Module 3: General Concepts About Bone, Joints, Muscle, Tendons, Ligaments, And Connective Tissue Flashcards
Important skeletal structures that give shape to the body, provide for attachment of muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and help in locomotion.
4 types of bones
The 4 types of bones
- Long bones- eg. Humerus, femur
- Short bones- eg. Bones of the carpus (wrist), tarsus (ankle)
- Flat bones - eg. Bones of the skull
- Irregular bones - eg. Vertebrae, bones of the inner ear
Structure of Long Bone
Have a shaft = the diaphysis → has a medullary cavity
Have 2 ends = epiphyses → contains spongy bone internally
Covered by periosteum → all bones have this membrane
Outermost edge is of compact bone
Internally is of spongy bone and contains bone marrow
Epiphyseal cartilage
Separates each epiphysis from the diaphysis in young animals → helps in the growth of long bones
These cartilages become ossified (converted into bone) in mature animals → growth no longer possible
A membrane that covers bones during life
Peri = outside
Osteum = relating to bone
Compact bone
Hard bone
Makes up the outermost edge of long bones
Spongy bone
Composed of a lattice of interweaving plates and spicules
Makes up the inside of long bones and is prominent on either end of long bones
Bone marrow (location)
Contained in the spaces in the spongy bone and the medullary cavity
Bone is a living tissue
The matrix = organic, made of collagen → mineralized by calcium phosphate deposits
Bone contain living cells = osteocytes → live in small spaces within the bone = lacunae
Specific terms relating to bones
Tubercle/ tuberosity/ process
Spine or spinous process
Head (in relation to bone)
A bony prominence
Rounded protuberance that articulates with another bone
Depression on the bone
Smaller depression on the bone
A hole in the bone that usually contains a blood vessel or nerve
Spine or spinous process
Sharp projection from the bone