Module 7 - Engineering Disciplines Flashcards
Three categories of system engineering
System Elements
Enabling System Elements
A system is an aggregation of system elements and enabling system elements that achieves a given purpose or provides a needed capability
System Elements
System elements include configuration items, subsystems, segments, components, assemblies, and parts.
Enabling System Elements
The enabling system elements provide the means for delivering a capability into service, keeping it in service, or ending its service, and may include those processes or products necessary for developing, producing, testing, deploying, and sustaining the system.
Systems Engineering
Invloves design and management of a total system that includes hardware, software, and interoperability as well as other system life cycle elements
The functions of Science and Technology
Transitions technological developments for use by oeprational forces
Demonstartes new and emerging technologies that have a direct application to military systems
Evaluates the technologies intended to be implemented into future military systems to inform aquisition decisions
Test and Evaluation
Compares system or components agaisnt requirments and specifications through testing
Results evaluated to assess progress of design, performance, and supportability
Life Cycle Logistics (LCL)
Multifunctional, technical management disicpline associated with the entire life cycle of a system.
Two principle objectives to ensure that:
- Support considerations are an integral part of the systems design requirments so that the system can be cost effectively supported
- Infrastructure elements necessary for the initial fielding and operational support of the system are identified, developed, and acquired
Production, Quality, and Manufacturing (PQM)
Goal is to ensure producibility of the system design (relative ease of manufacturing and item or system)
A document that establishes unifrom engineering or technical criteria, methods, processes, and practices
Document prepared to support acquisition that describes essential technical requirements for materiel and the criteria for determining whether those requirements are met
Two types:
- Performance specifications
- Detailed specifications
Performance specifications
Describes the function, performance, and interfaces associated with a product, but does not specify the explicit design and materials that will be used to achieve that performance.
Detailed specifications
Describes explicitly how the product solution is to be achieved.
Systems Engineering in Material Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase
Translate viable concepts (whose functionality can be traced to requirements) into designs.
Through the AoA, assessment is made of critical technologies, tech maturity, and tech risk to determine best possible system solution
Systems Engineering in Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase
Reduce technological risk to determine and mature the appropriate set of technologies to be integrated into a full system
Reduce technological, engineering, integration, Life Cycle COst risks to facilitate a contract decision for Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase
Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase
Entry into EMD represents program initiation
Require mature technology, approved capability needs (Approved CDD) and funding
Focuses on system level integartion of technologies and subsystems
Critical Design review executed in this phase
Typical System Engineerign Processes during Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase
Stabalization of system level req and development of detailed designs
Extensive DT, OT, and Live Fire Testing
Fabrication of production representative articles
Demonstration in operational environments
Demonstrate controlled manufacturing processes.
Determine availability of industrial production capabilities
Production and Deployment (P&D) Phase
Low-Rate initial production (LRIP)
Min quantity of articles to support IOT&E and Full-up System Level (FUSL) Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E)
Orderly increase in production rate
Full rate production Decision
Deployment of IOC and FOC
Operation and Support (O&S) Phase
Modifications based on military threat changes
End of life disposal
Three System Engineering Decomposition Technical Processes
(Descending order)
Stakeholder Requirements Definition
Requirements Analysis
Architecture Design
Five System Engineering Decomposition Technical Processes
(Ascending order)
Implementation - create the actual system from designa nd requirments
Integration - assemble lower level systems into high level systems
Verification - evidence the system performas its intended fucntions and meets performance requirments
Validation - evidence capabiltiy provided in oeprational enviroment
Transition - system moved to next level of physicla architecture or fielded to the user
System Engineering V Triangle
Operational Need
Validated Solution
Delivered Capability
System Engineering Technical Management Processes
Decision Analsysis
Technical Planning
Technical Assessment
Requirements Management
Risk Management
Configuration Management
Technical Data Management
Interface Management