Module 4: Lymphatic and Immunity Systems Flashcards
Immunity produced by an encounter with an antigen; provides immunological memory.
Active immunity
Clumping of (foreign) cells; induced by cross-linking of antigen-antibody complexes.
A protein molecule that is released by a plasma cell (a daughter cell of an activated B lymphocyte) and that binds specifically to an antigen; an immunoglobulin.
A substance or part of a substance (living or nonliving) that is recognized as foreign by the immune system, activates the immune system, and reacts with immune cells or their products.
Also called B cells; oversee humoral immunity; their descendants differentiate into antibody-producing plasma cells.
B lymphocyte
Immunity conferred by activated T cells, which directly kill infected or cancerous body cells or cells of foreign grafts and release chemicals that regulate the immune response.
Cell mediated immunity
A group of bloodborne proteins, which, when activated, enhance the inflammatory and immune responses and may lead to cell lysis.
Small proteins that act as chemical messengers between various parts of the immune system.
Passage of white blood cells through intact vessel walls into tissue.
Ability of the body to resist many agents (both living and nonliving) that can cause disease; resistance to disease.
An innate (nonspecific) defensive response of the body to tissue injury; includes dilation of blood vessels and an increase in vessel permeability; indicated by redness, heat, swelling, and pain.
Protein-containing fluid transported by lymphatic vessels.
Small lymphoid organ that filters lymph; contains macrophages and lymphocytes.
Lymph node
System consisting of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymph; drains excess tissue fluid from the extracellular space. The nodes provide sites for immune surveillance.
Lymphatic system
Protective cell type common in connective tissue, lymphoid tissue, and many body organs; phagocytizes tissue cells, bacteria, and other foreign debris; presents antigens to T cells in the immune response.
Members of T cell and B cell clones that provide for immunological memory.
Memory cells
Short-lived immunity resulting from the introduction of “borrowed antibodies” obtained from an immune animal or human donor; immunological memory is not established.
Passive immunity
Lymphoid organs located in the small intestine; also called aggregated lymphoid nodules.
Peyer’s patch
Engulfing of foreign solids by (phagocytic) cells.
Members of a B cell clone; specialized to produce and release antibodies.
Plasma cell
Largest lymphoid organ; provides for lymphocyte proliferation, immune surveillance and response, and blood-cleansing functions.
A ring of lymphoid tissue around the entrance to the pharynx. See also Adenoids.
Proteins released from virus-infected (and other) cells that protect uninfected cells from viral takeover. Also inhibit some cancers.
Preparation that provides artificially acquired active immunity.
Lymphoid organ and endocrine gland active in immune response; site of maturation of T lymphocytes.