Module 4: Management Flashcards
What is management? 🧵
The process of coordinating work activities so that they get done efficiently and effectively with and through other people.
Who is Frederick Taylor and what did he do? 🧵
in 1909 published The Principals of Scientific Management which focused on optimizing the way work is done: The one “best” way to complete a task
What are the 4 Principals of Scientific Management? 🧵
🧵Overall Concept: Finding the right people, to do the right job, in the right way. 🧵
1. Study work process to decide which is the best way to perform tasks.
2. Assign jobs based on workers abilities and motivation.
- Managers use their time to plan, organize, and train workers to do tasks more efficiently.
- Managers monitor workers and provide training, instruction, and supervision
Classic Schools of Management
Focus on Total Organization: standardized processes, bureaucracy, and hierarchy.
Who was Max Weber and what are the 4 characteristics of his method ?
Introduced the idea of bureaucracy as defined by 4 characteristics:
1. A well-defined chain of command with trained managers
2. Division of labor based on skills.
3. Promotions based on competence.
4. Complete records and written rules, procedures, and regulations
***Bureaucracy manages workers based on knowledge, experience, and expertise
Who is Henry Fayol and what are the 14 Principals of Management?
The Father of Modern Management Theory because he proposed general management principals that can be used in all fields.
1. Division of Work: Dividing jobs into tasks and assigning works to perform
2. Authority and Responsibility: Authority comes with certain responsibilities
3. Discipline: Employees must respect and obey their superiors
4. Unity of Command: Every employee must receive instructions from only one manager
5. Unity of Direction: If there is a project there must be a single person in charge and a single plan
6. Subordination: Individual interests are secondary to the general interest
7. Remuneration: Wages must please both employee and organization
14 Principals of Management?
- Centralization: The dispersion of authority given to managers throughout the organization
- Scalar Chain: Rank of authority that specifies the route through which info is communicated.
- Order: All employees and processes have an appointed place
- Equity: Managers must treat employees with equity(fairly and impartially) using kindness and justice.
- Stability of Tenure & Personnel: Managers reducing employee turnover.
- Initiative: Managers must take initiative
- Esprit de Corps: Emphasis on teamwork using effective communication
What did Mary Parker Follett bring to the table?
Integrate the individual efforts of employees into a synergistic whole using two-way communication and adapting to situations verses using “one-best way” to complete a task.
What is the difference between Scientific Management Theories and Classic Management Theories? 🧵
Scientific Management Theories focus on productivity of the individual while Classic Management Theories focus on the focus on total organization- how it should be structured and controlled.
The Behavior/Human Relations School of Management
What is the Hawthorne Effect
Scientists who were studying how changes in environment found that the employees were actually more productive BECAUSE they were being studied and watched.
What was Chester Barnards thoughts? 🧵
Developed the idea of “Informal Organization” which stressed effective communication and improved coordination among employees were essential.
What about Frederick Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory?🧵
Came up with two-factor theory or the motivator-hygiene theory.
Motivation Factor:
*Job factors result in job satisfaction and cause them to want to do a job (motivator)
Hygiene Factor:
*Job factors that prevent dissatisfaction like good working conditions or environment(hygiene).
🧵While negative hygiene factors cause job dissatisfaction, positive hygiene factors do satisfy basic employee needs, but provide no effect on motivation. (Think Guardian)
THE MODERN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Focus on Knowledge work, Management by Objectives and EQ
Who is Peter Drucker and what 4 things did his ideas emphasize? 🧵
Father of Modern Management🧵
1. Decentralization
2. Knowledge Work (creating value thru information)
3. Management by Objectives
4. SMART: A goal achievement process
What are the 5 Basic things that Peter Drucker said managers should do to be leaders?
- Set Objectives
- Organize
- Motivate and Communicate
- Measure
- Develop People
Tom Peter’s book “In Search of Excellence”
9 things page 244
What are the 5 Stages of the Business Life Cycle? 🧵
- Launch
- Growth- Challenges
- Shake-Out : Growth slower due to market saturation
- Maturity : Growth decrease and competition increase
- Decline or Renewal : Sales decline and exit market while others reinvent themselves
What is Contemporary Management? 🧵
Blends all schools to respond to unique forces of today’s workplace. Focuses on bringing out the best in diverse and mobile workforce. Managing constant change due to technology.
What is Business Disruption? 🧵
Organizations are being forced to evolve in order to remain relevant.
What are 8 forces that are greatly effecting todays job organizational design and dynamics?
- Info is power and everyone is connected
- The speed of technological development is increasing
- Change is rapid and constant
- Technology, competition, and social and economic systems are global
- The workforce is fluid and diverse (virtual and contingent (contracted) workers growing)
- Organizations have switched from hierarchies to teams
- Customers expect : Customization, convenience, and speed
- Organizational structures and processes are constantly evolving
Old-Style versus New-style Organizations 🧵
page 249
What is a “super job?”
When an employee combines their traditional role with technology
What is a “Unicorn?” 🧵
A start-up company that reaches a billion dollar valuation within a few years of opening their doors.
What are 3 business models that are adding to Disruption? 🧵
- Operating models that harness the power of social networking: Uber, airbnb, & FB
- Unicorn start ups
- The “Gig” Economy: workforce defined by freelancing, short-term engagements, temporary contracts and independent contracting.
Understanding a Business Organization’s Culture 🧵
To Understand culture you must be able to observe and adapt to prevalent values, norms, customs, and behaviors.
Look at:
1. Interpersonal Communications
2. Interactions
3. Mindset
4. Workplace Climate
Page 251 and 252
🧵True or False:
Management is a completely different concept than Leadership?
Leadership and management are not separate and distinct from one another. It is not an either or.
You should manage and lead at the same time.
What is Leadership and what is Management? 🧵
Leadership is influencing others to achieve the organizations goals and deliver its vision.
Truth: Leadership skills can be developed
Management is about accomplishment: performance and productivity, keeping people on track and on target.
Comparison Chart Management vs. Leadership 🧵
* Chris said know for exam*
Pg 256 in study material
What are 3 different Leadership approaches? 🧵
Situational: The situation determines who becomes the leader of the group
Group Approach: Leaders emerge based on the ability to meet the needs of the group
Blended Approach: Action-Centered Leadership- Where the leader has 3 rolls:
1. Achieve the task
2. Build and maintain an effective team
3. Develop the skills of the team
What are the 3 things that a leader needs to establish to get the team to commit to an end goal? 🧵
- Vision- A positive image of where are we going?
- Mission- The path to get there
- Values- Why are we going there?
Beliefs and ideals shared by the team members creating shared culture & identity like fairness, innovations, trust, and participation.
Leadership is or does….
(5 things)
- Adaptive- flexible
- Empowers inspires confidence and self-esteem in themselves & others
- Recognizes the contributions of others
- Fosters creativity
- About solving problems
What is Credibility and what is the key to having it?
Credibility is my greatest asset to be able to motivate people and TRUST is the key to achieving it.
As trust is essential for building credibility, what are 6 attributes and actions I can use to build trust with my co-workers?🧵
1. Reliability and follow through- know expectations of others
2. Support- People like those who like and support them.
3. Respect- Good manners, allowing people privacy, & valuing others time
4. Honesty- Words and deeds are aligned
5. Accountability- Take responsibility for your actions, including mistakes
6. Composure- Keeping your cool when things go wrong.
What is Self-Awareness as a Manager? 🧵
Self-Awareness allows the best managers to walk the tight rope of leadership, projecting confidence while being humble enough to staying open to new ideas and others opinions.
What is Competance?
Knowing what to do and doing it well.
What is Charisma?
Being confident and realistically enthusiastic.
What is building Rapport?
Building a relationship with those I don’t know well and interacting frequently and in depth through exchanging thoughts, feelings, beliefs, reinforcing similar likes/dislikes and strengths/ weaknesses and exploring common interests.
What is Organizational Performance?
Depending on the hearts and minds of people verses just depending on their toil and tasks
What is Human Capital of an organization or a team?
It is the sum of what employees know and can do.
What is Social Capital?
The ability to reach out to other individuals and teams for information, advice or problem solving. This enables leaders to accomplish objectives through relationships.
What is Social Style?
Is the consistent preferences and patterns of interpersonal interaction that each of us displays. Focuses on personality or temperament
What are 5 things you can do as a manager to increase self-awareness?
- Access yourself (personality tests)
- Create a Feedback Report- When making a decision write it down and what you expect will happen. Revisit later to see if you were right. Called “feedback analysis”
- Document your decisions- Right down why you made a specific decision and look at later to see if you were right or wrong.
- Ask Others
- Understand how to build strength from differences
What is Feedback analysis?
documenting a decision that was made, why you made it, and the results the ensue.
Characteristics of 4 Behavior Styles of how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves (pg 262) 🧵
A. Decisive (D) - Get it Done
B. Optimistic (O) - Talk it Through
C. Calm (C) - Work it Out
D. Analytical (A)- Think it Through
What is a Team?🧵
A group of people who have come together with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project. 🧵
(They have a shared purpose, understood mission, and their relationships are productive and interdependent interacting regularly with each other ❤️)
What does each team member do?
- Operate with a high degree of interdependence.
- Share authority and responsibility for self-management
- Are accountable for collective performance
- Work toward a common goal and shared rewards
What are the differences between a High-Performing Team and an Ineffective Team? 🧵
Page 268
What are the 4 Stages of Team Development ? 🧵
Developed by Bruce Tuckman
1. Forming- “Honeymoon phase”
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing
Phase One
As a manager: Remind team of their purpose and direction, clarifying tasks and individual and collective roles. Setting realistic goals and objectives making sure each team member understands. Emphasize how you will support them as a leader
Phase Two
Conflicts arise between team members due to differences in the way they work and communicate. Negative feelings and challenges to initial hopes and expectations may occur as well and could target leader. Team moral is lowered along w/ production.
Crucial to get out because many teams fail at this place.
As a leader: More support less directive role but still need to give direction.
Phase Three
Team sees “We’re in this together” and resolve differences, recognize each others strengths, and respect you as a leader. Conflict is now an opportunity to discuss versus argue.
Leader: Backs away from task focus to a more supportive role.
Phase Four
Hard work leads to accomplished goals due to strong relationships and strong team identity. High performance = Achieved results
Leader: Gives up more control because team is directing themselves.
High Performing Teams have what 3 characteristics?
- Clear Goals
- Open Communication
- Effective Role Performance
What is a Task Role (summation)?
Solving problems, generating ideas, promoting decision making, clarifying, sticking to agendas and deadlines, and reinforcing the ultimate goal are all appropriate task roles
What are the 4 parts of Task Roles?
Deciding and Gaining Consensus
1. Initiate Activity: Team sets ground rules agreed upon by everyone.
2. Obtain facts about the issues and info about teams feelings: everyone has a voice.
3. Clarify and Elaborate: Each point is clarified and acknowledged. Leave no stone unturned.
4. Summarize: Team revisits tasks that were agreed upon and review timeline to gain agreement to move to the next task or project.
What are 3 characteristics of the People/Process Role?
Sets the climate and involves the team members
1. Support and Encourage Others
2. Set norms/gatekeeping
3. Harmonize and Compromise- Should be core values of the team.
What is the most important factor to putting a great team together? 🧵
Diversity- Look for Complimentary strengths and a mix of social and behavior styles
Based on MIT’s Human Dynamics Laboratory what 5 characteristics do successful teams share? pg. 276 🧵
- Talk and listen equally
- Face one another; conversations & gestures are energetic
- Connect directly with one another not just leaders
- Carry on back-channel or side conversations
- Take breaks, have discussions outside the team and bring back information.
What is the most important element a team can have?🧵
Bringing together people who communicate well.
Look at the 10 Tips for Being a Leader People want to Support for Exam
Page 280
What are Internal Motivations of employees? 🧵
- Authority
- Respect
- Growth
- Challenge
- Fulfilment & Satisfaction
***Comes from within and is the deeper drive
What are External Motivations of employees? 🧵
- Working Conditions
- Pay & Compensation
- Recognition & Praise
Are people more motivated by internal or external factors? 🧵
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? 🧵
A Pyramid where bottom needs must be met before the next need can be fulfilled and so on:
5. Self-Actualization (achieving one’s full potential)
4. Esteem Needs (feeling of accomplishment)
3. Belonging & Need for Love (intimate relationships, friends)
2. Safety Needs (security)
1. Physiological Needs( food, shelter, water)
What is Macgregor’s Theory of X and Theory of Y
Theory X is managers who hold a pessimistic view of their employees.
Theory Y is where managers have an optimistic view of employees.
What is the best way to delegate a task? 🧵
In person
What is the worst way to delegate a task? 🧵
By email. So much room for miscommunication.
Should use email as a follow-up summary of meeting in person
What are the 2 factors to consider in how you approach a person when delegating a task?
Their Motivation to do the task and their Ability
What are the 4 Approaches to Delegating a Task? 🧵
- Guiding: Delegate has low motivation and low ability
- Encouraging: Delegate has low motivation but high ability
- Coaching: Delegate has high motivation but low ability
- Advising: Delegate has high motivation and high ability
What do you need to do when delegating a Task? 🧵
Need to be clear about the corresponding authority the delegate will have.
What are the 4 levels of differing authority you can give a delegate?🧵
- Inform Me- Total authority: tell me what you have done.
- I want a Review: Tell me your plan and let’s review the options. Keep me posted.
- I want to Approve: I want to approve the plan after you look at all of the pros and cons.
- I want to Decide: I want to make all of the decisions related to the task.
Look at Action Planning for Employee Performance for Exam
Pg 291
What is the difference between Coaching & Counseling as a manager?🧵
Coaching is Future Oriented. Helping an employee develop for future career advancement. Positive and empowering.
Counseling is Past Oriented. Counseling is corrective and comes into play when employees are having problems or challenges that are negatively affecting their work. Focus is on improving work performance.
Read Through Sabotage or Strengthen Performance via Feedback for Exam 🧵
Pages 293-295
What are the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (book by Stephen Covey)?🧵
- Be proactive- the basis of all other habits
- Start with the end in mind
- Put first things first- prioritize goals and tasks
- Think win/win- goal is for everyone to win, not just you
- Seek first to understand then be understood
- Synergize- 2 heads are better than one
- Sharpen the saw- I am the saw. Take care of myself so I can be the best me
What is a Goal?🧵
A clearly defined outcome that describes what you want to accomplish.
What is an acronym for 5 criteria you can use to accomplish your goals? 🧵
S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Achievable/Attainable
R: Relevant, Realistic, Results-Oriented
T: Time-Bound
As an AP we need to pay attention to Prioritizing. What is something that happens frequently?🧵
Shifting Priorities. Need to acknowledge that Priorities shift constantly and be willing to adapt as necessary.
What is Critical Thinking? 🧵
The process of making judgements that question reasoning and asking what factual evidence supports a position in order to draw your own conclusions.
“Thinking about thinking!” 🤣
What is Problem Solving? 🧵
The process of finding solutions to overcome a specific problem.
What is Decision Making? 🧵
The process of evaluating and making a choice between a number of options.
What is Creativity? 🧵
The ability to generate new ideas and / or new connections between ideas.
What are Assumptions? 🧵
Ideas that are formed without valid evidence to back them up.
What is an Intelligent Question?
Asking the right question at the right time.
What are the 5 Steps to asking Intelligent Questions?
- Know your purpose
- The Delivery - Don’t be accusatory but instead ask open ended questions
- Listening
- Evaluation- go deeper by asking for clarification or more detail
- Pay-off - Follow through after attaining the info
What are the 3 types of Questions? 🧵
- Information Gathering or Exploratory Questions
What, Who, When, How much/many, Tell me more, Give me an example, Other ideas
such as Reasons, Facts, Opinions?
What are the 3 types of Questions? 🧵
Analytical Questions:
What Happened to cause this? How does this make you feel? How do you think they will respond?
What are the 3 types of Questions? 🧵
Advice or Intervention Questions:
What do you think we should do about this? Is there anything else you could do? What would happen if…?
What are 3 “Loaded” Questions we should avoid asking?🧵
- Didn’t I tell you to…?
- What did you expect…?
- Why did you ignore…?
What are the 5 Problem Solving Approaches?
Is there a best one?
- I solve it myself
- You solve it
- Wait and See- individuals who avoid making decisions
- I/We solve it: I include others but make the final decision
- We solve it together
Each one above can be used depending on the situation. None is better than the other.
What is the 7 step process for Problem Solving? 🧵
- Define the problem
- Gather and Analyze information
- Set the Standards (how will you know if any given solution is successful)
- Generate alternative possible solutions- brainstorming
- Choose the best (alternative) Solution
- Implement the Solution
- Evaluate and follow up
What is a Pros & Cons List 🧵
🧵 It highlights the positives (pros) to be reinforced and the negatives (cons) to be eliminated, reduced, or addressed.
Identifies the factors that support or work against the solution to an issue or problem.
What is a Criteria Assessment Tool? 🧵
It identifies 2 or 3 best options and lists criteria for success, assigning a point value for each one from 1-10.
What is Decision Fatigue? 🧵
The deteriorating quality of decisions when we are called upon to make numerous decisions in a limited time.
Make sure to look at list to alleviate decision fatigue for exam. 🧵
pg 322
What is Productivity?
How resources are used to get results.
Opportunities for Improvement🧵
Read pgs 323-324
What is the best way to manage change? 🧵
Do not ignore resistance. Bring it out into the open. Renewal happens when we push through the natural tendency to resist change.
What is Intelligent Risk? 🧵
It is a mindset that allows for Mistakes, Failure, and Success.