Module 8 - Mens Health Flashcards
Do men have a higher mortality rate compared to women?
___ in 5 males rate their health as excellent.
About 2/3 of adult males and 1 in 4 boys are _________ or __________ .
overweight and obese.
What percentage of males experience poverty?
How many males are in adult corrective services custody?
Name 5 groups of males that are disadvantaged?
- Homeless
- Prisoners
- Aboriginal and torres Strait Islander men
- Migrant men
- Men who live in rural or remote areas
- Socally disadvantaged men
- Men with disabilities
- Non hetrosexual males
Name the five leading causes of mortality for Australian men?
- Suicide,
- MVAs
- Heart disease
- Violence
- Cancer
How many men die due to suicide a day in Australia?
What percentage of all people who die in MVAs are male?
Men under the age of 65 are _____ more likely to die from heart disease then women.
4 x more likely to die from heart disease.
Suicide is the the leaing cause of death for males in Australia. Further data on Australian men’s health also show higher rates of ____________ and _______ problems.
Substance abuse and mental health
What is cardiovascular disease (CVD)?
CVD is a collective term for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The term commonly includes diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke. Many of these conditions can be life-threatening.
What percentage of males have experience violence since they turned 15?
What is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian males?
Prostate cancer.
What is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer begins when abnormal cells in the prostate start growing in an uncontrolled way
What are some risk factors of prostate cancer?
- If your father or brother had prostate cancer
- if there is a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer
- If PSA test results are over 95th percentile if you are under 50 years old.
What tests can detect prostate cancer?
- PSA blood test
- digital rectal examination.
What are the 5 commonly diagnosed cancers in men (excluding non-melonoma skin cancer)?
- Prostate
- Bowel
- Melanoma
- Lung
- Head and neck.