Module 5: Lesson 1 - Grammar & vocabulary lesson plans Flashcards


Refresher: PPP plan for BE (similar to GE)


Scope: provides general information at the beginning of every lesson plan about the aim of the lesson, the number of students, level, etc., so that you can quickly find out what it will involve.

Timing: When planning for a lesson of a specific length, it is essential to distribute the lesson effectively and to make sure you have enough time for each section of the class.

Stage name: This section helps to define which stage of the class the activity or content belongs to. It allows the teacher to keep track of which part of the lesson they are working on, and reminds the teacher about the level of feedback and correction that are required.

Procedure: The procedure section is the most important part of any lesson plan. It provides the basic information of what you are going to teach and how.

Stage aims: useful for novice teachers as they help to reflect on why you have incorporated a specific activity in the lesson plan, and what the benefit is to the students.

Interactions: This section helps teachers to keep track of who will be speaking, when, and why.

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