Module 5: Technical and Professional Relationships Flashcards
An example of a dual relationship (dual role) is?
Meryl Streep in Prime, where the relationship becomes an unequal power relationship which can be exploitive or harmful. Objectivity can be compromised and it becomes a conflict of interest.
Relationships can be either?
incidental or accidental and boundary-crossing (e.e crying in front of a client or attending a clients event).
Examples of crossing boundaries are?
giving gifts
accidental contact. i.e bump into a client at a coffee shop
Telling a client information about yourself
Examples of types of boundaries?
Role, going overtime, gifts, money, clothing, language, physical contact, accepting gifts
disclose nothing
Informed consent process not followed.
No agreed boundaries - provide local psych services for after-hours
Maybe the psych is not competent and should have referred
Set out clear boundaries, consent and level of services
Consider referral
Boundary Issues?
Provides a sense of trust and safety
Be aware of client vulnerability and potential for exploitation
Have a plan to resolve or minimise harm prior to a dual relationship
Ensure objectivity is not compromised
Multiple relationships
Avoid if possible, or carefully manage
Discuss with the client what you will do if you bump into them
Boundary crossings
Attending a clients special event, i.e birth of a baby - OK
A home visit to the elderly - OK
Boundary violation
sexual misconduct
Slippery slope
Exists but not as bad
as thought.
The ethics acculturation model
ethical and value traditions
contact and participation - the degree to which students adopt the norms and values. If they use both then they use an integration strategy
What happens if you develop an assimilation strategy?
They demonstrate literal compliance with rules and laws but lack a moral foundation that leads to overly simple applications
What may happen if the psych is overly strict?
He may not use interventions when he should
Integrations strategy
Psych is high on maintenance and contact. Best because the psych incorporates both ethics and personal values.
Is high in maintenance but low in contact and participation - more likely to make decisions on their personal values believing that they do not need to follow rules
Values of model maintenance
The degree to which psych retains ethical and value traditions
Contact and participation
The degree to which students adopt norms and values
Strategy - assimilation
The student over identifies with the professional standards, where they may lose their own value. Literal compliance with laws and values but loses the moral foundation
Strategy - marginalisation
Most problematic
Identify with both personal values and the professional culture. They are lax about following rules.
Positive ethics
More balance and integration where psych aspires to high standards. Is derived from biomedical inspirational principals
Behavioural economics
- Psychs fail to acknowledge their own biases and may rely on automatic, unconscious and intuitive heuristics or decision making.
- Making decisions that unconsciously favour the self
Self-serving bias
Result of empirical work in social psych and behavioural economics
What are the 4 independent factors of risk (Bloom)
taxonomy - intellectual
- patient characteristics
- context or setting
- potential disciplinary consequences
- psychotherapist factors
Blooms 6 levels of education
- knowledge - remembering memorised info
- comprehension - can translate and explain
- application - ability to apply info
- analysis, being able to break down to better understand
- synthesis - to combine info into meaningful structures
- evaluation - can judge how good is a strategy or view
How do students apply info at the application level?
routinely and mechanically
How do students apply info at the synthesis level
Apply strategies based on overall comprehensive principals
Informed consent - not possible to anticipate all probs
Peer consultation - they foster the integration strategy
when boundary issues have been identified document suggestions in client records
New models
Take psychotherapist factors into account but theoretical. Now need to test to find which are the best at predicting behaviour