Module 1: Interpersonal Communication Flashcards
Destructive Conflict: What does it do?
Can be devastating. Harming reputations, creates severe stress, & damages performance.
How can you avoid conflict from the get go?
Proactively managing situations and relationships
- With Constructive conflict what is the end goal?🧵
2.With Destructive conflict what is the preliminary goal?🧵
- Resolve
- Prevent
Destructive Conflict: 3 Ways to Prevent
- Set Expectations Early on
a. Let others know how conflict will be
b. Creates a roadmap for everyone to follow - Let Minor Irritations Go
a. Don’t let minor irritations create a source
of major dysfunction.
b. Focus on substance not personalities - Address Problems Early On
a. Regular One-on-One meetings create
open lines of communication
What are the11 steps to actively resolve Destructive Conflict including do’s and don’ts?
- Goal is to create a peaceful ending, even if not everyone is happy with the outcome
- Don’t ignore it- this is an unhealthy response
a. Acknowledging it’s there & taking healthy
steps to resolve = maturity - Invite Folks involved to discuss
a. Communication is the most essential part
of the resolution process - Active Listening skills required to understand each persons perspective
Stephen Covey: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
Destructive Conflict: 11 steps
- Stay calm, respectful, and neutral
- First identify where parties are in alignment. This establishes a sense of unity, creating an end goal that resolution is a worthy endeavor
- Be aware of emotions & focus on facts
a. Understanding the feelings beneath the
conflict: Angers underlying issues may be
fear, worthlessness, or embarrassment - Brainstorm solutions
a. Prior to the mtg. do this on your own and
come with possible solutions
Destructive Conflict: 11 steps
- Make Resolution a Priority
a. Goal: Resolving problem and maintaining
b. Seek a win-win solution where everyone
feels they have achieved a good outcome - Involve Leadership when needed
a. They prefer to see you have taken steps
as a mature professional employee vs.
handholding - Apologize & Forgive
a. Express regret this happened but
express positive attitude about moving
What is Gossip?🧵
A convo about others business that are not present in the convo: Toxic & bonding
Easy way to break the trust of others.
*We want to understand circumstances by gathering info to interpret what is happening around us. It is natural but dangerous
What are the 5 ways of Handling Gossip?
- Don’t Stay Silent
a. Silence implies agreement
b. Listening = Participation - Counter with facts
- Listen for Emotion & address Gossipers underlying feelings
a. Underlying reason for gossip is fear,
worry, or stress - Change the Subject
a. I’d rather talk about my new art project! - Distance Yourself
a. Who I spend time with directly affects my
What is Persuasion?
Persuasion(words through conversation) : convincing someone to do something through reasoning or argument
What is Influence?
Having the capacity to affect the things and people around you. Using your personal power to achieve a desired goal thru cultivating right relationships and establishing credibility.
What is Position Power?
The role or title one holds. Comes from established authority
What is Personal Power?
Gained through confidence and trust of those around you. Earned and developed over time based on who you have proven yourself to be and the relationships you have built.
What are the 5 Levels of Leadership?
Level 1: Position (Rights) People follow you because they have to
Level 2: Permission (Relationships) People follow because they want to
Level 3: Production (Results) People follow you because of what you’ve done for the company
Level 4: Development (Reproduction) People follow because of what you’ve done for them
Level 5: Pinnacle (Respect) People follow because of who you are and what you represent
5 Levels of Leadership- More
Level 1 is the weakest and lowest. You can not be a leader and still attain levels 2-4 which are based on Personal power and Influence. The basis of these is all about creating strong relationships, proven results, helping others develop, and reputation
What is the difference between Formal and Informal Negotiation?
Formal is during a formal setting like a job interview: Salary negotiation. Informal examples would be deadlines and scheduling.
What is Negotiation?
A discussion aimed at reaching an agreement
- You want A and I want B. Let’s negotiate!
-A two-way interaction: Back & Forth
- You must approach the situation with a clear understanding of what you are doing and what you want to achieve.
What are the Best Practices when Negotiating. Cards below give more details.
- Aim for the Win-Win
- Know your Priorities
- Be Specific
- Aim high and give a little
- Bring Proof
- Remain patient, polite, and persistent
What are the Steps to Good Negotiation: 1
- Aim for Win-Win
Steps to Good Negotiation: 2
- Know Your Priorities
Ask the following:
* What do you really want?
* What are you unwilling to sacrifice?
* What are you willing to sacrifice
unconditionally?- What are you willing to sacrifice on the
condition that other requirements are met?- What is the least you are willing to accept?
(worst-case but acceptable scenario) - What point do you walk away?
- If won’t walk away, at what point are you
willing to yield to other party?
- What is the least you are willing to accept?
- What are you willing to sacrifice on the
Steps to Good Negotiation: 3
- Be Specific
Don’t ask for more, give a specific amount
Steps to Good Negotiation: 4
- Aim High & Give a Little
- An offer that doesn’t just satisfy but pleases you. Your first offer should be IDEAL. It may even be accepted!
- Back down slowly from ideal i.e. give a little
Steps to Good Negotiation: 5
Bring Proof
1. ie. if asking for a raise bring evidence of the average wage of others in same position
2. Show value by providing evidence of past accomplishments
3. Hard to argue when facts are given
Steps to Good Negotiation: 5
- Remain Patient, Polite, & Persistent
- Do not want a stalemate where no one will budge
- Women are more apprehensive to negotiate so don’t be afraid to be persistent
- Women who fail to negotiate their salaries at the beginning of their career leave up to 2 million on the table.
- I have the right to personally advocate for myself and my needs in all areas of business
- Always demonstrate professionalism
Why is it important to Voice Opinions, Ideas, and Objections?
Must be a vocal contributor.
1. Keeps you engaged in the workplace and gains you respect and positive attention.
2. Creates success for your superiors and everyone benefits opening the door for advancement etc.
3. Give you a sense of involvement & investment ultimately leading to a fulfilling career
What are the lies that hold people back from expressing themselves?
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of not being heard
- Fear of rocking the boat
- Fear of drawing too much attention to self
Choose the Environment
Be discerning and use your best judgement of where and when to voice your ideas.
Be Tactful and Diplomatic
Use EQ here. Maintain a professional tone and keep your language respectful and neutral. Offer facts that support your POV.
Setting limits: When does it come up and how do you know what they are?
When asked to do something and you have other deadlines etc, you can renegotiate the request made of you.
a. Limits are personal and rely on your
sound judgement
What are the two things you can do immediately when you need to set limits?
- Acknowledge the request: Show you understand what is being asked of you and that you are eager to help in the best way you can.
2nd thing you can do…
- State what you CAN do.
“I’d be happy to handle that for you. I can have it done by Wednesday. Would that be acceptable?”
Depending on the person: “Should this request take precedence over my other deadlines?”
Setting Limits : What is one Do and 4 don’t?
Negotiate if Needed
1. Wait to fully understand what is being asked before negotiating
2. Don’t give lengthy explanations
3. Don’t change your mind
4. Don’t be overly emotional
5. Don’t create more problems
What is Managing Up?
Having the ability to influence someone who has authority over you. Helps them to be more effective and to be of greater value to them. Keeping them on task, on time, and on target.
What are 4 things you can do to Manage Up?
- Meet Regularly with boss. Creates discussion and proactive communication
2 Manage Up?
- Assert & Insert- Be assertive by inserting yourself by not waiting to be told what to do :
-“I can handle this.”
-“Why don’t I take care of this?”
-“Is there something I can take off of your plate?”
3 Manage Up
- Remind of important due dates and events. Instruct on what is important to focus on. Depends on relationship! May need to be subtle in tone.
Also: Never give a problem without offering a solution. Cite reasons as well as options. Can also ask them to help you brainstorm if you can’t find a solution.
4 Manage Up?
- Use EQ. Be very aware of your demeanor and how you are being received. Look for signs of decreased receptivity. Don’t forget your role and place.
Why is Developing Confidence Important?
When I demonstrate confidence, it helps other to be confident in me. If I lack confidence I am telling ppl I am not capable and don’t deserve their respect.
How can Lack of Confidence in the Workplace Influence us Negatively?
- Career Growth- Raises & promotions
- Performance- self-doubt prohibits risk
- Innovation - Creativity gets squashed if you fear ridicule & rejection
- Decision Making- letting others lead can cause them to walk on you or take advantage of you.
- Perceptions- Influence the way people see you and how they treat you.
How can Confidence be Self-fulfilling Prophecy?
Process by which a belief by it’s very existence makes it true.
Cycle: Show Confidence > Reap Positive Affirmation >Feel Confident > Reap Positive Affirmation
If need be: Fake it till you make it!
What are the 3 Elements of Confidence? SUPERHERO
Capability/Competence- True self-esteem comes from knowing your capabilities and proudly demonstrating them thru your actions. Develop a strong internal appreciation of what you have to offer as a professional
What are the 3 Elements of Confidence? (2)
1. How you dress
2. Eye Contact
3. Body Language
4. Posture
5. Handshake
6. Facial Expression
What are the 3 Elements of Confidence? (3)
Mindset- When you authentically believe in your value, others will too. Embracing a mindset of self-worth is the foundation of confidence.
Developing Confidence 3 Things
- Positive Affirmations: Speaking positive affirmations out loud about yourself can have an amazing effect. You can reprogram your mind and create new patterns thru self-talk, by constant repetition which eventually becomes a part of your subconscious.
Developing Confidence 3 Things (2)
- Stop Comparing- Most of the stories we create about others are not accurate nor are they based on truth: FaceBook.
“Zero Sum” Activity: The success of others does not detract from my own success
Developing Confidence 3 Things (3)
- Beware of the influence of others- whether positive or negative. True confidence comes internally and is from who we are in Christ
What are the 8 types of Written Communication?
- Emails
- Instant messages
- Social Media
- Resumes and Cover Letters
- Correspondence (letters & Memos)
- Reports
- Meeting minutes
- Procedural Documentation
Written Documentation: Greater Risk- Why?
- One-Way Direction- receiver cannot ask questions or provide feedback
- Limited Components- no physical interaction so can’t read the audience nor can they read you.
What are the 3 ways Written Communication can have an impact?
- How you communicate in writing is a tangible demonstration of your intelligence, competence, professionalism, and attention to detail.
- The more skillfully I express myself the better the chances of the receivers understanding the point I’m trying to make. Clarity verses confusion and misunderstanding.
- Creates a record and should be done with care.
What are some of the Elements of Exceptional Business Writing?
Must be accurate in both substance and language. Easy to read, logical, straightforward and succinct. Holds the attention of the receiver
What are the 3 steps of Business Writing Fundamentals
- Prepare- most time spent here
- Produce
- Proof
What is the first step in and what are 3 Questions to ask when doing first step?
Prepare: Must first answer some questions:
1. What is my Purpose for writing?
2nd Question
- Who is the Audience?
* How familiar are they with the topic?
*What questions need to be addressed?
* Do I have an existing relationship with them?
* What communication style is appropriate?
*What mode of communication is preferred?
3rd Question
What information is needed? (Video mentioned knowing what is a reliable source. See Word Document)
What are the 6 reasons for Outlining?
Most useful preparation device. Saves time and helps you stay on point. Only for longer emails
1. Aids in writing process
2. Organizes your ideas
3. Logical Form: Presents material
4. Relationships between my ideas
5. Produces an ordered overview
6. Defines boundaries and groups
2nd step in writing process
and 5 things you can do during the writing process to make it easier.
Produce: Get the words on paper
1. Create 1st rough draft- NEVER send first draft
2. Remove all distractions
3. Utilize /Create templets
4. Stop self-criticism
5. Take Breaks
3rd & Final Step in Writing Process
Proof: This is where you edit your work to be correct, cohesive, and compelling
1. Read aloud. If read silently our brains
autocorrect the mistake.
2. Print your work - looking at your work in a
different format gives you a fresh
3. Don’t rely on the computer- language is a
complex are that requires human reasoning
4. Get outside perspective- catch typos, language
errors, provide feedback about cohesion &
tone & areas of confusion
🧵Reliable Sources on the internet: What are 5 things to look for?- Test: She said know these
Internet is full of unreliable sources. Consider the following before using a source:
1. Publication date
2. Publisher/Publication- Reliable?
3. Presentation: Well written?
4. Authors credentials- who are they
associated with?
5. Objective Reasoning- Make sense? Facts or
opinions? Is there other material to
What are 3 Common mistakes in the actual mechanical area of Writing?
Spelling, Grammar, Vocabulary (see Word doc)
These mistakes show lack of care and are distracting to the reader. Falls into the mechanical error category. There are right and wrong ways of doing something.
Verbosity: What is it?
Wordiness. One word can suffice for several.
(see word doc)
Style & Format in Writing: What do they help the reader do?
Impacts the overall tone and ease of reader being able to interpret the message. More about personal choice rather then right or wrong.
Style: What is important to remember when using abbreviations?
What question do you ask yourself from the pov of the reader in regard to style?
- Be consistent when using abbreviations
- Style can be amount of information. When
writing ask: Is this really necessary?
Note: Style Guide = Abbreviations your company wants you to use (document).
Format- What is it?
What are the 7 things to not overuse?
Component of style. How the words are organized and presented on page/ screen.
Don’t overuse!
* Line Breaks
* Font size & type
* Indentation
* Headers & sub headers
* Bullet points & Numbered lists
* Italics, Bold, Underline
* Capital Letters
Why is it important to get it right when sending an email?
Why do we need to be clear and succinct (2)?
What can happen if we are not?
Most used format of communication in business.
2 Reasons: Volume and Speed
Because more informal & volume of emails we receive, miscommunication is bound to occur
What is the subject line?
What should you avoid?
The first part of the message the recipients see. Helps them determine importance and urgency.
*Note: Do not be vague. Do not use generic subject lines. They don’t incite a reason to open the email. I.E. “Question for you.” Makes it hard to find later too.
What are the most effective Subject Lines?
They accurately and specifically describe the email’s content. Should contain only 1 subject. Creates chaos in recordkeeping and locating
* Follow-up items from meeting 11/1/2015
* Questions on the Miller case
* Updated invoice required ASAP (September)
* New agenda for Tuesday’s meeting
* Updated employee phone list 2016
Note- Adapt according to your work environment & those you are working with
What is another way to clarify the Subject Line?
Add brackets in the front with response needed from the recipient at the front of the subject line. Create quick attention grabbing signals.
[ACTION NEEDED] Follow-up items from meeting 11/1/2015
* [PLEASE RESPOND] Questions on the Miller case
* [URGENT ACTION NEEDED] Updated invoice required ASAP (September)
* [FYI ONLY] New agenda for Tuesday’s meeting
* [FOR REFERENCE] Updated employee phone list 2016
Is Proper Business Etiquette necessary?
Yes. Remember to greet recipient in the beginning and thank them at the closing.
In body, be polite, warm, friendly, and caring
What is important about length of email?
Where should important information be written?
Keep it short and simple. If info won’t allow you to do this, call.
Include important information at the top of the email.
What is important to remember when using other online messaging?
More casual, but remain professional.
IM- What are keys to remember when using?
- Always ask if it is a good time and if they have a minute to chat?
- Respect their status (busy; in a mtg etc)
- If someone interrupts you at a bad time, let them know you are busy and ask them to send an email or get back to you later.
- Convo should only be a few minutes. For quick questions not extensive convo or research. Send email instead for the record
- Do not use for sensitive info
What is important to remember when posting on Social Media?
Social not business but still reflects you as a professional so be careful
Never share what 3 things on Social Media (not just in regards to your company but personally too?
To protect your professional reputation, NEVER share any of the following online:
* Negative comments about your current or prospective employer, including the
people, policies, or products.
* Comments of an extremely controversial nature, including racist, sexist,
discriminatory, or derogatory remarks—even in jest.
* Photos of yourself in compromising positions, such as engaging in illegal or
unethical activities.
What is ethics?
Abiding by established principals and values both personal and professional. Goes beyond the law. Companies have a code of conduct which employees are required to follow. We must maintain a high level of ethics in all professional communications and interactions. This is especially when dealing with confidentiality due to legal ramifications
What is a Breach of Confidentiality?
When confidential information is inappropriately disclosed. My job is to protect this type of information.
What is considered Confidential Business Information?
Nonpublic information available to me as an employee
List 3 areas of where Information can be considered Confidential within a business?
A. Business Information
B. Client & Customer Info
C. Employee Info
What Might Confidential Business Info involve (7)?
- Strategies and plans
- Processes and procedures
- Vendors and suppliers
- Expansion or reduction plans
- Product and market research
- Technology and passwords
- Any other proprietary data or trade secrets
What Might Client and Customer Info involve?
- Names
- Sales data
- Financial data
- Any other private client data (such as contact information and social security
What Might Employee Info involve (High level)?
- Medical information
- Social security numbers
- Bank account information
- Personnel records (including reviews, complaints, disciplinary actions, terminations, etc.)
- Any other private employee data
🧵What are the Types of Security Threats (people groups)
A. Internal - Employees
B. External- hackers, competitors, former employees
C. Partners- Clients, vendors, suppliers etc
What are my Individual Duties as an employee in regard to confidentiality? (5) 🧵
A. Educate yourself- Notify management if you encounter info that is not normally in your purview
B. Secure my Physical Space- never leave confidential info unsecure or unattended. Do not take out of the office. Clean desk policy. Passwords should be memorized.
C. Follow safe technology practices
D. Communicate confidential info appropriately
E. Respond to Breaches
What are the 6 Best Practices When Communicating Confidential Information?
- When sending confidential information via email, use your company’s existing
security measures and always double check the address information. - Refrain from discussing confidential information in public areas.
NOTE: If your desk is in an open
space, this may mean using a conference room or other private office for phone
calls and in-person discussions of a confidential nature. - Never discuss confidential information on nonsecure online systems, even with
known authorized individuals. - Remove confidential data from materials shared with unauthorized
parties. - (Verification at Guardian )Use proper identification procedures when sharing confidential information with an
unknown authorized person. - When in doubt ask. If uncertain about confidentiality and who is authorized, ask your supervisor for guidance.
What is Self-Promotion?
The art of communicating your value to others. If done right it is not bragging or arrogant. SP for the Admin Assit. is important because it is an undervalued role
What does Self-Promotion Accomplish? (4)
1.Competition- Stand out from competition
2. Reputation- Build and control your reputation
3. Confidence- Demonstrates & builds’ your confidence
4. Rewards- Earn rewards & recognition you deserve
What are the keys to Self-Promotion?
Doing it in the right way, at the right time, with the right people.
Personal Branding: What is it?
Tom Peters wrote a book about Self-packaging yourself as if I was a product or a business. In my “business” I offer services. Marketing is how I get the word out and encourages them to buy what I’m selling. Distinguishes me from my peers
What Questions to Ask yourself when creating your brand?
See Word Document
What does your Brand do for you?
Influences how others see me, treat me, and the opportunities they afford me now and in the future
What is Networking?🧵
The act of expanding your professional connections. Simply meeting new people and deepening existing relationships.
How is Networking different than socializing? 🧵
It is a purposeful business activity creating mutually beneficial relationships- each person supports and promotes the professional pursuits of the others.
What is the biggest benefit to networking? 🧵
Gives you access to the “Informal job market.” Due to connections you have access to job opportunities that are not privy to others.
What Activities Can I do to Network?
- Attend Networking Events- local chamber of commerce &
- Join professional associations like ASAP (American Society of Administrative Professionals)
- Participate in Community Volunteer activities
What are 5 Strategies to help you make the most of your Networking Time? (1)
- Develop 30 second commercial (elevator speech). Answering the question “What do you do?” High level snapshot saying more than just your title.
What are 5 Strategies to help you make the most of your Networking Time? (2)
- Practice Engaging Conversation- Ask engaging questions and demonstrate active listening skills. Build on what they are telling you
What are 5 Strategies to help you make the most of your Networking Time? (3)
Focus on Quality over Quantity- aim for smaller# of conversations that are deep vs. surface.
What are 5 Strategies to help you make the most of your Networking Time? (4)
Follow-Up- After having a convo or meeting a professional, send them an email or a LinkedIn connect. Remind them who you are and where you met saying you’re interested in staying connected
What is Articulating Success?
Talking about the great things you have done
What are 5 ways to Articulate Success to your boss? 🧵
- Share notable accomplishments
- Focus on Evidence
- Find Everyday Opportunities
- Be Mindful of Timing
- Keep it Brief
What are some ways to discuss your professional achievements?
- Share notable accomplishments. Share unique contributions that emphasize value:
a. Saved money
b. Made money
c. Improved efficiency of a process or
d. Improved quality of a product or service
e. Fixed an existing problem
f. Prevented a future problem
***Key- Being able to recognize the above and share their impact
What is a Quantifiable Outcome?
Anything I do that can be measured to show I did it faster, more cost effectively, or better than expected or previously done.
When sharing focus on specific evidence that you provided value?
Be very specific about what you have done, providing proof that you ARE vauleable. “I was able to increase our sales by 375K in one quarter helping our zone to do better as a whole!”
What is an example Everyday Opportunity?
Run into your boss’s boss in the cafeteria and they ask, “What’s New?”
1. Keep it brief. 30 seconds at most- a
sentence or two.
2. Be mindful of timing: Use EQ to determine if it is a good time to self-promote. Wait for moments of casual, comfortable conversation.