module 8 Flashcards
refers to both the structures and processes involved in both the storage and retrieval of information. Not to be confused with “a memory,” which typically refers to our recollection of a specific event.
search metaphor
A way of describing the processes involved in memory using terms and phrases that relate them to looking around in physical or virtual space.
failure of search
The way that an inability to remember something is often described.
reconstruction metaphor
A reconstruction metaphor for memory describes how we primarily use memory to cobble together a useful response using both what we know and the situation around us.
The process of how information is initially learned.
The process of maintaining information about an event over time (whether short or long).
storage problem
The problem the brain must solve to maintain information in the brain over time, whether short or long.
encoding problem
The problem the brain must solve to transform an experience into a memory.
iconic memory vs echoic memory
visual memory auditory memory
immediate memory/short term/working memory
A system that actively holds on to a limited amount of information so that it can be manipulated and processed.
What are three main components of memory
representation, duration, capacity
The kind of information a memory system contains. Often, this is described in terms of how the information is represented or “coded.”
inner voice
The mental experience of hearing yourself talk “in your head.” The inner voice is taken as evidence for verbal representation in immediate memory.
inner eye
The mental experience of seeing something using your imagination. The inner eye is taken as evidence for visual representation in immediate memory.
how many items can be kept in your memory span
how many items can be kept in your memory span
memory span
The number of items that can be kept active in immediate memory at one time.
working memory model
A model of immediate memory that emphasizes its role as a system for manipulating information in consciousness.
episodic memories
memories who’s content pertains to specific event
semantic memories
Memories whose contents relate to specific facts and pieces of meaningful information not based on personal experience.
elaborative rehearsal T
The process of actively manipulating information in immediate memory to meaningfully connect it to other information already stored in long-term memory.
deep processing
Encoding new information through making meaningful connections to existing knowledge.
shallow processing
Encoding information based only on its surface characteristics.
massed practice
term for repeated exposure to or study of to-be-remembered information over a very short period of time or without gaps between repetitions.
spacing effect
The observation that learning is most robust when repeated exposure to or study of to-be-remembered material occurs over a longer timeframe.
explicit memory
Remembering that occurs consciously and with intent.
implicit memory
Remembering that occurs without conscious realization or intent.