Module 9 Flashcards
What point did Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford NOT make when she summarized her video presentation, “Obesity: It’s more complex that you think?”
Bariatric surgery should be considered as a first line treatment for obesity
In dopamine ramping dopamine is released in ____ as the steps required to get rewarded are completed
Increasing amounts
In temperature regulation the hypothalamus receives input from _____ in both the skin and organs
The EMG recorded ______ occurs during REM stage and is to prevent people from acting out their dreams.
Temporary paralysis
A heat defense response increases heat loss by way of the dilation of blood vessels in the skin (vasodilation) and vasoconstriction of the blood vessels of internal organs, by evaporative cooling or sweating.
Areas of the brain where liking sensation can be enhanced by stimulation are called ______.
Hedonic hotspots
The hypothalamus output in temperature regulation is either to potentially threaten cooling or heating of the body as ______.
Cold defense and heat defense
In their article about the role of race/ethnicity and socioeconomic disparities on sleep, Grandner and colleagues (2016) asserted that assessments of challenges to achieving health sleep should ALSO include questions about: (check all that apply)
Occupational and / or home demands
Neighborhood stress
Social factors
Research via polysomnography has found that physiologically there is much activity going during REM stage of sleep, much like in wakefulness, and thus REM is sometime referred to as ______.
Paradoxical sleep
Sensation seekers low D2 dopamine receptors create a deficit in experiencing positive moods and rewards provided by events most people perceive as being pleasurable.
On average humans typical spend about ______ of sleep in nREM and about ______ in REM.
75%; 25%;
Release of insulin is directly related to the levels of _____ in the body
During the postabsorptive state, the body recruits ______ stores from the liver to use for energy.
The stage of sleep associated with vivid dreams is often called the ______ cycle.
In the article by Duarte et al. (2017), the authors indicated that… (choose the BEST answer).
All answers are correct