(Module 7)Non-Communicable Diseases Flashcards
Risk factors for non-communicable diseases/cancer
Aspects of life such as smoking, overeating and lack of exercise
Substances from the environment such as UV light and second hand tobacco smoke
Viral infection
What are casual mechanisms/what are they used for
Casual mechanisms explain how one factor effects another through a biological process
It shows correlations between lifestyle factors as non-communicable diseases
What causes cancer
Malignant tumour cells
A cell has a problem, but reproduces rapidly and passes security checks in cell mitosis
What is a benign tumour
This is a group of cells which have uncontrollably grown. They grow until there is no more room because it stays within a membrane, and does not leave. Isn’t normally dangerous, and isn’t cancerous
What is a malignant tumour
This is a tumour which spreads because it is not controlled by a membrane.
Cells can break off and spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream
They then invade healthy tissues and form secondary tissues
They can be dangerous and fatal - they are cancerous
What are mutations?
Changes in the genetics
What link do genes have to breast cancer
The BRCA genes can mutate and lead to an increased likelihood of breast and ovarian cancer
What are the two main ways of treating cancer and how do they work?
This is where doses of radiation are targeted at the cancer cells. This stops mitosis, but also damages healthy cells
Cure rates are being improved by different types of radiation
Chemicals are used to stop cancer cells from dividing or to make them “self destruct”
Why is smoking dangerous
Nicotine gets you addicted
150 chemicals in them linked to disease
E.g carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas which replaces oxygen, leading to a lack of breath
How does smoking affect the heart
The chemicals in tobacco smoking affect the heart and blood vessels
Casual mechanisms have linked these chemicals to cardiovascular disease
Smoking also ages the blood vessels
Smoking increases chance if coronary heart disease
Smoking during pregancy
Causes 700 baby deaths per year in the UK
This is cause smoking causes a lack of oxygen, which means a lack of oxygen for the baby
How does smoking affect the lungs
The chemicals disorientate the cilia, allowing dirt and pathogens inside
Tar also builds up in the lungs, turning them from pink to grey
How does exercise affect fat build up
Exercising regularly means that more food is needed for exercise, so that that excess food is used for energy rather than fat
How does exercise make you stay healthy
Builds up muscles
Reduces food made into fat
More muscle tissue increases your metabolic rate
A higher metabolic rate decreases the likelihood of becoming overweight, developing arthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure
What happens in diabetes type 1
This is where the body does not produce ENOUGH insulin. Therefore, the person has to monitor what they eat, exercise amd sometimes inject them self
What happens in diabetes type 2
This is where the body is resistant to insulin and so does not use it.
The person must monitor their diet and exercise
What is ionising radiation
This is where the radiation penetrates the cells and damages the chromosomes, creating mutations in the cells
Taken from:
ultraviolet rays from the sun
Radioactive materials found in the soil, water and air
Medical and dental X-rays
Accidents in power generators e.g CHERNOBYL