module 4 Flashcards
framin labor pain
-educate on the purpose of the pain: cervical change
-educate on how to deal with pain: deep breathing,
-tell that it is intermittent
what does one need give birth?
- privacy
- the feeling of safety
- unobserved
- no distractions
- need for saftey is primal, embedded in the midbrain limbic system. you cant talk yourself into feeling safe
positive feedback loops
- body’s design for safety, ease, and pleasure
- this loop is easiest to disrupt in early labor
- hormones promote mother-baby bonding and breastfeeding
- feedback loop is driven by sensation
early labor
- the first stage of labor usually comes with visceral pain
- the cervix will dilate from closed to 6 cms. effacement begins
- the contraction pattern is every 5-20 minutes for 30-40 seconds
- the average length is 6-12 hours but can be more than 24 hours
- if in the hospital, there is typically documentation every 30 mins
moms in early labor
- should conserve their energy as much as possible
- emotion, denial.
- distraction is important for this stage of labor: showers with warm water, light snacks, and drinks, light activities
- time contractions
assessment during the first stage
- prenatal data
- interview
- admission data
- stress assessment
- cultural factors
- physical exam
physical assessment at first stage of labor
- general systems assessment
- vital signs
- Leopold maneuvers
- assessment of fetal heart rate and pattern
- assessment of uterine contractions
- vaginal exam (depending on where you are)
fetal assessment
fetal position
assessment of fetal HR
how to determine fetal position?
- Leopold maneuver: identify what part of the fetus is at the fundus, next look for the smooth convex on the fetal back and arms and legs, next determine the fetal part that is presenting over the inlet of the true pelvis and finally determine if the head is engaged or not
- vaginal exam
- ultrasound exam
assessment of the fetal heart rate
- objective: assess the adequacy of fetal oxygenation during labor.
- auscultation (intermittent).
- electric fetal monitoring: internal (fetal spiral electrode) external(ultrasound transducer)
laboratory and diagnostic tests first stage of labor
- analysis of urine specimen: urinary analysis
- blood tests: routine CBC
- syphilis screening, HbsAg screening, GBS, HIV, and possibly drug screening
- if there’s a ROM, assess the amniotic membranes and fluid for infection
assessment of uterine contractions
intensity: nose, chin, forehead
resing tone
active labor
the second part of the first stage of labor
- dilation from 6 cms to 8 cms
- the cervix is fully effaced meaning it is thinned and open.
- contraction pattern is every 2-5 minutes with a duration of 45-60 seconds
- during this stage, documentation is done every 15 minutes
presentation of the baby’s head during active labor
the baby’s head is facing the mother’s side. in this position, the widest part of the baby’s head is in the wides part of the mother’s pelvis
moms in active labor
- hydration is important
- changing position and movement help cope
- relax as much as possible
- breathing
- partner support is important both emotional and physical with pressure or massage
assess for a rupture of membranes
you want the mom to report color, odor, amount, and timing
- is the fluid coming out of the vagina, if yes test with nitrazine paper and if it turns blue there is likely a rupture
- ferning test: fern-like patterns present mean there is likely amniotic fluid
first stage of labor nursing interventions
- hygiene
- hydration either orally or via IV(125 cc per hour)
- elimination: voiding q2h, straight cath (want to avoid), Bowel Elim, ambulation and positioning
transition stage of labor
- the cervix completes the process of dilation
- the baby begins to rotate toward the mother’s backbone with the chin ticked to the chest
- this is the best position for birth because the head must align with the widest part of the mother’s pelvic outlet
- contractions are every 2-3 minutes and last for 60-90 seconds
what is considered the second stage of labor
- 10 cm, fully effaced and feeling pressure
- there is a strong urge to bear down and a burning sensation of the perineum from stretching
- contractions are less frequent lasting 60-90 seconds every 3-5 minutes
- usually lasts 1-3 hours but can be longer especially with an epidural
- each push is about 6-8 seconds
- ends with the birth of the baby
there are two phases of the second stage of labor what are they
- latent phase: relatively calm with passive descent of the baby through the birth canal
- descent: active pushing and urges to bear down
vertex position progression
When you give birth, your baby usually comes out headfirst, also called the vertex position. first is anteroposterior slit, then oval opening, the circular shape, then corwning
ritgen maneuver
control of the head during labor. slow extraction to prevent tears
perineal trauma related to childbirth
perineal laceration
vaginal and urethral laceration
cervical injury
episiotomy: mediolateral if median
third stage of labor
delivery of the placenta
want it to easily come off of the uterus like tearing the aluminum foil
-firmly contracting fundus
-change in the shape of the uterus
-a sudden gush of dark blood from introitus (opening)
-apparent lengthening of the umbilical cord
-vaginal fullness