Module 5 Flashcards
What is Virginia Woolf’s “Une Chambre à soi” about?
- essay that she explores the conditions necessary for women to produce literature in a male-dominated literary tradition
-title refers to the idea that women must have financial independence and a pricate space, a room of her own, to be able to write
-she argues that throughout history women have been hindered in their creative endevours due to economic independence on men and lack of privacy and intellectual freedom
-encourages women to take part in creative work and economic independence - questions of women’s acess to writing
- material conditions
-report to inistutions
Marina Yaguello, « La
langue du mépris », Les
mots et les femmes.
she is a linguist, in this chapter she explores the relationship between language and gender
- she looks at how language can be used to express contempt and the portrayal of women and gender dynamics
What was the first wave of feminism
- instrustrial revolution
- the demands deminists mainly aim to achieve: right to vote, legal equality and the right to work
What was the second wave of feminism
in post WW2, 1940s
-emerges for a second wave
-women in univerisity and can access the labor market
-arrival of the pill causes debates around sexuality
Third wave of feminism
since the 1980s
-intersectionality - the desire to think
-feminism is sexual identity ethinic indenty and class indentuty
-race class and gender
-pays attention to certain categories of women who do not recongnize themselves in the general category of women
What is the notion of agency
ability to act beyond determinations (bourdieu) and overcome
- power to act on the world
-relationship between self and others
-affirmation by the language
what is the test Alison Bechdel created
Bechdel test
What does the Bechdel test do
draws attention to
1) the way women are represneted
2) the way we hear the words of women
What are themes in toffoli
- representation of women
-desire (Désir)
What is Despense about
- explicit discussions about what a man is and what a woman is (expectations)
-reversing the roles
-reflection of the inferiority of women
-gives herself a voice and gives a voice to other women
-based on personal expierences and related it to other traumatic expierences (ex black women
-aggression in language
-Catharasis: expression of anger through literature
What is the meaning of Despentes title “salut les filleS”
-directly addresses young people and readers
-text is an explicit call for a revolution
-informal and direct style can even call for a diiscussion
Que veut dire Virginie Despentes lorsqu’elle en appelle à en finir avec « l’ange du foyer » ? Que est le lien avec « la chambre à soi » de Virginia Woolf?
- expressing a rejection of the traditional and stereotypical conceptin of womens roles as domestic figures for men and for children
-angel of the hearth conveys the idea of women as pure entites devoted to their homes
-advocacy for space and autonomy for women
What is colonialism
Both an ideology and economic doctrine
Post colonialisme and literature
-Critisism of colonial discourse
-analysis of literatures produced