Module 4 - Verbal Communication Flashcards
What is language?
system of symbols, words, and/or gestures used to communicate meaning
What does it mean for language to be symbolic and arbitrary?
Language is comprised of symbols; we associate meanings to words for no particular reason; there’s no meaning behind the words unless we attach the meaning to it
What is the Semantic Triangle/Triangle of Meaning/Triangle of Reference?
Triangle relationship between a thought (reference), symbol (word), and referent (actual object)
What is denotative meaning?
The actual dictionary definition of a word
What is connotative meaning?
Our own definition of a word; the meaning of the word in a certain context; subjective
What are the 3 rules that language is governed by?
Syntactic, semantic, and contextual
What are syntactic rules?
Rules about the order of words
What are semantic rules?
Rules about the meaning behind words
What are contextual rules?
Rules about the meaning of words in certain contexts
What does it mean when words are ambiguous/abstract vs. concrete?
Ambiguous/abstract = many different meanings; concrete = one specific meaning
What is Hayakawa’s Ladder of Abstraction?
ladder that represents words from abstract to concrete
What are some barriers to communication?
Cliches, jargon, euphemism, double speak, offensive language, slang
What are cliches?
Overused expressions (think outside the box)
What is jargon?
Technical terms specific to an occupation
What are euphemisms?
Substituting acceptable words for more controversial words (“died” vs. “passing”
What is double speak?
unclear communication when trying to purposely put up barriers or get people to misinterpret something (use jargon and euphemisms; usually used by politicians to make you vote for a bill you don’t understand)
What is offensive language?
Language that offends (curse words, insults, etc.)
What is slang?
Modern, informal, often shortened words
What are examples of powerless language?
Disclaimers & qualifiers; hedges; tag questions; hesitations; intensifiers; apologies; undermining structures
What are disclaimers/qualifiers?
Prefacing what you’re going to say that undermine your competency by making you seem like you doubt yourself (“I’m not sure, but I think”)
What are hedges?
Minimizing your needs (“I just wanted to ask”)
What are tag questions?
Tagging questions at the end of a statement that make it less powerful “Okay?; Right?”; Does this make sense?)
What are hesitations?
verbal filler (“um” and “uh”)
What are intensifiers?
Unnecessary words that try to intensify (“very” and “really”)
What are apologies?
Saying “sorry” too much
What are undermining structures?
Up-talk (raising tone like a question) and rushing/piling on words