Module 11: HIV & Primary Care Flashcards
Types of HIV
- HIV-1
- More common worldwide
- Easier perinatal transmission - HIV-2 (RARE in US)
- Less easily transmitted
- Less Pathogenic
- Less likelihood perinatal transmission
- Breaks down body’s defense
- Infects specific WBC’s
- Weakens immune system - AIDS
- Attacks the immune system
- Reduces WBC’s
- Symptoms or illnesses that result from HIV infection
Stages of HIV & AIDS
- Stage 0 — Early diagnosis; CD4 >/=200 or >/=14% —
- Stage 1 or 2 — No AIDS defining condition
- Stage 3 — CD4=200 or =14% OR Having an AIDS defining condition (Ex. Thrush, toxoplasmosis, meningitis
- AIDS diagnosis needs to be STAGE 3**
- AIDS diagnosis stays even when CD4 goes back up above 200
-Goal of Care?
- Diagnose
- Establish Care
- Retention in Care
- Viral Suppression
-Risk Factors
- Unprotected Sex — Vaginal & anal
- Needle sharing
- Perinatal Transmission (HIV-1)
- Substance Abuse Hx
- Accidental Needle stick
- Blood transfusion (prior to 1985)
- STI’s — Increase susceptibility with GC
- Mental Illness
- Binding & entry
- Reverse transcription (RNA converted to DNA)
- Integration — into host cell DNA
- Synthesis of viral proteins
- Budding from the cell — start the process w/ new cells
Each part of the process can be blocked** Meds
-Natural Course of HIV
- Viral Transmission — Person to person
- Acute retroviral syndrome — Primary infection occurs (S/Sx resemble mono) — highest viral load **
- Recovery and Seroconversion — Antibody (infection) development takes 4 wks to 3 months — high risk pt should test q3 months
- Asymptomatic Chronic HIV Phase — Lasts from 3 months to 15 years
- Symptomatic Infection — Physical symptoms start to manifest — Seen in Primary care — Mono like symptoms
- Death
-Common S/Sx during Acute HIV infection?
6 days to 6 weeks after transmission and lasts 3 wks — may spontaneously resolve
- Fever 90-96%
- Adenopathy 50-74%
- Sore throat 70%
- Rash 70%
- Myalgia
- HA
- Night sweats
COUGH is NOT part of Acute HIV infection***
-Initial Hx
Constitutional — Fever
HEENT — Sinus pain, sore throat, thrush, lymphadenopathy (acute infection), Hemoptysis
GI — Painful swallowing (Fungal esophagitis) N/V/D, Hematochesia
Neuro — Unilateral HA’s, Visual disturbances (CMV retinitis), CNS
Cognitive — AIDS related dementia? Memory
SENSITIVE Diagnosis. Pay attention
- Skin — Kaposi Sarcoma
- HEENT — Sinus tenderness, purulent drainage. Fundoscopic exam (CMV Retinitis), Mouth (Leukoplakia) Lymphadenopathy
- Chest — Consolidation, effusion; Xray if lung sounds normal w/ clinical suspicion
- Abdomen — Enlargement or tenderness of liver or spleen
- Rectum/Genitalia — PAP for invasive cervical carcinoma; endoscopy sigmoidoscopy (Colon lesions); Anal Pap and DRE (Anal CA Screen)
- Neuro — Detailed mental status exam; peripheral neuropathy; myopathy; CMV
-Initial Labs
- CBC w/ Diff — Anemia of chronic dz; lymphopenia
- CMP — LFT’s & Renal issues
- UA — Proteins and ketones
- Hepatitis Serologies — Hep A-C
- Gonorrhea/Chlamydia
- RPR — Syphilis test — If pt has had syphilis RPR will always be positive. Titer will tell status
- Cytomegalovirus/toxoplasmosis
- HLA B 5701 — If POSITIVE, Abagavir can cause SJS
-Additional Labs
- HIV Viral Load — Highest in acute phase
- CD4 T-cell count/Percentage (200/14)
- Quantiferon or T-spot (TB test)
- G6PD — Test for those Predisposed to hemolysis w/ sulfa drugs
- Dilated retina exam (MANDITORY w/ CD4 <50)
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) -5 major Classes?
- Nucleoside Reverse Transciptase Inhibitors (NUKES)
- Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
- Protease Inhibitors
- Fusion inhibitors/Entry Inhibitors
- Integrase Inhibitors
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) -When to Start?
- Recommended for ALL HIV-infected individuals, especially
- Pregnancy
- Hx of AIDS-defining illness
- HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) — common in African Americans
- Hepatitis B Coinfection — ART can treat hep b
- Age >50 years — Harder to bounce back with older age
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) -Benefits of new ART meds?
- Increased potency, durability, simplicity, safety
- Decrease emergence of resistance
- Decrease toxicity w/ earlier therapy
- Increase subsequent treatment options
- Risk of uncontrolled viremia at all CD4 levels
- Decrease transmission
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) -Benefits of Early therapy
- HIV-Associated Nephropathy (HIVAN) — Meds reduce this risk
- Liver disease progression from Hep B or C — ART’s treat Hep B
- Malignancies — reduce likelihood of AIDS defining and non-AIDS defining conditions
- Neurocognitive decline
- Blunted Immunological response owing to ART initiation at older age
- Persistent T-cell activation and inflammation