Module 7 Flashcards
What is the broadest definition of learning?
change in behavior’s due to experience
are reflexes learned or innate
Pavlovian conditioning define
occurs when we associate two events—a signal and what’s signaled.
what is social (vicarious) learning
learn something by watching others
what is latent learning?
you learn something but don’t show it till necessary
what is Ivan Pavlov’s experiment
feeding dogs and dogs started salivating when he put on his coat preparing for meat powder
Pavlovian conditioning
one seemingly insignificant event signals an important event
(a) we can detect, (b) is measurable, and (c) can evoke a response or behavior.
unconditional stimulus
biologically important event needs no conditioning
unconditional response
biologically important response due to unconditional stimuli
conditional stimulus
requires learning to be meaningful and is only meaningful because event tells us something about unconditional stimulus
conditional response
learned response due to conditional stimuli in preparation for unconditional stimuli
Conditional stimulus
unconditional stimulus
what is taste aversion learning
we eat a food and then several hours later we experience illness. Now subject avoids that food when faced with it
when the conditional response goes away; conditional stimulus is presented alone and conditional response decreases
a conditional stimulus presented alone after a rest period will elicit a conditional response this is known as
spontaneous extinction
resurgence behavior
spontaneous recovery
spontaneous recovery
Stimulus generalization
an animal notices similarities between two objects than starts responding to them as if they are the same thing
Stimulus discrimination
an animal notices differences between two objects than starts responding to them as if they are the different things
who created the law of effect? what is it?
Thorndike. consequence of behaviour
to associate a situation with behavior when that behavior leads to something pleasant
we do not associate a situation with behavior when that behavior leads to something unpleasant.
tells us something about the consequence of our actions
are stimuli that can increase or decrease the probability of future behavior.
three behavioral effects of extinction
Temporary increase in responding—an extinction burst
Emotional and aggressive responding
Responding eventually stops
what are reinforcers
stimulus that is presented as a consequence that it increases the behaviour
primary reinforcer
biologically important consequences that increases behaviour
secondary reinforcer
a conditioned reinforcer in which a consequence is associated with a primary reinforcer that will make behabiour more likely
who came up with latent learning
who came up with social learning
albert bandura
who conducted the experience of little albert
J.B Watson