Module 2 - Joint Capabilities Integration and Development Systems Flashcards
JCIDS Primary Objective
Ensure that the capabilities required by the Joint Warfighter to successfully execute their mission are identified with their associated operational performance criteria
CJCSI 5123.01
- Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Instructions: provides policies and procedures for developing, reviewing, validating, and approving capabilities documents required by the JCIDS
- Establishes procedures ad policies that assist the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (CJCS) in identifying, assessing, and prioritizing join military needs
Manual for the Operations of the JCIDS
Provides information for the development of requirements documents
Capabilities Based Assessment (CBA)
The analysis portion of the JCIDS process. The CBA provides recommendations to pursue material or non-material solutions to an identified capability gap that meets an established capability need. The result is that the CBA supports the development of operational capability requirements documents (Initial Capabilities Document) in the defense acquisition system.
Three phases of CBA:
* Functional Area Analysis (FAA)
* Functional Needs Analysis (FNA)
* Functional Solutions Analysis (FSA)
Capabilities Based Assessment (CBA) Objectives
- Define the mission;
- Identify capabilities required;
- Determine the attributes/standards of the capabilities;
- Identify gaps;
- Assess the operational risk associated with the gaps;
- Prioritize the gaps;
- Identify and assess potential non-material solutions;
- Conduct an initial assessment of the viability of the potential approaches or solutions;
- Provide recommendations for (non-material or material) addressing the gaps.
Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)
- Required for the Material Development Decision
- Summarizes the CBA results
- Validates the need for the Materiel Solution
- Defines capability gaps
- Makes specific recommendation on the type of Materiel Solution needed to close capability gaps
- Can be developed by the Joint Warfighter, Joint Staff, or other functional agencies or sponsors
Capabilities Development Document (CDD)
Developed during the Tech Maturation and Risk Reduction Phase to guide Engineering, Manufacturing & Development Phase with measurable and testable capabilities
* ID operational performance attributes necessary to design the proposed system
* Is system specific and applies to a single increment of the program’s development
* Is prepared and staffed in accordance with CJCSI 5123.01H
Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) Format
- Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Summary
- Joint Capability Area
- Required Capability
- Capability Gaps and Overlaps or Redundancies
- Threat and Operational Environment
*Ideas for Non-Materiel Approaches (DOTMLPF Analysis) - Final Recommendations
- Mandatory Appendices
- Appendix A: Integrated Architecture Products
- Appendix B: References
- Appendix C: Acronym List
CDD Acquisition Milestone/Phase Approval Criteria
- Draft CDD: Entrance criterion for the Request for Proposal (RFP) release in support of the TMRR Phase
- Draft CDD: Milestone A decision.
- Validated CDD: Development RFP Release Decision Point.
- Validated CDD: Milestone B decision.
- Validated CDD: Prior to EMD Phase when Milestone B is not required.
Key Performance Parameters (KPP)
Key system capabilities that must be met for a system to meet its operational goals set by the user/customer
Four mandatory KPPs:
* System Survivability
* Force Protection
* Energy
* Sustainment
Key System Attribute (KSA)
System capability considered crucial in support of achieving a balanced solution/approach to a Key Performance Parameter (KPP) or some other key performance attribute deemed necessary by the sponsor.
Three mandatory KSAs:
* Availability
* Reliability
* Ownership Cost / Total Ownership Cost (TOC)
Measure of the degree to which an item is in an operable state and can be committed at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at an unknown (random) point in time.
There are four (4) availability measurements:
* Inherent Availability
* Achieved Availability
* Operational Availability (AO)
* Materiel Availability
Inherent Availability
- A system with respect only to operating time and corrective maintenance.
- It ignores standby and delay times associated with preventive maintenance as well as Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT) and may be calculated as the ratio of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) divided by the sum of MTBF and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
Achieved Availability
- A system with respect to operating time and both corrective and preventive maintenance.
- It ignores Mean Logistics Delay Time (MLDT) and may be calculated as Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM) divided by the sum of MTBM and Mean Maintenance Time (MMT)
Operational Availability (AO)
- The percent of time the equipment or weapon system is available for use.
- expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1, or the percentage equivalent
Materiel Availability
Percentage of the total inventory of a system operationally capable of performing an assigned mission at a given time, based on materiel condition.
The ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time.
Joint Performance Requirements (JPRs)
- Performance attributes designated critical by the Joint Staff
- All KSAs designated as JPRs are upgraded to KPPs
Total Ownership Cost (TOC)
Includes the elements of a program’s life-cycle cost, as well as other related infrastructure or business processes costs not necessarily attributed to the program in the context of the defense acquisition system