module 4a (textbook ch 2) Flashcards
(quiz) // question 1: The 3 distinct differences between Chattel Slavery and other forms of slavery are: The exceedingly rarety of slaves being able to purchase their freedom, being born into slavery, and being able to marry as slaves.
(quiz) // question 2: Cognitive Dissonance specifically is:
- a) Denial of the truth and attempts to cover up this truth with false justification
- b) Mental tension from denial of the truth
- c) Finding ways to not have to take responsibility for horrible acts one committed
- d) All the above
d) all of the above
(quiz) // question 3: This law gave people the legal right to kill, murder, stalk, and beat Black people.
the virginia code
(quiz) // question 4: The New Negro Alliance was comprised of which prolific Black American scholar?
Belford lawson
(quiz) // question 5: What particular group was responsible for funding and creating Human Zoos?
social Darwinists
(midterm question) how is chattel slavery different than indentured servitude, slavery etc.?
1) the manner in which a person becomes a slave.
2) different treatment
3) different length of servitude (how long one is a slave)
4) different perception slave owners had on slaves (so if they viewed them as PROPERTY or humans)
slave trade contributed to __% of the world’d economy.
(midterm question) what are the MORAL and ECONOMIC. discussions surrounding slavery?
- people are treated terribly. inhumanely and it went against christian values.
- slaves were property! they were needed for the economy and contributed A LOT to the united state’s and worlds economy.
what are african-americans still considered as?
they are property as stated in the constitution and to this day the 13th amendment claims prisoners as slaves.
3/5th compromise
3/5 slave population would be counted toward state’s total population.
purpose: to make sure black men did not have more representation/power.
cognitive dissonance
the process of the mind/cognitive stress.
unequal/unbalanced psychological stress that comes from attempting to balance when one goes against their own MORALS.
ex: when you believe in monogamy and then cheat you get:
a) stressed
b) brain goes further to created BALANCE by BLAMING someone else.
c) the more we experience this the more we try to justify our actions
d) surrounds oneself with like-minded individuals to feel better
cognitive dissonance’s connection to slavery and MODERN DAY EXAMPLE
- slavery: white people who knew slavery was wrong morally knew they were doing something wrong, but justify their actions against black people.
2: modern: white people brushing off slavery and police brutality and incarceration.
carl linnaeus
- systema naturae: race and intelligence
classified plants, but also issue lies in attaching these classification to humans and human behavior.
virginia casual killing act
you can kill your slave and it’s ok
it is traumatic because of the constant threat of death –> epigenetic/dna change.
- this is literally post traumatic slave syndrome.
suicide and africentric relationship
time is cyclical so when one dies, like Ota benga, they return back to their old self/ ancestral plain.