Module 8: GU Flashcards
Barriers to Men’s Health
- Men often feel embarrassed and un-masculine to have an exam
- Many providers also feel embarrassed and may avoid testicular and prostate exams
Adolescent Injury Statistics
- Males 2.5x more likely to die of unintentional injury
- Males 5x more likely to die of homicide or suicide
- Largest proportion of injuries d/t MOTOR VEHICLES**
Function of Testicle
- Produce Sperm
2. Produce Testosterone hormone
Testicular Cancer
-Risk Factors
- Most common CA in ages 15-35 yrs
- Fam hx of testicular CA or mother/sister w/ breast CA
- White > black
- Undescended testicles — 10% higher risk
- Hx of HIV infection
- Higher social status and unmarried
EARLY DIAGNOSIS is almost always curable**
Testicular Cancer
-Clinical Presentation
- Small, hard, PAINLESS lump, size of pea, which may grow
- Mass will NOT trans-illuminate
- Feeling of heaviness in testicle w/ enlargement
- Change in feel of testicle to touch
- Sudden accumulation of fluid in scrotum
- May present concurrently w/ gynecomastia
Testicular Torsion
-Definition & info
- Obstruction of blood flow to testes b/c of a twisting of arteries and veins in spermatic cord inside scrotum
- Testicle can die w/in 4-8 hrs if not treated IMMEDIATELY
- Described as “TENDER, High-riding testicle”
- Most common in newborns and ages 10-25 yrs
- Diagnosed w/ Ultrasound and clinical presentation
Testicular Torsion
- Sudden and SEVERE pain
- Most often LEFT testicle d/t longer spermatic cord on right side
- Adults present after vigorous work-out or RUNNING
- Adolescents often AWAKE w/ scrotal pain
- Cremasteric reflex absent (MOST COMMON sign)**
- Elevation of testis does not relieve testicular pain (Phren’s sign doesn’t work)
Testicular Torsion
- Hydrocele
- Orchitis
- Strangulated inguinal hernia
- Epididymitis
- Varicocele
- Scrotal abscess
- Fluid accumulation around testicle
- Usually superior & anterior to testicle
- Typically painless
- Treatable
- Testicle will transilluminate
- Benign but may mask testicular cancer
- Range from un-palpable to grapefruit size
- Diagnosed w/ Ultrasound
- NO Treatment
-Definition & Info
- Increased venous dilation above testes — increases w/ valsalva maneuver
- Usually on left side or bilaterally
- “Bag of worms”
- Usually painful described as “DULL, Achy”
- May decrease fertility
- Treatment — watch & wait; support briefs; or surgery
- Does NOT transilluminate
-Differential Dx.
- Hydrocele
- Spermatocele
- Testicular tumor
- Epididmytis
- Conservative Treatment — NSAIDS and Scrotal support - boxer briefs
- Refer to Surgeon — Ligation of spermatic vein or embolization w/ coils
- Tx has NOT consistently improved sperm count or fertility in controlled trials
-Definition & Info
- Cystic lesions in head of epididymitis — superior and posterior to testes
- Painless and does Transilluminate
- Most COMMON cyst in scrotum
- Diagnosed by PALPATION of cyst outside testicle
—Ultrasound if still unsure - Treatment — Leave it alone; surgery is discouraged
- Epididymitis
- Orchitis
- Strangulated inguinal hernia
- Hydrocele
- varicocele
- Scrotal abscess
-Definition and Info
- Infection of the epididymis
- Most COMMON cause of scrotal pain and swelling in men 18 and up
- Can be viral, bacterial, parasitic or trauma related
- Most common reason in YOUNGER MEN is — Gonorrhea & Chlamydia**
- Hx of unprotected intercourse & new sexual parter
- Hx of UTI w/ dysuria
- Heavy lifting, straining — sitting a lot
- If Younger than 35 yrs — STD’s: Chlamydia & Gonorrhea
- If 35 yrs or Older — E. Coli bacteria most common — also P. Aeruginosa or S. Aureus
-Definition and Info?
- A systemic, blood-borne infection that results in inflammation of one or both testicles
- 20-25% of young men with MUMPS will develop orchitis
- Most commonly VIRAL (MUMPS) — Can also be caused by STD’s: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia
Epididymitis & Orchitis
-Clinical Presentation
- Scrotum is red, enlarged, and extremely tender
- Painful intercourse and/or ejaculation
- Possible penile discharge (blood in semen) — testicular pain, dysuria, flank pain
Epididymitis & Orchitis
- Non-Pharmacologic — Ice & Scrotal elevation (Phren’s sign)
- Pharmacologic —NSAIDS & Antibiotics
—Treat sexual partners as well - Antibiotics
—Younger men — Ceftriaxone + Doxycicline 10 days
—Pt participates in Anal Sex — Ceftriaxone + Levofloxacin 10 days
—Enteric Organism — (Usually Older men) — Levofloxacin (Risk of tenden rupture) 10 days
-Definition & Info
- Collection of blood in tunica vaginalis around testicle
- Testicular trauma — kick, strike, saddle injury
- Painful
- NO transillumination
- DX by ultrasound confirmation
- Treatment — Watch & Wait; surgery if severe
- Positive Phren’s sign
-What does it do?
- Positioned along path from bladder to penis
- Produces prostatic/seminal fluid — secreted at time of ejaculation
- Gland propels seminal fluid into urethra during ejaculation
- Fluid helps neutralize acidic environment of vagina, increase mobility of sperm & acts as energy source for sperm
- Helps sperm survive after ejaculation
-Definition & info
- Non cancerous enlargement of prostate gland
- Evident in 50% of men by age 50 yrs
- Hyperplasia of prostate narrows the urethral lumen
- BOTH enlargement of gland and increased smooth muscle tone cause lower urinary tract symptoms
- Weakness of urinary stream (FIRST SIGN)
- Nocturia
- Intermittent urinary stream (Dribbling)
- Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
- LUTS (Lower urinary tract symptoms)
- UA to exclude UTI — painless hematuria is common
- DRE will reveal “firm, smooth, symmetrically enlarged” prostate**
- Measurement of PSA in men w/ life expectancy more than 10 years
- PSA is measurement of protein produced by prostate when it is “BUSY”*** (I.e Making additional tissue)
- DRE & PSA is most sensitive diagnostic test
- Mild — Observe and reassure
- Moderate — Alpha blocker; Laser or microwave (minimally invasive); TURP
- Severe — Alpha blocker + 5 alpha-Reductase inhibitor; laser or microwave; TURP; Open Surgery
-Current Available Medications?
- Alpha Blockers — Flomax (Tamsulosin)
- 5 alpha-Reductase inhibitors — Proscar
- Combination Therapy — alpha blocker + 5 alpha-Reductase inhibitor; Tx for moderate to severe symptoms
Take med at bedtime d/t BP effect of med
Prostate Cancer
- MOST COMMON neoplasm in men other than skin cancer
- 2nd leading cause of death of men >55 yrs
- 1 in 6 males in US will be diagnosed in lifetime
Prostate Cancer
-Clinical Presentation
- Asymptomatic in early stages
- Symptoms increase QUICKLY in first 1 to 2 months (BPH is SLOW progression)
- New Onset & rapid erectile dysfunction
- Urinary hesitancy, urgency, Nocturia & frequency
Prostate Cancer
-Risk Factors
- Advancing age
- African American and Jamaican American — mortality of black is twice that of white men
- Positive Fam Hx
- High fat diet
Prostate Cancer
-Physical Exam
- Firm nodule on rectal examination — indication, or stony asymmetric prostate on exam
- Differential Dx:
- Bladder output obstruction
- Prostatitis
Prostate Cancer Screening
- Screening in average-risk men — 50 yrs w/ average life expectancy >10 yrs
- Screening in high-risk men — 40-45 yrs OR 10 yrs before 1st degree relative
-Definition and Info
- Non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland — inflammation
- Often Chronic
- 50% of men will experience in lifetime
- Treatment has low predictability of success
4 Types of Prostatitis
- Acute bacterial prostatitis — Look sick — fever, pain, etc. — Sexually active men 30-50 yrs —associated w/ UTI & has abrupt onset
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis (3-6 months) — Pt’s >50 yrs old — major cause of bacteriemia
- Acute or chronic non-bacterial prostatitis OR pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)
- Prostatodynia — saddle pain
- Most Common bacteria is — E. Coli (55-88%)
RISK Factor
-Athletes who run long distances and have vigorous exercise regimens predisposed to prostatitis**