Module 1 Flashcards
What is a Machine?
A machine is something that uses energy to do things. Are most commonly made out of metal and plastic parts that work together. This parts can move or not.
What is a Computer?
A computer is an electronic machine that stores information, deals with information and compute information.
What Compute means?
Compute means to determine the answer of something.
What Computation means?
Computation is the action of calculating an answer to a problem, usually by using math.
What is Technology?
Application of practical scientific knowledge to solve a problem.
What is a Program?
A program is a written instruction, entered into the computer, that makes it perform certain tasks.
What is a Language?
Languages are communication systems that allow you to transfer ideas in written and spoken words.
What is a Computer Language or Programming Language?
Programming languages are organized systems of words, phrases and symbols that allow you to create programs.
What is an Operation in mathematics?
An operation in mathematics is a process or a series of actions that results in an outcome. For example: 2 + 2 = 4 is an “add” operation.
What is an Operation done by a computer?
An action or a set of actions created by a person that makes a computer do something. Example: turn the screen black if the computer is undisturbed for five minutes.
What is Computer Science?
Is a mathematical and scientifc study of the principles and possible uses of computers.
What is Data?
Is just information that the computer uses.
What is a system?
A system is a group of things that work together in an orderly fashion.
What is a cursor?
Is the symbol that indicates that text input is acceptable. Do not mistake with pointers, like the mouser pointer.
What is a command?
Something the computer is told to do.
What CPU stands for?
Central Processing Unit.
What is the CPU?
It is the part of the computer that controls all the actions the computer does.
What is Input?
It is information put into a computer.
What is Output?
Is data sent out from a computer to other devices, like the screen.
What is the Focus of a computer?
Focus refers to the thing on a computer display where the attention of the computer program is currently placed. It is normally set by the mouse.
What are the two meaning of Format?
Format can be the way something is laid out, designed, and put together. It is not the data itself, but the information ABOUT the data, how it’s arranged. Ex: SoupRecipe.txt has the format txt.
Format also means preparing a computer’s memory device. Ex: format a hard drive.
What is a numeral?
A symbol, word, figure, or letter that express a number. 1,001 is a numeral.
What is a Digit?
A Digit is a single symbol that represents a quantity and makes up a numeral. Ex: 0, 1, 2, …, and 9 are digits and numerals. 24 is numeral made up of the digits 2 and 4. 24 is not a digit.
Explain the relation between numbers, numerals and digits.
Number is a mathematcial object that is used to count, measure and label things. A numeral is a linguistic expression of the number and a digit is the single unit that make up numeral.
What is a number system.
Is a system for naming and representing quantities. It’s concerned with how many digits will be used and what symbols will be used.
What Digital means?
Digital means that a circuit or device represents magnitudes in digits. The opposite is Analog.
How many states a Digital circuit can be at the same time?
Only one state.
What is a Wave?
A wave is a flow of energy which changes over time. It’s how energy moves through space. Ex: Light.
What is wavelength?
It’s the physical distance between one point in a wave and the next identical same point. It has to be the same quantity and direction (rising or falling).
What is a transistor?
Is something that can alter the flow of electricity in something. It can let electricity flow through it, it can stop the flow of electricity through it, or it can make the flow of electricity even bigger.
What is a transistor?
Is something that can alter the flow of electricity in something. It can let electricity flow through it, it can stop the flow of electricity through it, or it can make the flow of electricity even bigger.
What IT stands for?
Information Technology.
What is IT?
IT is the study and use of machines (especially computers) that store, send, and receive data.