Module 5 Flashcards
How the Router facilitates the connections of networks?
By being connected by all computers, each computer through the router can get to any other computer of the network.
Explain the Ethernet.
It’s the hardware and protocols of wired connection. All the specification agreed upon that make the wire are part of the ethernet.
What is a workstation?
A workstation is a computer that is typically used for some type of technical or scientific work. The name emerged from the computers that are the terminals of mainframes.
What is the relation of terminals (workstations) and mainframes?
The mainframe process the data and the terminal is a workstation where someone can request the mainframe to do something.
Describe the route of the request from your computer through the internet to access a website.
Resquest a website through a webrowser -> the modem modulates the request and send it to the router -> the router send the request to the ISP (internet service provider) -> ISP uses DNS (domain name system) to identify the host and request the website-> the website file is returned.
Who gives out digital certificates?
A CA - Certificate authority.
What is a digital certificate?
Evidence that a website is secure to uses.
How can you know if a website has a digital certificate?
- The website has an “s” (for secure) after “http”.
- Browser can verify if a site has a certificate.
What encrypt means?
To encode information in a way it can’t be undertood by regular means.
What SSL stands for?
Secure Sockets Layer.
What is TSL and what it stands for?
TSL is the evolution of SSL - Transport Layer Security.
What is SSL?
A protocol for encrypting information on computer networks. A site can have a certificate that it properly applies the protocol.
What is the “Handshake”?
A handshake is when two things (computers, machines, etc.) establish a connection.
How the internet provider verifies if a handshake can happen when using https?
- The ISP first verify if the webserver has a certificate file that allows the webserver to use the https protocol.
- If the computer has the certificate file, the ISP verifies with a CA if it is a real one.
- If it is a real one, then the request is delivered to the webserver.
What the word dynamic means?
Dynamic refers to actions that take place the moment they are needed, rather than in advance. A restaurant that prepares your food to your specifications, when you order, would be dynamic.
What dynamic means in computers?
The computer processes your request right when you ask it to.
What DHTML stands for?
Dynamic HyperText Markup Language.
What is DHTML capable of?
Can modify the HTML that was used in the browser without having to replace the HTML file on the web server.
What is Optics?
The sutdy of visible and invisible light.
What is Fiber opctics?
A physical cable that can be used to transfer information over long distances.
What is the advantage of Fiber opctics?
The information travels at the speed of light.
What is a Home page?
Is the main web page on a website?
What is the common name for the file of the Home page and why?
index.html, because serves are programmed to utilize this files as landing pages.
What is a script?
computer instructions that automates a task so that a multi-part task can occur without your involvement. Allows dynamic content on webpages.
What are scripting languages?
Languages used to make sripts.
What XML stands for?
Extensible Markup Language.
What XML does?
Allows the programmer to come up with their own markup tags. These new tags don’t format the content, instead they represent structured data (the characteristics of things and how they are organized).
Give an example of an XML design (XML definiton) and application.
<name>John Birch</name>
<name>Shirley Temple</name>
What Parse means?
To analyze the structure of a written document.
How are called computers that can read through XML files and work with the data.
XML parsers.
What XHTML stands for?
Extensible HyperText Markup Langugage.
What is XHTML?
An advancement of HTML that is no longer commonly used.
What “Scrambling” means?
To making something jumbled. Enssentially encrypting.
What broadcast means?
Send information (audio/or videos content etc) over a vast area for whon wants to receive it.
What are the two meaning of Core?
- Old term for main memory of a computer.
- Slang for the key part of a CPU. The part that process information.
What is IXP and what it stands for?
Internet Exchange Point is a hardware that different ISP use to exchange internet traffic. IXPs allows ISPs to team up and thereby increase internet speed.
What is a peer in english?
Is a person or thing that is considered equal to another person or thing in some regard.
What is a peer in computer science?
A computer that is considered at the same functional or hierarchical level as another connected computer.
What stablishing peer-to-peer relationship means?
Connecting computer so that they can all proved data or services to each other.
In a P2P connection all computers are…
… servers and clients.
What is JPEG?
Joint Photographyc Experts Group, is a type of electronic file that stores images.
What is FTP?
File Transfer Protocol.
What is “Cache”?
A set of computer memory where information can be stored for later use.
What is a “Cookie”?
A set of information that a website causes to be stored on your computer for later use, making it faster to load.
Which software manage the cookies?
The web browser.
What are the two types of cookies?
- Temporary: it expires when a web brouser session ends (usually when closed down).
- Persistent: The informations ramins in your computer until its expiration date is due.
What is a malware?
A software that performs actions designed to harm a computer or other programs.
What is a virus?
A malware that is designed to alter the way a computer works in malicious ways and replicate itself.
What is a font?
A type and style used in displaying and printing text.
What is word processing?
Actions that a word processor does.
What is inbox?
Its where all electronic mail messages are stored when they first arrive.
What is sharepoint?
Is a Microsoft program on the cloud used as project managent tool and that uses version control.
What is snapshot in technology?
A recording of the state of a dynamic thing at a specific moment in time. Ex: The record of sales of a company at 8:00.
What is “Source”?
The emanation or origination point of something. Ex: a spring is a source of water.
What is “sourcing”?
Receiving something from a particular source. Ex: finding people that supply goods and services.
What is “Outsourcing”?
Finding another person or company to handle some of your work.
What is a “log”?
Written record with the description of thing that happen are added over time.
What is a “Blog” and what is it short for?
Web log or weblog. It is a website that works as a log that people can access ovcer the internet.
What is Version control?
The track of multiple versions of computer files as they change over time.
What are the two primary data management capabilities of VCS and what it stands for?
Version control system.
1. It allows to prevent conflicts in a file when two users edit the exact same content at the same time.
2. A log of files.
What is a version?
An exact snapshot of something at a specific point in time.
What is “Crowdsourcing”?
When you get other people (outside of your company and other than yourself) to help you with a project. Ex: crowdfunding.
What is an Error?
An error is a difference between the desired performance of a computer and the actual performance or behavior of a computer.
What is a Bug?
An error in a computer program that impairs or prevents its operation.