Module 2: Task & Project Management Flashcards
What is it to be Effective?
To be effective means to be able to produce a desired or intended result.
What does it mean to be Efficient?
To be efficient means to achieve maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
What is a Project? (4 things encompass)
- Has a clear timeframe- beginning and end therefore are temporary
- Has a Specific Predefined Purpose. Objectives are set at the beginning:
i.e. time, cost, quality, outcomes - Has Distinct Outcome creating something new or modifying something. Has a high impact so risk is involved
- Is Multistep - involves multiple tasks and therefore requires a team not just one.
What is a Task? (4 things encompass)
- Is a Single Step
- Is more routine, ongoing & operational in nature
- Has limited impact or risk
- Usually completed by one person
Management as it relates to this Module means what?
Process of controlling things, not just reserved for those with “manager” in their title. You can’t control everything, but the goal is to learn how to control the areas you are responsible for so you can have a sense of ownership and achieve better results
Project Management
Is Project Management a narrow job field?
No, it is a field of study unto itself and can be found in many different industries
What is PMI?
The Project Management Institute is the leading professional membership association for project, program, and portfolio management profession. Offers the PMP certification= Project Management Professional Cert
What is the role as an acting Project Manager? (3)
- Manage all aspects of the project from beginning to end
- Lead and coordinate all efforts of the team
- Meet stated objections and constraints
In other words: - Manage the project
- Manage the team
- Meet the objectives
Who is the Project Owner?
The person who initiates or sponsors the project and defines high-level requirements. They are our “customer.” Their role is to influence the team and remove barriers to completion
Who are the Stakeholders?
The people who are impacted by the project. i.e. could be a certain area of the business like employees or leadership OR it may be external customers.
What are the 10 areas Project Managers need to know and understand?
- Integration- Knowing each part that makes up the whole
- Cost
- Human Resources
- Stakeholder Management
- Scope
- Quality
- Communications
- Time
- Procurement- every activity involved in obtaining the goods and services needed for the project, including sourcing, negotiating terms, purchasing items, receiving and inspecting goods as necessary and keeping records of all the steps in the process
- Risk Management
What does Scope refer to?
The goals and parameters of a project.
What 4 overall skills do Project Managers have?
- Organized
A. The are methodical. Follow systems and processes. Always know where a project
stands and are able to cut through the chaos and disorder. - Time Managers-Effective
A. Understand how long it will take to complete the project. Know how to prioritize
effectively and use resources wisely. Understand it is better to plan something and
take the time to do it verses jumping in and messing up. - Communicator-Excellent
A. They are direct, specific, and clear. Remain composed under stress, and are
politically adept (See flashcard 15) - Follow Up-Diligent
A. Monitor, track, assess, and get status updates on all areas of the project continuously. Can provide an immediate accurate update if asked about any area of the project at any time.
What does Politically Adept mean?
Being able to manage competing demands without caving into pressure, able to influence and persuade others, able to negotiate assertively when needed
What are the 4 Objective Facts that dictate the Success or Failure of a Project? (know for exam) 🧵
- Was it completed?
- Was it completed on or under budget?
- Was it finished on time?
- Did it meet the original goal or stated business objective?
What are the 4 Common Reasons Problems Occur during a Project? (1)
- Lack of Process - Examples: Lack of a timeline or failure to adhere to it or doing tasks out of order = Disaster
2 Why Problems?
- Scoop Creep or Change- Happens when the critical elements as in the goals or parameters of a project are constantly changing or expanding. i.e. Dog in painting.
Happens when insufficient planning on the front end or because of poor alignment processes (not all of the stakeholders are on the same page before the project launch).
3 Why Problems?
Failure of others to do their part. Every person must follow through on their own responsibility. If don’t whole project can go off track. Can be on the PM due to lack of communication or clarity on requests, requirements, and deadlines OR it can fall on the team members due to busy schedules or lack of commitment because don’t value the project.
4 Why Problems?
Budget & Time Underestimation : Happens because of poor management and decision-making processes. Also due to lack of controls- When the timeline or the budget are not managed effectively, they can get out of control. These things just need oversight.
The Stages of a Project
According to PMI, what are the 5 Distinct Stages of a Project?
- Initiating
- Planning
- Executing
- Monitoring and Controlling
- Closing
Specific Example of Project
Project Manager: Lady doing the training videos
Project Owner: ASAP
Stakeholders: Me and others receiving the training
Deliverables: Slides, Training Videos, and training materials
Scope: 60 minutes to discuss each module
What is the first stage and what does it entail?
Stage 1 Initiating: Most Important part
A. Referred to as the Scope of the Project. Clearly establishes
what the project entails and what it DOES NOT entail.
B. Deliverables are Defined by PM- What are the specific,
tangible outcomes produced as a result of the project?
Also Constraints are defined by the PM such as budget
and deadlines
C. PM identifies all stakeholders and business owners along
with team members needed to complete the project.
What is Stage 2 and details?
Stage 2 Planning:
A. Specific Tasks are defined and milestones or phases
established. The PM collects, organizes, and prioritizes all of
the tasks within the project.
B. Knowing how long each task takes is paramount to
establishing the timeline. Safety
margins must be included. Best practice is to include a
50% Safety Margin w/ each task.
C. Take into consideration existing workload of team members. This may take speaking
with each member to get a realistic timeline
D. Understand Precedent and Dependent Tasks (see next 2 cards).
🧵What is a Precedent Task?
A task that must be completed before another is started
🧵What is a Dependent Task?
A task that depends on the completion of another task.
🧵Concurrent Task
A task that can be completed at the same time as another task.
🧵Safety Margin
50% additional time added to estimates to deal with unexpected
What is Stage 3 and details?
Stage 3 Executing: Communicating to others their job
A. Tasks are assigned along with constraints (deadlines and budgets) to team members.
Note: Administrative Professionals struggle with above because they don’t have a title of “manager” and feel it falls outside of their scope of authority. Be at rest: if given this role, you are given all aspects of PM. It is called “Indirect Authority.” When in doubt ask and verify. If team members understand managers have given you indirect authority, they are more willing to submit.
B. Task assignment along with constraints need to be specific and direct: What needs to be done and when. Always make certain there is understanding and agreement.
C. Document verbal communication in writing: i.e. : “ Just to confirm what we spoke about this morning…”
What is Stage 4 and details?
Stage 4 Monitoring and Controlling
A. Ensuring everything is on target and the project is being executed according to plan
1. Never assume team members are completing their tasks on schedule.
2. Always ask questions and offer assistance.
3. Be an accessible leader who diligently and consistently monitors progress. Don’t
micromanage but trust team and just check in frequently.
4. Communication is Essential in this stage (see 4 successful communication
strategies after 5th stage).
What is the 5th and final Stage of a Project and 3 things a project manager does?
Project is complete but PM still has work to do. They:
1. Verify specified outcomes were reached
2. Fix any problems
3. Evaluate Results
Also can collect data about what did work and didn’t work. Also debrief the team to discuss the process and lessons learned.
Lastly: PM: Congratulates, thanks, and rewards team for a job well done.
What are 4 Successful Communication strategies in Stage 4 of a project?
* one of these is something you need to ascertain using communication
- Formal Project Meetings:
Should be regular and in person. Allows everyone to give a status update of where they are, what they are working on next, ask questions, gain clarity, brainstorm about how to overcome obstacles and ask for assistance if needed.
Good idea for PM to update all project planning materials and tracking notes to reflect where things are then can share with team. Like a Recap
2 of Successful Communication
- Informal Communication:
Team members should do throughout the project via phone, email, IM, in person etc. PM needs to keep the communication lines open so everyone feels included as to where the project stands and what needs to be done.
3 of Successful Communication
Regular Status Updates:
Should be done with team members throughout the project. Request one BEFORE an upcoming deadline. Check ins on budgets and other restraints frequently too. PM should always have a general idea of where everyone is at with tasks at hand.
4 of Successful Communication
Shared Documentation:
Helpful communication tool so different teams can know the status of a particular part of a project and know when they can begin their part etc. This should be easily accessible to all involved by sharing planning and tracking documents.
Why are Tools for Managing a Project Useful?
Used to assist PM in Organizing, Assigning Tasks, Monitoring Progress, and Communicating with the team.
What are the 4 Most Popular Tools for Managing?
***Just know these 4 options for the TEST!
- Microsoft Project-
More complex PM tool. Used for analyzing & tracking workload, Charting and Visualizing chain of events, budgeting and scheduling.
2 Popular Tools for Managing
- Gantt Chart-
Most popular for traditional PM. Provides a high level visual road map of a project . Can see entire project at a glance:
a. What the various activities are
b. When each activity begins and ends
c. How long each activity is scheduled to last
d. Where activities are scheduled to overlap and by how much
e. The start and end date of the whole project
3 Popular Tools for Managing
- Google Docs-
Online tool that offers cloud mgmt. of documentation. Team members can create, share, edit files quickly and easily anywhere at any time using one central storage location. It is “alive”. This protects from duplication or different version of work too.
Popular Tools for Managing
#4 & #5
- Basecamp- SAS Solution
Web-based PM system that offers a complete suite of tools made to manage every aspect of a project. Collaboration is as simple as logging in to a website - Microsoft Office
Task Management
What is Task Management?
Even though tasks are single-step actions that are usually done by one person they still need to be managed. Some tasks are more complex and can be considered mini projects, but most are single-step. Tasks are usually assigned at a rapid fire pace and need to be done quickly. As an admin, this is an essential part of my role but can be overwhelming due to the sheer volume of them.
What is first part of Task Management?
Task Collection and Organization. The most used form of task collection is making a list.
What are 6 very basic keys to remember when making a list?
Step 1: Collect Everything
1. Do not rely on your memory! Take the time to write down and capture any and all tasks you are responsible for
2 List Making
Step 2: Electronic vs. Paper
Personal preference and work environment. Some companies encourage their employees to use certain systems for certain things. Others leave it up to you.
Paper is the easiest to use vs. some of the cumbersome electronic forms and sometimes these aren’t available for easy access, where as paper is.
Most AP’s use a hybrid- just need to be clear on what you keep where.
i.e. : Use Outlook to remind of time sensitive tasks, reoccurring tasks and schedule a pop up on computer screen the day before it’s due for a reminder. Maybe use paper to capture the one off requests that are due in a day or two.
Important: No matter what combo you use and how, make a choice and stick with it for at least 30 days.
3 List Making
Master vs. Daily Lists
Many AP’s find it helpful to have a master list(electronic) and a daily list(paper?)
What is a Master List?
Has every single task on your plate at any given time. Could be over 100 items. This could include tasks that are immediately due, routine tasks, items due weeks -> Months in the future, or even “Someday” tasks that don’t have a specific due date but that you don’t want to forget about. Easiest to handle on an electronic system
This is HUGE and only to be used as a snap shot. That is why you have the Daily Task List. At end of day, check your Master Task List to see what you might tackle tomorrow.
Place these items on your Daily Task List which can be put on a piece of paper and thrown away at the end of next day. Then you can delete them off of your master list if not a routine task.
4 List Making
Define Next Actions by specially writing down what you need to do. Example: Collect receipts from John
What is a Next Action?
The next action is the physical, visible activity that needs to be done in order to move the current reality to completion.
*Any task on my list should be a one-step act of forward movement.
*Should start with an action verb. Like: “Collect receipts from Doug.” This gives me a very clear action and helps me know the time and attention that will be needed to carry out the task.
5 on List Making
Refer to it Frequently
A task list is an ever changing, living document. Look at it all the time!
Review Master List at the beginning and end of every day. The daily list should be present and referred to frequently as it tells you where to go and what to do. Immediately update the list when needed so it always reflects your current circumstances.
6 on List Making
Cross Things Off:
A Critical part of task management and should not be overlooked.
1. Ensures you don’t duplicate something
2. Ensures you have an accurate view of your workload
3. Give you a powerful sense of accomplishment & motivation
What is a task processing strategy?
The act of actually doing the work and the process behind doing that act. There are strategies to this process to help increase efficiency and effectiveness which increase your overall productivity at work
What is Multitasking and is it good why or why not?
It is the act of performing two or more tasks at the same time. It is actually counterproductive and can do more damage to your performance than good. Only 2.5% of people in controlled studies can multitask without performing worse at either task.
What is Switchtasking?
This is what we do when we multitask- rapidly switch from one task to another. Both require our attention and therefore both are diminished because you can’t accurately give your attention to either. Only 2.5% of people can do this without compromise.
What is Background Tasking?
Tasks that can be done simultaneously because one or both do not require mental effort. It is an awesome way to increase effectiveness and efficiency without compromising time or performance.
Example: Organizing desk while on a conference call.
What is Serial Tasking?
Taking one task at a time in order of priority. Produces much higher quality of work in less time.
What is a key skill to develop when doing tasks?
🧵David Allen calls this what? (Know for TEST)
🥋Rapid Refocus: You give your focus entirely to one task allowing a smooth transition to the next task repeating the focus. Then one task doesn’t interfere with the next.
Like a martial artist fighting 4 dudes. Fighting one at a time takes them all out.
What is Batching?
Working on similar tasks one after another to make better use of your time.
Each task has a ramp-up time(setting up) to “get in the groove” as well as a slow-down time at the end of the task (tearing things down or closing things out etc.) i.e. working on Excel spreadsheets or putting a marketing packet together.
Can batch by location too. When go to the copy room- take all of the things you need to copy. Same w/ fax machine etc.
What are some examples of tasks that you can Batch? (10)
- Cleaning
- Data Entry
- Filing
- Making Phone Calls
- Meetings
- Planning
- Emails
- Researching/Reading
- Reporting
- Writing
What is Time Blocking
Blocking out a specific time in the day to accomplish a given task.
Use your calendar to block off uninterrupted time for specific tasks but remember to be flexible. Allot for breaks and interruptions as this is normal work life.
What is Parkinson’s Law? (know for Test)
Says that work will expand or contrast to fill the time available for it’s completion. This means if you have all day to complete one task, it will take all day to do it. In contrast if you assign the same task an hour, you will be more likely to focus and complete it in an hour. 🤯🤯🤯
You can get as much done in a 40 hour workweek that is time-blocked as you would in a 60+ hour workweek that is unstructured!
What are two good results of putting a time block task on your calendar?
It emphasizes the importance of the task because of the concentrated time-block you created and it increases the likelihood of getting it done in a timely manner.
Systems Improvement- In general, What is a system in regards to tasks?
A system is the existing process by which you do the task. It is the established way of doing things.
Some are defined by your company and some are ingrained due to being passed down and it is just the way you do it.
Some systems in a company are deeply entrenched but may not be the most effective way of doing things. Advanced AP will find a way to address such problems and improve them.
What are 5 characteristics(5 C’s) of an Effective System? (know for TEST)
They are:
1. Clear- The established guideline for who does what, when and how is defined
2. Consistent- The established guidelines are followed the same way each time
3. Correct- They yield the same desired outcome each time, if not they are adjusted
4. Consensual- Every party agrees to use the system as defined
5. Concrete- The system is documented on paper/computer not just in the heads of a few.
What are the 4 steps to take when you want to Improve an existing System?
- In order to improve an existing system it must first be clearly documented. Take time to do the task, writing down every single step as if an outsider was going to do it. Time consuming but can’t take short cuts. (Think of B Braun’s Training Manuel).
- After doing this, go back and follow your steps to see what needs to be corrected or added. Ask a co-worker to do it as well.
- Once documented you will notice gaps, overlaps, and inefficiencies. On paper you see things that are unnecessary.
Note** Must also remember systems are not in a vacuum. They are a part of a complicated web that allow company to thrive. Others may be using the system and it may be in place for reasons beyond your awareness.
4. Must gain as much understanding of the context of the system within your company before making changes. So share with management your improvements/suggestions before diving in.
What are 4 questions to ask yourself when considering improving a System?
- How can I make this process more efficient?
- How can I create better results? (decrease errors, improve quality?)
- How can I save money?
- How can I use technology to make this easier, faster, more automated?
What is Six Sigma? (Know for TEST)
It is a set of techniques and tools for system improvement. (all you need to know) It was created by an engineer at Motorola in 1986 and popularized by Jack Welch of General electric in 1915. Too complex for this course but should know.
What is Time Management?
Being able to allocate time effectively in order to achieve the required results.
Time spent managing time is NOT a waste of time!
Brian Tracy says: “Every minute spent planning saves 10 in execution.
What are 3 reasons for Poor Time Management?
- Too much to do- must have a handle on managing expectations and deadlines so that my workload is realistic.
- No Systems/Lack of Process- causes bad time management and wastes time.
- Bad Habits- Effective time management is a habit that takes time to develop. Examples are procrastination and disorganization.
What is an Activity Log and how can it Help?
It is a log of my activities throughout the day. Lists time and activity done can also include concentration/energy level & mood. Even track interruptions- coffee breaks, restroom, etc.
It will show you where you are doing unnecessary, redundant, or time consuming things allowing you to manage, minimalize, or eliminate things. Also shows you what you are doing well!
Results of an Activity Log
Do this for a week, which allows time to see patterns and understand your personal productivity rhythms. You will see your most productive time of day- when you have the most energy and how to maximize that.
Time Wasters- What is Opportunity Cost?
The benefits I could have received by taking an alternative action.
i.e. Sarah comes in early to record her notes but instead listens to her co-worker talk about nonsense. The opportunity cost is the task she could have been doing. It is almost like saying “Opportunity Lost.” If something is a “time waster” the opportunity cost is too high. That time waster needs to be thrown out the window.
What are some common Time Wasters?
- Too much Chit Chat
- Too much web browsing
- Multitasking
- Frequent Interruptions
- Ineffective use of downtime
What are 4 things you can do to manage interruptions?
It takes an average of 25 minutes to return to work after an interruption. Human interruptions are inevitable. Can do the following:
1. Plan for Necessary Interruptions -
Don’t schedule your day so tightly that you have no wiggle room. Be flexible.
2. Communicate and Provide Instruction-
When an interruption can wait, “I’m sorry, I have a deadline. Can I discuss this with
you this afternoon?” Make sure to follow through!
3. Give Do Not Disturb Signals- Put a sign up and give instructions haha or keep a whiteboard on your door so ppl
can write a message if you have your “Do Not Disturb” signal up.
Time blocking on your calendar is a good signal for people too. Also Teams can say:
Do not Disturb etc. Wear headphones as a physical show it isn’t a good time to talk.
4. Remove Yourself-
Go to a conference room if necessary but check with management first.
How can you Effectively Use Downtown?
Have an In-between Task List- simple tasks that can be done in-between the big ones. Can be regular tasks that don’t have a timeframe.
Here is a List of Possibilities:
1. Clean Desk
2. Clean Breakroom
3. Organize
4. Dust Shelves
5. Put together marketing packets
6. Refill Forms
7. Restock Supply Closet
8. Purge old paperwork
9. Do personal Development Training
10. Goal Setting / Progress Review
Keep track of when you do these but don’t cross off entirely as they are ongoing.
Put things on a list that are time wasters as a reminder not to do them when you have down time. Can put negative emotions on this list too.
What is a good thing to remember when managing technology as an AP?
I manage technology not the other way around. If the phone rings or an email comes in I control the timing of when handle that interruption. Technology is a tool and I choose when and how I use it.
What are 5 ways to Manage technology Interruptions?
- Utilize call forwarding features
**See if you can forward incoming calls to vm without even having the phone ring.
What are 4 Best Practices when Utilizing Call Forwarding
(extension of first answer)?
- Never forward calls for long stretches (over an hour)
- Promptly return voicemails the same day, even within a few hours
- Leave a clear message articulating when you will get back to caller. Keep your word.
- Get approval from direct supervisor before forwarding calls.
2- Managing Technology
- Turn off Email Notifications & Teams Sound notification
3-Managing Technology
- Batch web searches-
Making a list of things you need to research on the web and then attacking them all at once instead of one at a time. Avoids being distracted by Google and wasting time.
4-Managing Technology
- Train Others- how to use different technology systems
Don’t allow yourself to become the “go to” tech person in the office. Train others how to use different technology. Knowledge = Power and it also shows incentive to lead and empower others.
a. Create instruction sheets for commonly used technology and common technical issues. You could post near the machine or when asked you could give them the sheet and then say you are available if they need assistance if they get stuck.
5-Managing Technology
- Quickly adapt to new technology- New tech is disruptive and there is a learning curve.
Learn these strategies to help ease the process:
A. Learn what to expect ahead of time. Try to understand how the change in technology will affect your daily tasks, what the changes are like what new features will be added and what existing features will change. Could also speak with tech support and ask questions.
B. Build Extra time into your schedule. This gives you more time to do regular tasks using a new or updated system. Also let internals and externals know there may be delays when necessary.
C. Always Make Sure you have back-ups of your work. Save an extra copy on your computer hard drive JIC. This way, when you click on and try new things, you won’t lose your work.
D. Utilize the Help Features
E. Take Notes about steps to follow with new tech
Time Management Matrix: What is it and what are the two elements that are key to it? 🧵
Tool developed by Stephen Covey used for understanding how to categorize tasks based on two elements:
1. Importance- a measure of value
2. Urgency - a measure of time
A Task is Important if it…?
- Contributes to my goals
Or - Has a significant negative impact if not done
A Task if Urgent if it…?
- Needs to be done immediately
Or - Has an imminent approaching deadline
See Real Flash Card for Diagram
Q1 is what?
Necessity: Important and Urgent: Do It NOW! 🔥🔥🔥
1. Crisis
2. Emergency Meetings
3. Last-minute Deadlines
4. Pressing Problems
5. Unforeseen Events
Q2 is what?
Productivity: Important but not Urgent - Do it next
Considered Productive because don’t need immediate attention, so you can give it your full attention because you have time to execute with excellence.
1. High Impact Projects
2. Brainstorming
3. Planning
4. Prevention
5. Relationship Building
6. Learning and Renewal
What is Q3?
Distractions: Urgent but not Important- Minimize it 🤏
1. Unnecessary Interruptions
2. Unnecessary Reports
3. Irrelevant Meetings
4. Unimportant emails, phone calls, etc
What is Q4?
Waste: Not Important and Not Urgent- Eliminate it
These things are most often avoidance tactics and they are time wasters
What is the Paired Comparison Matrix
(Know the tool and the steps for the tool for TEST)
Used after figuring out what tasks go in what Quadrant in the Time Management Matrix. Helps prioritize tasks that are in Q1 and helps to understand the value of each task as they relate to one another. (See Word Doc)
2.6- Types of Projects
What is an Event?
They involve larger numbers of people and are viewed as special. An occurrence or an activity where something notable takes place and/or people gather. Involves more planning.
1. A customer appreciation event
2. Annual employee BBQ
3. Education Conference
4. Charity Gala
What is a Meeting?
They involve a smaller group of people and are operational in nature. They are used to conduct a specific order of business- discuss issues, make decisions, establish plans etc. Less planning . May require specific procedural rules and minutes
Pre-Meeting or Event- What are the 9 Tasks that need to be considered?
- Identify the dates
a. Firm or Flexible?
b. Don’t overlap with other company events or holidays
2- Tasks
Identify the participants
3- Tasks
Select an event/meeting venue that supports the needs of the event and holds the correct number of participants
1. These could be audio/visual needs along with seat set up
Determine Food & Beverage requirements- select a vendor
5 - Tasks
Identify what the speaker needs by reaching out to them
6 - Tasks
Send invitations to all parties in whichever format that works best
a. Ensure everyone has the necessary information- directions, parking, it virtual: a call
in number etc.
b. Monitor RSVP and contact the slackers
7 - Tasks
If a Meeting:
1. Develop an agenda with the meeting leader
a. A list of items to be discussed
8 - Tasks
If an Event:
1. Develop a program
a. A schedule of performances, speakers etc. with the event leader or owner.
b. Ensure the performers & speakers have clear instructions about their roles and
9 - Tasks
Prepare, print, copy, and assemble materials and distribute to participants as needed.
This can be anything from :
1. Handouts
2. Name Tags
3. Programs
4. Agendas
5. Presentation notes
6. Prior Meeting Minutes
What are 5 Things to Remember when Managing a Budget for an Event?
- If there is a set budget for an event you must continually monitor your spending throughout the planning process.
- Always obtain required approval from a manager before committing to an expense
- Negotiation skills are used to get the best place/food for the best price
- Remember to include sales tax, gratuities, and service fees when calculating the initial budget.
- Always have a cushion of 20% extra built in to the initial budget for unexpected or hidden costs.
What is Robert’s Rules of Order (Be aware of basic Vocabulary for TEST)🧵
A book written by Henry Martyn Robert in 1876. A complex set of guidelines for conducting meetings and making decisions as a group/will of the majority
What are 18 best practices from Robert’s Rules that still serve as a guide for conducting a business meeting? (1-10)
- Point of Privilege: Noise, personal comfort, etc.
- Point of Information: Applies to asking for information from the speaker-
“I would like to ask the speaker a question…” - Orders of the Day: Agenda - A call to adhere to the
agenda - Point of Order: Occurs if rules are broken or if people are speaking out of turn. Must be brought to immediate attention and corrected
**5. Main Motion: Brings new business up (next item on the agenda) before the participants
- Divide the Question: Divides the motion into 2 or more separate motions (they must be able to stand on their own.
- Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions.
**8. Withdraw/Modify a Motion: Applies only after a question is stated. Mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor.
- Commit/ Refer/ Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution, if a committee exists. State the size of the committee desired and method of selecting the members (by appointment or election)
- Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediate question; extends until a certain period of time.
What are 18 best practices from Robert’s Rules that still serve as a guide for conducting a business meeting? (10-18)
- Limit the Debate: Closing the debate at a certain time or limiting till a certain period of time.
- Postpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda will be resumed
- Object to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated.
**14. Lay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question. May be after motion to close the debate has carried or is pending.
**15. Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously “Laid on the Table”- state the motion to take from the table
- Reconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or view.
- Postpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session.
Exception: The motion to reconsider may be made this session. - Suspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assemblies own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified.
What are Meeting Minutes
AP’s are responsible for keeping meeting minutes. It is a written record of the various elements of a meeting including topics discussed and decisions made.
How are Meeting Minutes Taken?
During the meeting the minute taker quickly records notes as things are taking place.
- Always work w/ direct supervisor to set expectations
-Later they organize and assemble the notes in an agreed upon format and send them
to the necessary individuals.
What are 9 Best Practices for taking meeting notes? 🧵
- Capture the most important information.
- When in doubt if it’s valuable, write it down. Can always revise after meeting ends.
Meeting Notes: #2🧵
Minutes should always include :
1. Date and time of meeting
2. Leaders Names
3. All Participants Names
4. Facts, decisions, actions items/commitments and the person responsible, objections,
table topics, motions, amendments, votes, and substantive (important) questions.
Meeting Notes: #3🧵
🧵Never include emotions or personal perceptions in your notes or final minutes. Be objective and use an objective voice
Fact based!
Meeting Notes: #4
Always note the actual order of the discussion. The minutes always reflect the order things actual happened, even if it differs from the agenda.
Meeting Notes: #5
Repeat: If you can’t hear someone ask them to politely repeat themselves
Meeting Notes: #6
Comprehension: If you don’t understand something, simply note it as if you did and ask meeting leader to elaborate after meeting is over.
Meeting Notes: #7
Use Shorthand/ stenography (abbreviated symbolic writing method to increase speed).
Don’t have to know the formal one (as there are many), but should use something even if it is just personal to you. This enables you to keep up with the pace of mtg.
Key: you need to be able to make accurate notes from this after.
Meeting Notes: 8
May be able to record the mtg, but must get permission. Easier to transcribe since you can pause. Still take notes though as a back up JIC
Meeting Notes: 9
Finalize a formal version of the notes and send them to parties ASAP. Ensures everyone can review them and take appropriate action
Post Meeting or Event- List 4 possible tasks:
- Clean the mtg space or event space. Leave it better than what was found.
Post Meeting/Event Tasks:
- Ensure all follow-up activities are completed.
a. Distributing Minutes, processing evaluations, sending thank you letters etc.
Post Meeting/Event Tasks:
Compare actual expenditures to the original Budget/Estimated expenditures. If way over see where things went wrong and how can improve for next meeting.
Post Meeting/Event Tasks:
Review all project materials and identify lessons learned. Archive for future reference.
2.7- Another type of Project
How does travel management relate to the AP?
AP’s are normally responsible for the travel arrangements of those they support.
It can be difficult depending on the demand of the traveler and the unique preferences of everyone involved.
COMMUNICATION is central to doing this well. I am responsible to meet the exact needs and wants of the traveler.
List the Important Elements of Planning Travel for others.
- Create a list of each travelers preferences: Travel Profile
a. This needs to be a living document used whenever making
travel plans for each individual.
b. Could change from one trip to the next but at least you
have a foundation
What should a Minimum Preference List Include? (8)
- Full name as it appears on their identification
- Preferred airlines & FF numbers
- Preferred Travel times (like to arrive a day ahead of time, does not like red-eye)
- Preferred seating (Economy, First Class, Business, aisle, window
- Preferred ground transportation (Uber, Taxi, rental car(and type), Limo)
- Preferred Hotels and VIP/Rewards membership info
- Preferred Hotel room location and amenities
- Preferred Meals (allergies, vegetarian, etc.)
What does a template for managing each individual’s Travel Needs do and what should it include?
Creating a template which outlines the required info you need to get started. Gives you an overview of the entire trip.
The template should include:
1. Required Dates of Travel (departure and return)
2. Destination(s)
3. Specific Meeting or Event Info
4. Additional Events, meals, meetings that need to be scheduled and whom should be
5. Budget Specifications
What is a Comprehensive Travel Itinerary?
A detailed itinerary outlining every step of the trip including layovers, how the person will get from the airport to the hotel, times, locations etc. Every component must be listed to ensure a seamless experience.
***How many details to include is up to the preferences of the traveler
Timing is IMPORTANT. Always leave wiggle room for delays. Don’t schedule a meeting at 3pm when they are arriving at the airport at 2pm!
Also remember time zone changes. May need to schedule time for rest upfront if they are flying internationally.
What Should the Travel Itinerary include (Think of when I make an itinerary for moving across the country)
- Names of travelers
- Dates
- Destination(s)
- Transportation Information
a. Departure & Return Flight Info (airport, airline, flight number(s), departure date and
time, boarding time, confirmation number
b. Ground transportation info (rental car, Uber, etc.)
c. All necessary addresses (meeting location, hotel, restaurants, maps etc.)
d. Hotel Information (Name, address, confirmation number, website, check-in dates,
check-out time, parking info etc.
e. Meal Information-
- nearby restaurants(names & locations)
- Reservations already made (time, name, location, other guests invited)
What 7 Other Things to Consider when planning a Travel Itinerary?
A. Weather
B. Cultural Norms- especially in business Use:
C. Notable Issues or Events
D. Emergency Contact Info
E. Required Documentation (visa, passport etc.)
F. Meeting Materials they will need to perform job. (Place in a binder for easy access)
G. Online Flight Check-in : 24 hours prior (could send a reminder or do it for them. Just
discuss with them prior so they know what to expect)
How are Business Travel Expenses paid for?
Business travel considered an business organization expense- not an individual travel expense.
Traveler may use company cc or their own, but must keep track of all expenses and receipts.
What is Expense Reporting and what are 3 key things when filling them out?
Organizes and keep track of expenses accrued during business travel. The expense report can also include other expenses needed to perform the job. Most companies have their own forms for accounting purposes.
1. Requires meticulous attention to detail.
2. Need to be accurate
3. Need to be timely. Usually required within 30 days of event.
My role is to read, understand, and adhere to the forms and when they need to be handed in.
What are the 4 Key Elements to Expense Reporting?
- Documentation
- Limitations
- Milage
- Record Keeping- keep for “x” amount of years for tax purposes
First key element of Expense Reporting and what are some tips to remember?
1. Each employee has a separate report
2. Keep trips separate.
TIP: If someone travels a lot may want to do report monthly vs. reporting every
individual trip
3. Outlines expenditures and organizes them by category. Each is itemized individually. Receipt must match what is being reported.
Expense Categories can Include:
a. Airfare
b. Taxi Rides
c. Parking
d. Lodging
e. Car Rental
f. Mileage
g. Meals & Entertainment
2nd Key Element in Expense Reporting?
Limitations: Upper Limits and Lower Limits
1. Not everything needs to be documented (like $2 tip ) as most companies have a threshold amount where documentation is not necessary perhaps around $10
2. If expense has no receipt and is above the threshold limit, need to ask what it was for. Remind them of policies. They may need to eat it depending on their role & company flexibility.
3. Some spendings may not be legit even if receipt is provided. Other spendings may fall outside of the upper limit (meals). Bring either to the attention of the spender. Will depend on role again.
3rd Key Element in Expense Reporting? 🧵
Mileage: TEST- be aware of milage requirements
1. Reported when employee uses their own vehicle for business travel. Covers both gas and wear & tear on vehicle.
2. Mileage Reimbursement is aligned with IRS guidelines. Based on fixed and variable costs of operating a vehicle, including depreciation, insurance, repairs etc.
3. Can document via mileage logs or maps to show distance traveled.
4th Key Element in Expense Reporting?
Record Keeping: Retention Policy
1. Required by finance or accounting department (all original receipts and forms for reimbursement). They keep for at least 7 years for tax purposes.
2. I should keep a copy of both as well until reimbursement has been approved, paid, and cleared through the payees bank. JIC. Track from submission to completion and follow up when needed to determine status.
What is absolutely imperative in regards to managing email for the AP?
Must have a clear defined process for handling emails.
What are ways to handle your Inbox? 🧵
It is a temporary holding place where unprocessed messages live.
1. If you have 20 or more things in your Inbox not good.
2. Inbox is where you initially see a new email. Once processed(a decision has been made and action taken) must be filed.
What is Archives?🧵
Archives are Subfolders I create beneath my Inbox to organize my messages.
Do not delete an email if need later. Better to archive even if just for history of communication.
What are two other folders to create just below your Inbox but above the subfolders?🧵🧵
Pending and Reply Folders
1. Pending holds emails that I am waiting on a response from someone. No further action can be taken on my part until they respond. Gets it out of my inbox!
2. Reply Folder below Pending is for emails I’ve read but I need to respond to. They require action on my part so to clean up my inbox can safely put in here and do research until I am able to respond.
What is an awesome system you can use to decide what to do with each Inbox email?
The 5 Options:
Every email in my Inbox has only 5 possible processing options.
1. Delete it-
a. Spam, unrelated to you, or otherwise
2. Delegate it-
a. Need to send to someone else who can take action. After resolved move to
Pending, Archives, or Trash.
3. Do it-
a. Respond to message immediately. Can be processed in 2 minutes or less. Once
processed either move to pending, archives, or trash as appropriate.
4. Delay it-
a. If takes longer then 2 minutes to respond, it becomes a task. Put in Reply box
5. Archive it-
a. If no response needed but needs to be kept for future reference move to archive
My job from here is to review pending emails and reach out to the reply box people if haven’t responded in a normal amount of time.
What are the best way to handle managing someone else’s email and what are 3 Best Practices for doing so?
A. Determine Your Level of Involvement
1. Talk to email owner and get the specifics of how much they want you to do.
Limitations may be set as far as access.
2. When things go wrong in the beginning take things in stride and keep communication lines open- checking to frequently to see what is and isn’t working. Keep working at your system until you achieve best results.
Create an agreed upon system
1. Establish my role : What am I there to do and How am I
going to do it?
2. Problems come from poor communication and unclear
What are the best way to handle managing someone else’s email and what are 3 Best Practices for doing so?
B. Outline specific rules for the AP
1. Ask for an outline that lays out what you are to do.
For Example:
*Delete specific types of messages
* Move certain types of messages to a specified folder
* Handle specific requests
* Forward certain messages to specified ppl to handle
* Respond directly to certain messages (must specify who
they want it to come from). Best practice : respond as
myself on behalf of the other person. Create
standard templates w/ owner for agreement language
What are the best way to handle managing someone else’s email and what are 3 Best Practices for doing so?
C. Establish Communication System
1. A system must be used if more than one person is handling an email account
2. Flags, categories, folders to specify the following
a. Admin is Handling this (AP is taking care of this and account owner is free)
b. Account Owner: FYI Only (Info account owner can preview at leisure.
3. Needs Account Owner Attention/Action: Account Owner needs to do something
4. Needs Urgent Account Owner Attention/Action : Requires immediate action
What is important to remember when you are handling someone else’s email?
It is a major responsibility and having access to someone’s private info requires confidentiality.
Microsoft Outlook Tools (4)
- Flags for follow Up
- Color Categories- Easily identify and group associated items
- Rules - Manages looking at frequent emails of the same nature by automatically filing. Be cautions.
- Quick Steps- sets up a way for several things to happen to a specific email with just one step, simplifying a task. (new feature in Outlook 2010)
How does lack of organization Impact you? (7)
- Ability to manage time and other resources (30-40% of time is spent looking for lost documents 😝
- Stress Level: Losing something can be career damaging and stressful
- Ability to focus: Physical clutter creates distraction= mental clutter
🧵4. Overall Productivity/Perception and Performance - Self-image: Being a slob can be embarrassing and shameful
- Reputation: My workspace is a reflection of who I am (like my car 😊)
- My Personal and Professional opportunities: all of the above impact me now & in the future.
What assumptions can be made about a messy workplace?
This person… :
1. lacks maturity
2. is unhygienic
3. has no discipline
4. has no drive
5. is incompetent
6. no work ethic
7. low intelligence
What are 3 reasons for a disorganized workspace?
- Too much stuff
- Things you do have don’t have a specific “place” where they
belong - You don’t put things away
What are 3 ways to overcome this?
- Declutter
a. Ask: What do you really need?- Limit to 3 personal items (if this is part of the problem)
- Too many office supplies sitting out
- Remove items that are: broken, used up, don’t use
- Put things that might be “unnecessary” in a box and under desk. If don’t use in
month, find a new home.
What are 3 ways to overcome this?
Pick a Place for Everything (after decluttering)
a. Common items to do this with:
1. Your in-tray (ppl drop things in here for you to do)
2. Your Pending files (need to access frequently)
3. Your to-do list
4. Your Blank note paper
5. Reference Materials (books, notes, instruction guides, check lists)
All of the above are placed based on frequency of use
What are 3 ways to overcome this?
Put Things Back (once everything is in it’s place)
1. Determine what needs to be put away as you go and what you can do “all at once” or “batched.” Depends on personal preference and location.
2. Do it daily - maybe at the end of the day.
3. Develop Good Habits- It takes time to develop good ones and break bad ones. Takes an average of 66 days to break the old!
What are 3 Paper Filing Facts?
- Average office worker uses 10K of paper per year
- Paper documents will most likely always exist due to ease of use, liking to have it in print, or legal reasons.
- AP’s need a filing system that is easy and fast to find what you’re looking for.
What are the 3 components of a super easy to use filing system?
- 🧵Find Logical Groups
🧵a. File by purpose rather than by type.
🧵b. Broad ===> Narrow
Related items should be kept together
File Name: Bank Statements
> Subcategories of Checking Account & Savings Account
> Sub-subcategories of Checking account -bank statements and
checking account- bank correspondence.
b. Always consider sustainability- will this work over time and still be efficient?
c. Organized in Alphabetical order or Numerical Order or Chronological order (March f
files come before April files).
d. Whichever system you use, it must be consistent and followed by everyone.
Everyone must use the same names for projects and documents as well.
(Think about filing the way you create folders for emails. You have a broad category of Solutions, but then you have sub-categories of types of solutions and sub-sub-categories of specific things going on with the sub category.)
What are the 3 components of a super easy to use filing system?
- 🧵Consider Location
a. Frequency- the files that you need to access most- store at your desk or in my workspace. For completed paperwork- store in a storage box or filing cabinet.
b. Access - Who else needs to access the files? Confidential? Do I need to limit or
monitor access?- Locking file cabinets
2. Use a sign out sheet so know where files are at all times. (encourages timely
3. Amount- How much pw needs to be stored? How much space to house
effectively? What about future- room to grow?
- Locking file cabinets
What are the 3 components of a super easy to use filing system?
Follow to Document Retention Policies
a. Retention Policies dictate how long a document needs to be kept along with when and how they should be disposed.
b. It is my responsibility to know my companies retention policies for each type of document.
c. Once a year, go through all documents and purge outdated and unnecessary things.
When in doubt: DO NOT THROW OUT
What are 5 Tips for handling/cleaning up the documents you are Filing?
- Remove Junk- paper clips, staples, sticky notes etc.
- Don’t Overstuff- If a file is overflowing consider breaking it down into sub-categories
i.e. by year or month. - Create a matrix within your file folder in a discernable order: i.e. Oldest to Newest
- Color Code labels for fast retrieval: Improves retrieval by 40%
a. Code High level categories and subcategories
b. Makes it easy to see if something has been misfiled - Distribute Rules- Share your system with everyone by writing out the “Rules” and
posting next to the file cabinets to avoid mishaps.
Digital Filing- What are signs of a problem?
You have a Problem if…
The following statements are signs that your electronic filing system is in disarray:
* Your computer desktop has dozens of icons on it.
* You have an overwhelming number of folders and files.
* You have a lot of unnecessary junk.
* You have a lot of files that are generically labeled.
* You use the search feature to find things—and it isn’t always helpful.
* You have multiple places where any item could be.
* You have single items that are saved in multiple different places.
* It takes a long time to figure out where to save things.
* It takes a long time to find things.
* You frequently lose files and never recover them.
What 3 components are necessary for an effective Digital Filing System?
- Logical Hierarchical Structure
a. Same as paper filing system with categories, subcategories etc.
b. The top category or root directory is called “My Documents.”
This is where every file is housed. Every single document should be in a folder
c. Hierarchical means you start with general and get more specific as you go deeper.
A folder within a folder is called “nested” folder
1) Banking > Checking Account >Checking Account Statements > 2016 > July
What 3 components are necessary for an effective Digital Filing System?
- Consistent Naming
a. Do not use generic titles (think subject lines for emails)
b. Use the same pattern for naming files.
i.e. Client Last Name_Month_Document number
c. If you have different versions of the same file, just label v.1 and V2 at the end of the
naming . DO NOT RENAME
d. Do not store multiple copies of files in different locations. Instead use a shortcut which allows file to be stored in one location but in multiple files
1) Shortcut: Add at the top level. This way when you make a change to a file, it will
change all of the version you have in different folders
What 3 components are necessary for an effective Digital Filing System?
Regular and Frequent Clean Up- Should be done monthly or Quarterly depending on how many files the AP generates
What is the 6 step process to Cleaning up your digital files?
- Purge: all items no longer needed
- Move “temporary” placed items to a permanent location (from desktop to file in “my Directory)
- Archive anything you don’t want to see on a regular basis but may need in future.
If don’t already have an archive folder, create one and then create categories etc. - Look for Junk- should do this regularly. If don’t know- ask IT and store in a safe place so don’t delete if important.
- Empty Trash
- Do Necessary Backups- if your company doesn’t already do this, you will need to do so by choosing files that need to be backed up or run a special program as part of your maintenance.