Module 8 Flashcards
What is Optimization?
- An attempt at doing something as near to perfect as possible.
- Optimize a website for specific devices and screens.
What is Redress?
To go back and make something right again.
What is syntax?
A set of rules of a particular language.
What is a variable in maths?
Unknown quantity or a quantity that may change.
What is a variable in cs?
information that may change.
What is SEO?
Search Engine Optomization.
The process of setting up a website so that it is more likely to appear near the top of search results for a specific sarch terms in a search engine.
What is Google AdWords?
Previous Google Ads, is a paid advertising service by Google. You set a budge and only pay when people click the ads.
What is the Web Crawler?
The program that retrieve websites to a index by matching the key word.
What is Social Bookmarking?
The share of bookmarks between people of a network. Ex: Pinterest, emailing someone with a link.
What is a Adder?
Is a part in computer that adds numbers together.
What are the two types of Adders?
Half adder and Full adder.
What is a channel?
Something that other things use as path. Ex: a wire is a channel for electricity.
What is the Chassis?
A frame or other internal supporting structures on which the parts that make up the device are mounted.
What is a Class?
A category or type of thing. Are used to describe one or more objects.
What is a Conducting Channel?
Something that passes electricity through it.
What is a Drain?
A place where stuff can leave an area. In a computer is the section fo a computer part where electricity flows out.
What is Heat Sink?
The part of the computer that prevents overheating. Ex: a fan.
What is logic?
Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
What are other names for CPU?
Computer processors
Control units
In an atom what is negative and positive?
Electrons are negative and protons positive.
What is a switch?
Something that can be palced in one of two or more physical states, and which modifies the opertation of a machine based on the state it is place in. Ex: the switch that turns the pc on and off.
What is LED?
Light-Emtting Diode.
Emit means to send out.
Diode is an electronic device that will allow electricity to pass through it in one direction only. Is also an semiconductor.
LED uses less electricity and are usually less hot therefor causing less change of fire.
What is ALU?
Arithmetic Logic Unit.
Part of the CPU that perform math and logical operations.
What is the ACC?
Temporarily stores the results of math performed by the ALU.
What is a Board?
Shrot for Printed Circuit Board.
Printed because the design of the circuit is printed on the board.
Boards are the thin plates where the circuit is printed on.
What is a Register?
A physical unique place in a computer where special types of information can be stored for the use o the CPU.
What is IR?
Instruction Register.
The part of a computer that stores the instruction that is currently being executed by the CPU.
What i IAR?
Instruction Address Register.
Stores the address of the next instruction that is to be moved over to the IR.
What is a Gate?
A tiny electronic part in a computer that is used to manipulate its electricity, so certain “true/false” logic is applied.
How and AND gate operates?
Outputs 1 only if both inputs are also 1.
How an OR gates works?
Outputs 0 only if both inputs are also 0.
How a NOT gate works?
Receive only one input.
It reverses the input.
If the input is 1, the outputs i 0.
How a XOR gate works?
If the inputs are the same, outputs 0.
If the inputs are differents, outputs 1.
How NAND gate works?
Is a gate that its input is the output of an AND gate.
It reverse the output of an AND gate.
Outputs 0 only if both inputs are 1.
How a NOR gate works?
Is a gate that its input is the output of an OR gate.
It reverse the output of an OR gate.
Outputs 1 only if both inputs are 0.
How XNOR gate works?
Is a gate that its input is the output of an XOR gate.
It reverse the output of an XOR gate.
If the inputs are differents, outputs 0.
What is Enable?
Something that is turned on and active.
What is an Enable Wire?
A wire that causes something to turn on.
Each memory location have its own enable wire.
The CPU uses them to control the operation of the memory locations in the computer.
The CPU turns the enable wire on by applying electricity and tells the memory location to send the information it has stored in it.
What is a “Set” Wire?
A wire the CPU uses to store information in a specific memory location. The CPU turns the set wire for that memory location on and then send the information to be sotred.
What is MAR?
Memory Address Register.
The par tof the CPU that hold the addresses for where various data can be found in a computer.
The computer looks at the MAR to find out:…
Addresses to locations where the computet can read from and write to.
What is the motherboard?
The board that connects all other pieces in a computer.
What is a socket?
- A place where two internal parts of a computer connect. Ex: The CPU connects to a socket in the motherboard.
- A connector used to connect your computer to other computers and devices. Ex: DVI socket. (port1)
- Non-physical virtual connector beetwen computers in a network. (port 2).
What is a Gate?
A tiny electronic part in a computer that is used to manipulate its electricity, so certain “true/false” logic is applied.