Module 5 Flashcards
What theory informs Projective Personality Assessments?
Psychoanalytic theory
What did the Exner Scoring System do for the Rorschach Inkblot Test?
Refuted earlier criticisms that it reflected poor reliability and validity
What is a disadvantage of the RIT?
Test contains only 10 items, meaning potential invalidation for anyone tested on more than one occasion.
How many cards make up the TAT, and how many are presented to the client during an assessment?
TAT is comprised of 32 cards, client is presented with 10-14 cards during an assessment
What is a disadvantage of the TAT?
Very difficult to evaluate the reliability and validity, as different cards can be used and presented in varying orders.
What is a Projective Drawing Test?
A type of diagnostic technique in which an individual is required to draw a picture for the purpose of assessing personality, cognitive abilities or psychopathology.
What is the Draw-a-Person test?
A projective personality test used to evaluate children and adolescents, Test involves the requesting the child to complete three individual drawings of a man, a woman and themselves.
What are the three models of consciousness as explained by Freud?
- Unconscious
- Preconscious
- Conscious
According to psychodynamic theory, what instinctive drives are believed to shape personality?
- Eros (life/sexual instinct)
- Thanatos (death/aggressive instinct)
According to psychodynamic theory, what physchological forces influence behaviour?
- Id - basic impulses, immediate gratification, irrrational and impulsive
- Ego - mediates id and supergo, rational, resting reality
- Superego - ideals and morals, striving for perfection, operates at a preconscious level
What types of reliability impact personality assessment?
Temporal - consistent scores across time
Inter-rater - consistent results across testers
Internal - consistent scores across different items
What types of validity impact personality assessment?
Face - item appears to accurately measure the construct
Construct - scale accurately measures latent content and not other variables
Criterion-related - scale can be used to accurately predict performance
What are the four broad types of assessment?
Behaviour rating
Clinical interview
What is personality?
A collection of traits, dispositions and attributes that can be translated into emotional responses, social behaviour, motivations, values and interests.
What is a trait?
Enduring and relatively permanent characteristic that is distinguished along a continuum
What is a state?
Temporary behavioural tendency usually in reaction to an internal or environmental stimulus
What is a type?
General description of an individual into a distinct category.
According to Smith and Archer (2014) what are the 5 purposes of personality assessment?
- Describe psychopathology and obtain differential
- Describe and predict everyday behaviour
- Inform psychological treatment
- Monitor treatment
- Use personality assessment