Module 1 - System Acquisition Management Flashcards
What is the primary objective of the Systems Acquisition Management process?
Provide measurable improvements in mission capabilities
Which institutions designs, produces, supports and upgrades defense systems?
Who provides an independent assessment of the effectiveness and suitability of new weapon systems?
Director, operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E)
DoDI 5000.85
Major Capability Acquisition: establishes policy and prescribes procedures that guide the acquisition of major capability acquisition programs including:
* Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPS)
* Other programs categorized as acquisition category (ACAT) I
* Major systems, usually categorized as ACAT II
* Automated information systems (AIS) (Not managed by other acquisition pathways)
* Other capabilities developed via the major capability acquisition pathway
ACAT I Thresholds
RDT&E >$525M or Proc >$3.065B (FY20 dollars)
ACAT II Thresholds
RDT&E $525M>$200M or Proc $3.065B>$920M (FY20 dollars)
ACAT II Thresholds
RDT&E <$200M or Proc <$920M (FY20 dollars)
Overarching IPT (OIPT)
- Program and Process Oversight and Review
- Guidance, Program Assessment, and Resolve Issues.
Working Level IPT
*Identify and Resolve Program Issues
*Determine Program Status
*Seek and Pursue Opportunities.
Program Level IPT
- Execute the Program
- Collaborate with Government and Industry
- Systems Engineering
- Logistics
- Testing and Evaluation
- Contracting
- Business and Finance
- Resource Sponsors
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) applies to who and guides/directs mangers to do what?
FAR applies to the entire Federal Government unless the DoD states otherwise. The FAR guides and directs DoD Program Managers in:
* Acquisition Planning
* Competition Requirements
* Contract Award Procedures
* Warranties
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) applies to who and guides/directs mangers to do what?
DFARS only applies to the DoD. The DFARS contain:
* Requirements of law
* DoD-wide policies
* Delegations of FAR authorities
* Deviations from FAR requirements
* Policies/procedures that have a significant effect on the public
Includes all of the elements needed to assist DoD in its mission of deterring or winning a war (HW, SW, Logistic support, personnel)
DoD acquires goods and services from contractors, federal arsenals, and shipyards to support military operations
Includes the tasks required to complete a specific project:
* Planning and Documentation
* Budgeting
* Organizing and Staffing
* Controlling Risk
* Leading
Primary Objective of Systems Acquisition Management
- Satisfy the needs of operational users
- Provide measurable improvements in mission
- Acquire systems in a timely manner at a fair and reasonable cost
Component-Unique FAR Supplements
Like DFARS, component-unique FAR supplements only apply to the DoD
DoDD 5000.01
The Defense Acquisition System: states the policies and principles that guide all defense acquisition programs and identifies the DoD key acquisition officials and forums
DoDI 5000.02
Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF): applies to all systems and services acquired via the Defense Acquisition System (DAS):
* AAF supports DAS with delivering effective, suitable, survivable, sustainable, and affordable solutions in a timely manner
* Milestone Decision Authorities (MDAs), other Decision Authorities (DAs), and Program Managers (PMs) have broad authority to plan and manage their programs with sound business practice
* AAF pathways provide opportunities for MDAs and PMs to develop strategies that match characteristics of the capability being acquired
Executive Branch Responsibilities
- Issue directives and regulations
- formulate, direct, and execute national security policy
Legislative Branch Responsibilities
- Set resource ceilings
- Provide Budget Authority for the Department of Defense
Defense Industry Responsibility
Design, produce, support, and upgrade defense systems
Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) and Deputy Secretary of Defense
Created by the National Security Act of 1947 to head DoD
Principle responsibilities:
* Principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to National Secuity
* General policies and programs for military departments and agencies
* Exercising direction, authority, and control over those entities
Defense Acquisition Board (DAB)
Senior level defense forum, responsibilities include:
* Advising the USD(A&S) on critical decisions concerning designation acquisition programs
* Holding formal meetings to review accomplishments to assess readiness to proceed
* Addressing issues such as cost growth, schedule delays, and failure to attain technical thresholds
* reviews result in USD(A&S) decision documented in ADM
Undersecretary of Defense Comptroller (USD(C))
Responsibilities include:
* Budgeting and Execution phases of PPBE
* Controlling the budget
* Releasing Funds
Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE)
Responsibilities include:
* Analyzing and advising on matters relating to PPBE System
* Formulating study guidance for and performance of AoAs for MDAPs
* Overseeing review, analysis, and evaluation of programs for executing approved strategies and policies
* Ensuring that program info is presented accurately and completely
* Assessing the effect of spending by the DoD on the US economy
Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
Responsibilities include:
* Providing responsive, forward thinking and insightful policy advice to ensure the alignment of DoD plans and National security objectives
* Approve certain aspects of programs involving other nations
* Maintaining responsibility for Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) during the planning face of PPBE
Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E)
Responsibilities include:
* Provide independent assessment of the operational effectiveness and suitability of new weapon systems
* Sending OT&E reports directly to the SECDEF and Congress
Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S))
Responsibilities include:
* Serving as the principal staff assistance and advisor to the SECDEF for everything related to DoD Acquisition:
*Research and Development
* Advance Tech
* Development and production
* Test and Eval
* Logisitics and procurement
* Installation management and MILCON
* Environment security
* Nuclear, chemical, and biological matters
Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E))
Responsibilities include:
* Chief tech Officer for DoD including development and oversight of tech strategy
* Developing breakthrough capabilities to hedge against future uncertainties
* Advising and assisting with rapid technology transitions
What is Risk
measure of future uncertainties in achieving program performance goals and objectives within defined cost, schedule, and performance constraints
Cost Risks
- Increases in material prices
- Higher than anticipated labor rates
- Regulatory compliance associated with Environment, Safety, Occupational Health (ESOH)
- Other factors that can change current program cost estimates
Schedule Risks
- Late Deliveries
- Political pressure
- Changing capability needs
- Lack of planning for compliance with ESOH laws and regs
Technical Risks
- Use of new material or processes
- Use of unproven tech
- Use of new applications to meet demanding user capability needs
- System designs unable to accommodate human performance characteristics for operation and maintenance
Four Risk Strategies
- Control
- Transfer
- Avoid
- Accept
Integrated Product Teams (IPTs)
- Multidisciplinary group of people who are collectively responsibile for delivering a defined product or process
- Composed of reps from all appropriate functional disciplines working together to:
- Build successful programs
- Identify and resolve issues
- Make sound and timely recommendations to facilitate decision making
Six Pathways in the Adaptive Acquisition Framework
- Urgent Capability Acquisition
- Middle Tier of Acquisition
- Major Capability Acquisition
- Software Acquisition
- Defense Business Systems
- Acquisition of Services
Three Major decision support systems
- Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
- Planning Programming Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) System
- Defense Acquisition System (DAS)