.
- Strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
- Avoid eating or drinking things irritating to the bladder (sugar, alcohol, caffeine, spicy food)
- Education about continence and continence management aids.
- Emotional and and person-centred support
- Review of medications.
What happens to the Gastrointestinal System when we age?
- Decrease in digestive enzymes and saliva.
- Slower nutrient absorption rate
- slowing of the oesophagus and colon
- reduction in gastric PH -
- Enamel on teeth deteriorate -
- gums retract
- Tooth roots shrink
What are ways to promote health and function of the Gastrointestinal System?
- appropriate and regular oral hygiene and dental care
- appropriate nutritional intake; increased fibre intake, foods low in salt, fat and sugar
- 8-10 glasses of fluid each day
Changes in the Gastrointestinal System can result in…
List at least 5 changes.
- Delayed swallowing time indigestion,
- constipation
- malnutrition
- diverticulitis,
- anaemia
- xerostomia (dry mouth)
- tooth loss and decay
Persons aged 70-79 years should be vaccinated for:
Shingles (herpes zoster)
What is Shingles (Herpes Zoster)?
A reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) in a person who has previously had varicella (chickenpox). Herpes zoster commonly presents as a painful, self-limiting vesicular rash in a dermatomal distribution.
What are the signs and symptoms of Shingles?
- headache
- unilateral vesicular rash in a dermatomal distribution
- photophobia (extreme sensitivity to light)
- malaise
- itching
- tingling or severe pain in the affected dermatome
What are the complications of Shingles?
- Post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) -
- neuropathic pain syndrome
- ophthalmic disease, such as keratitis and chorioretinitis
- neurological complications, such as meningoencephalitis and myelitis
- secondary bacterial skin infection
- scarring
- pneumonia
How is shingles transmitted?
Spreads through direct contact with fluid from the rash blisters caused by herpes zoster.
What is Influenza?
Common disease of the respiratory tract.
Most common vaccine-preventable disease in Australia.
What are the complications of influenza?
- acute bronchitis
- croup
- acute otitis media
- pneumonia (primary viral and secondary bacterial pneumonia)
- cardiovascular complications, including myocarditis and pericarditis
- post-infectious encephalitis
- Reye syndrome
- various haematological abnormalities
What is pneumococcal disease?
Pneumococcal disease is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae.
It can cause severe invasive and non-invasive disease including:
- meningitis,
- pneumonia and bacteraemia
- otitis media (non- invasive)
What happen to your immune system when you age?
- Decrease in production of cells that provide protection against infection.
- increased susceptibility to infectious diseases.
- autoimmune disorder may develop. -
- Slow to heal.
- The immune system’s ability to detect and correct cell defects also declines, increasing the risk of cancer.
What are ways to promote health and function of the immune system?
- Staying up to date with vaccinations
- Regular exercise
- Good nutritional intake.
- Limited amount of alcohol
- cease smoking
- reduce fall and trip hazards
- adequate sleep
- reduce stress
- Avoiding people who are sick and infectious.
How is the Ages Care System in Australia managed?
A single entry point: myagedcare website.
When was myagedcare established?
What happens when a person first contacts myagedcare?
Contact centre:
- registration
- screening
- referral
What happens when you are referred for assessment by myagedcare?
Referred to Regional Assessment Service (RAS) or Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) for more complex cases.
What is the function of the Regional Assessment Service?
- -To keep people at home.
- Assessment in the community setting only.
- No powers or delegating authority.
- Entry level support (transport, referral to pharmacist, OT)
- Funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Program
What is the function of the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) ?
- Has powers allocated by the Aged Care Act.
- Assess, allocate service based on care needs.
- Home Care Packages
- Permanent or respite places in residential aged care
- Referral transition care following acute care episode.
- Members are multidisciplinary.
The Australian Government provides 3/4 of all funding towards aged care service.
What is The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission ?
Regulates all service providers to ensure they meet standards.
How many standards are there for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission?
When did the new Aged Care Quality Standards become effective?
July 1st 2019
What is Aged Care Quality Standard ONE?
Consumer outcome. I am treated with dignity and respect, and can maintain my identity. I can make informed choices about my care and services, and live the life I choose.
Aged Care Quality Standard TWO is:
Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers. I am a partner in ongoing assessment and planning that helps me get the care and services I need for my health and well-being.
Aged Care Quality Standard THREE is:
Personal care and clinical care. I get personal care, clinical care, or both personal care and clinical care, that is safe and right for me.
Aged Care Quality Standard FOUR is:
Services and supports for daily living. I get the services and supports for daily living that are important for my health and well-being and that enable me to do the things I want to do. The organisation provides safe and effective services and supports for daily living that optimise the consumer’s independence, health, well-being and quality of life.
Aged Care Quality Standard FIVE is:
Organisation’s service environment. I feel I belong and I am safe and comfortable in the organisation’s service environment. The organisation provides a safe and comfortable service environment that promotes the consumer’s independence, function and enjoyment.
Aged Care Quality Standard SIX is:
Feedback and complaints. I feel safe and am encouraged and supported to give feedback and make complaints. I am engaged in processes to address my feedback and complaints, and appropriate action is taken.
Aged Care Quality Standard SEVEN is:
Human resources. I get quality care and services when I need them from people who are knowledgeable, capable and caring. The organisation has a workforce that is sufficient, and is skilled and qualified, to provide safe, respectful and quality care and services.
Aged Care Quality Standard EIGHT is:
Organisational governance. I am confident the organisation is well run. I can partner in improving the delivery of care and services. The organisation’s governing body is accountable for the delivery of safe and quality care and services.
Who can access the myagedcare website?
Any person can make a referral for aged care assessment.
The Commission draws its power from which Act?
Aged Care Act 1997
What are four steps that can help you interact with older people from diverse groups?
RECOGNITION: acknowledging people by their preferred name or title (some people like to be called aunty, uncle, grandma, etc and ensuring you are referring to a person by the correct pronoun such as he, she, they)
NEGOTIATION: always ask for preferences, choices and needs, even when there isn’t a shared language or the person has an impaired cognition.
COLLABORATION: seeking out support from interpreters or organisations like Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) or SCARF refugee support.
VALIDATION: acknowledging feelings and emotions and having a sympathetic presence; recognising emotion is individual and may be different to how you express emotion and creating a safe space for them to share thoughts and feelings.
What is a Advance Care Plan?
A way for a person’s goals, values, beliefs and preferences to be documented and heard by their family, friends and health practitioners. An Advance Care Plan is a way for wishes to still be carried out should a person no longer be able to make decisions for themselves. A substitute decision-maker is chosen by the patient.
What should people do with their Advance Care Plan?
- Choose a substitute decision-maker
- Talk about values, beliefs and preferences with the substitute decision-maker and other people involved in care such as family, friends, carers and doctors.
- Write out preferences and/or appoint the substitute decision-maker using the recommended Advance Care Directive document(s).
- Share the Advance Care Directive documentation with substitute decision-maker, family, friends, carers and doctors. This will help ensure everyone knows what is wanted.
- Upload completed documents to My Health Record.
- Review regularly