Module 5 Flashcards
The two components of the CNS are what?
brain and spinal cord
What is gray matter?
unmyelinated somas, dendrites, and axons
What is white matter?
myelinated axons
The ___ root carries sensory information to the CNS, while the ____ root carries motor information to muscles and glands.
Where does sensory information from the dorsal root enter?
Dorsal horn
Clusters of cell bodies in the CNS are called ___, clusters of cell bodies in the PNS are called ____.
Ascending tracts carry ____ to the brain, descending tracts carry commands to ____.
Sensory info
Motor neurons
What are the 6 major divisions of the brain?
Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon Pons Medulla Midbrain
What are the 4 divisions of the brainstem?
Reticular formation
Where would you expecting to find ascending and descending tracts?
Which brain structure is responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing rate, vomiting’s, swallowing, coughing, sneezing etc.?
a) pons
b) hypothalamus
c) medulla
d) cerebrum
c) medulla
Which brain structure relays information between the cerebellum and cerebrum?
a) pons
b) medulla
c) midbrain
d) reticular formation
a) pons
Which brain structure functions in controlling eye movement?
a) diencephalon
b) midbrain
c) thalamus
d) retic form
b) midbrain
which brain structure is responsible for consciousness, arousal, attention, and alertness?
a) pons
b) hypothalamus
c) pituitary
d) reticular formation
d) reticular formation
which brain structure coordinates movement and regulates posture and balance?
a) cerebellum
b) cerebrum
c) thalamus
d) diencephalon
a) cerebellum
the diencephalon contains two primary structures and two endocrine structures, what are these structures?
primary structures: thalamus and hypothalamus
endocrine structures: pineal gland and pituitary
The gray matter of the cerebellum includes: ____, ____, and ____.
cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, limbic system
What connects the two hemispheres of the cerebellum?
corpus callosum
which brain structure is considered the “emotional brain”?
a) cerebral cortex
b) thalamus
c) pituitary
d) limbic system
d) limbic system
Inward invaginations of the cerebrum are known as ___, outward invaginations are known as ___.
What are the 4 lobes of the cerebrum and what do they each do?
Frontal: motor association
Temporal: auditory association
Occipital: visual association
Parietal: sensory association
Daniel got dropped on his head as a kid and it led to him having trouble making sense of auditory information. Which lobe was most likely damaged?
a) frontal
b) occipital
c) parietal
d) temporal
d) temporal