Module 3 Definitions PART 1 Flashcards
Socioeconomic position
The social and economic factors that influence what positions individuals or groups hold within the structure of society.
Measurable differences in health experiences or outcomes occurring between different population groups
An inequality that stems from injustice and involves power relations.
A state of observable and demonstrable disadvantage relative to the local community or the wider society or nation to which an individual, family or group belongs.
Large data repository that links de-identified data about people that have used government services
Population structure
The age and sex distribution (affected by changes in fertility, mortality and migration rates). This affects the rates at which these events occur in the population.
Population composition
Dependency ratio
An age-population ratio of those who are / are not typically in the labour force.
Numerical ageing
The absolute increase in the population that is elderly.
Structural ageing
The increase in the proportion of the population that is elderly
Natural decline
When death>births caused by absolute and structural ageing.
Absolute decline
When there is insufficient migration to replace the decreased births and increased deaths.
The demographic transition
A pattern of changes in birth rates and death rates, which causes a change in the total population, which all countries have gone through or are going through.
Ecological fallacy
The error that arises when information about groups of people is used to make inferences about individuals.
Any event, characteristic or other definable entity that brings about an outcome for better or worse in health.
Healthy environment
The settings that prevent disease while enhancing human health.
Inverse care law
The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it in the population served.
Natural capital
All aspects of the natural environment needed to sustain life and human acitivity.
Financial/Physical Capital
The country’s physical and financial assets that have a direct role in supporting incomes and material living conditions.
Social capital
The connections between people and the values that underpin society
Human capital
People’s skills, knowledge, physical and mental health.