Module 7: GI Flashcards
GI Complaints
- Recent Surgery?
- Woman of childbearing age (Ectopic pregnancy r/o)
- Age, lifestyle, exercise, risk factors
- Chronic Illness
- Meds
- General appearance — Do they look ill??
Abdominal Pain
-Clues of an emergent patient?
- Fever
- Unstable VS’s
- Appearance
- Tender or rigid abdomen
- Referred pain, guarding, or rebound tenderness
Rigid Abdomen Tests?
-Psoas Sign?
- Lying on back, have patient raise leg against resistance on thigh
Rigid Abdomen Tests?
-Obturator Sign?
- Pelvic abscess, ruptured appendix Test
—Lying supine, flex right leg 90 degrees at hip and knee
Rigid Abdomen Tests?
-Rovsing’s Sign
- Test for peritoneal irritation & appendicitis
—Palpate LLQ Abdomen and increased pain on the RLQ
Rigid Abdomen Tests?
-Murphy’s sign
- Test for Cholecystitis
—Palpate RUQ w/ patient breathing in deeply
Rigid Abdomen Tests?
-Markle Sign?
- Heel jar test
—Test for appendicitis & Peritoneal irritation
Common GI Disorders
-Acute/Surgical Abdomen
- Appendicitis
- Pancreatitis
- Cholecystitis
- Small bowel obstruction/Ischemia
REFER to ER/Surgery
Surgical Abdomen
-Appendicitis Exam Findings
- WBC’s — normal to moderate elevated WBC’s w/ LEFT shift**
- +Psoas sign and abdominal rigidity
- Anorexia
Surgical Abdomen
-Appendicitis Differentials?
- Nephrolithiasis
- MI
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Cholecystitis; pancreatitis
Surgical Abdomen
-Acute Pancreatitis Hx?
- Common causes — ETOH abuse
- Also caused by: Gallstones, trauma, hypertriglyceridemia
- ACE-I, statins, sulfonamides, metronidazole, acetaminophen, diuretics - Common differentials?
- Gallbladder disorder, Ulcer, PID, ectopic, AAA (Pg 707)
Surgical Abdomen
-Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Picture
- Sudden onset pain, N/V
- Epigastric tenderness, guarding, fever, jaundice, hemodynamic instability
- Bruising of periumbilicus or flank
- Elevated lipase, amylase, WBC’s and ALT.
- Imagine — US/CT scan — pancreatic protocol
- REFER to ER/Surgery
- High mortality —pancreatic necrosis
Chronic Pancreatitis
-Presentation & info
- Epigastric pain that radiates to back of the chest or flank
- N/V as well - Caused by ETOH or Lipid disorders — Gallstones
- PE reveals — pain, weight loss, steatorrhea, & brittle diabetes
- Order Labs & studies
—CBC, CMP, lipase & amylase
—Abdominal imagine —US or CT or MRI
Chronic Pancreatitis
-Patient Education
- Low fat diet
- Hydration w/ water
- Guidance on when to seek ER care
Cholecystitis & Cholelithiasis
- Female, Fat, Fertile, Forty, Fat-intolerant, Flatulent
- Obstruction of cystic duct by gallstones/inflammation of gallbladder
- Progression of Dz
- Asymptomatic, sludge to stones — cholelithiasis (stones) — Impaction/obstruction
Cholecystitis & Cholelithiasis
- MI
- Liver Dx
- Pancreatitis
Common Episodic GI Complaints
- Acute N/V/D
- 2nd most common cause for missed work — bacterial, viral or parasitic
- Fever/diarrhea >2 days or travel — Stool cultures / Labs
- R/O Pregnancy, Med reactions, GI OBSTRUCTION**
- Differentials:
- Infectious diarrhea, IBS, IBD
Common Episodic GI Complaints
-Gastroenteritis Clinical Encounter
- Define Diarrhea
- 7 elements of HPI
- Recent antibiotics? Hospitalization?
- Food borne illness? - Most common infection — E Coli, Shigella, Salmonella
- Concerning when:
—Fever, dehydration, presence of blood >2-3 weeks
Common Sources of Food-borne illness?
- Seafood — viruses & parasites
- Dairy — Listeria
- Beef — E. coli
- Pork — Trichonella
- Poultry and eggs — Salmonella
- Produce — E. coli, cyclospora
- Water — Typhoid, cholera, Giardia, Amoebiasis
Common Episodic GI Complaints
-Gastroenteritis Management?
- Self-limiting
- NPO x 24 hrs after last episode — Progress to clear fluids and advance as tolerated
—Hydration and electroLYTE balance is KEY
-Travelers & Travel Hx
- 3-4 unformed stools in 24 hrs
- E Coli, viruses, parasites
- Prevention/Pre-travel education is key
-Cipro or Levaquin **
-Pseudomembranous Colitis: C. Diff
- Abx use in past 3 months (PCN, Ceph), Acid suppressants*
- STOP causative ABX, order stool culture
- Hydration & hand washing - Admit if:
- Dehydration, fever, peritonitis, sudden cessation of diarrhea
-Treatment of C. Diff
- Flagyl
- Vancomycin
- Probiotics
Common Episodic GI Complaints
-Constipation Causes?
- Medications — Ca-channel blockers, opiates, Anticholinergics, Iron supplements
- Pregnancy
- Inactivity
- Pain
- Diet, dehydration
- Endocrine/CNS disorders (DM, Hypothyroidism, MS)
Common Episodic GI Complaints
-Constipation Management
- Lifestyle is #1 — Increase fiber intake (30g/day), Water, & Exercise
- Avoid skipping meals - Change causative meds (Opioids, Iron)
- Acute signs — consider imaging
- Consider colonoscopy/GI referral based on risk
- Consider Ultrasound based on presentation
Common Episodic GI Complaints
-GI Bleed Differentials
- Upper GI (Hematemesis)—Ulcers, varices, esophagitis, CA
- Stomach — Ulcers
- Lower GI — Hematochezia & Melena
—Causes: Diverticulitis, CA, Polyps, IBD
Common Episodic GI Complaints
-GI Bleed: Emergent Vs. Outpatient?
- PE, labs and stability
- Determine cause to treat outpatient
- Imaging
—Colonoscopy, EGD, CT - Labs
—CBC, Coags, ABO, CMP (LFT’s and serum creatinine)
Fetal occult test for Rectal bleeding