Module 3 Flashcards
What are common difficulties related to body image?
Common difficulties include body dissatisfaction, excessive concern about weight and/or appearance, and facing weight-related prejudices.
What sociocultural context contributes to body image issues?
The promotion of a slim and athletic body is prevalent in society, often associated with happiness and success.
What percentage of women in Quebec desire to lose weight?
73% of women in Quebec desire to lose weight, regardless of their body status.
What is the primary reason women want to lose weight?
The majority (89%) want to lose weight to improve their appearance rather than for better health (67.1%).
What are the consequences of body image distress?
Body image distress can lead to significant public health issues, including depression and risky eating behaviors.
What is the relationship between weight concern and beauty standards?
Weight concern is directly linked to the promotion of beauty standards that favor a slim and athletic ideal.
What is the process of internalization of appearance ideals?
Internalization is the process by which individuals assimilate ideals and consider them essential for their value in the eyes of others.
What is the collective association of the slim ideal?
The slim ideal is collectively associated with beauty, happiness, and success.
What is insatisfaction corporelle?
Insatisfaction corporelle is the negative subjective evaluation of one’s body.
How does internalization relate to body dissatisfaction in women?
In women, the internalization of thinness ideals fuels body dissatisfaction, as the ideal body is often unattainable.
What effect does exposure to Barbie dolls have on young girls?
Exposure to Barbie dolls increases the level of internalization of appearance ideals in girls aged 5 and 8 compared to a control toy.
What ideal do boys and men tend to internalize?
Boys and men tend to internalize ideals related to an athletic and muscular body.
What does meta-analysis reveal about internalization of appearance ideals?
A meta-analysis shows a strong association between the internalization of appearance ideals and body dissatisfaction, with no gender differences.
What is the relationship between internalization of thinness models and eating disorders?
Positive associations exist between the internalization of thinness models and eating disorder symptoms in young women.
What is a predictor of bulimic symptoms in adolescents?
The internalization of thinness ideals has been identified as a predictor of bulimic symptoms in initially asymptomatic adolescents.
Can internalization of thinness ideals persist during recovery from eating disorders?
Yes, internalization of thinness ideals can persist during recovery and predict an increased risk of relapse.
What role does psychological inflexibility play in eating disorders?
Psychological inflexibility moderates the relationship between internalization of appearance ideals and eating disorders.
How does internalization of appearance ideals affect vulnerability to media images?
Internalization of appearance ideals increases vulnerability to negative effects of stereotypical and unrealistic beauty images in media.
What is the relationship between social media use and internalization of thinness ideals?
Greater use of social media, such as Facebook, is associated with increased internalization of thinness ideals.
Quelle association a été observée entre les fonctionnalités des réseaux sociaux et l’internalisation des idéaux de minceur ?
Les fonctionnalités liées à l’apparence des réseaux sociaux, comme le nombre d’autoportraits publiés et le temps passé à regarder les photos d’amis, avaient une association plus marquée avec l’internalisation des idéaux de minceur que l’utilisation générale des sites de réseaux sociaux.
Quel impact l’exposition à des images de femmes minces sur Instagram a-t-elle sur les femmes ayant internalisé les idéaux de minceur ?
Les femmes ayant fortement internalisé les idéaux de minceur montrent une appréciation de leur corps significativement plus faible après avoir été exposées à ces images, comparativement à celles qui ont peu internalisé ces idéaux.
Qu’ont observé d’autres chercheurs concernant l’internalisation des idéaux de minceur ?
D’autres chercheurs n’ont pas observé d’effet de l’internalisation des idéaux de minceur lors d’une exposition à des images idéalisées de femmes minces ou athlétiques sur Instagram.
Quelles interventions semblent prometteuses pour diminuer l’internalisation des idéaux de minceur ?
Des interventions comme « The Body Project » semblent prometteuses pour diminuer l’internalisation des idéaux de minceur et les symptômes de troubles du comportement alimentaire chez les femmes adultes et adolescentes.
Comment a évolué le standard de beauté féminin au fil du temps ?
Le standard de beauté féminin a évolué, passant d’une forte corpulence valorisée à la Renaissance à un corps féminin mince considéré comme un standard de beauté dans la culture occidentale depuis plusieurs décennies.
Quel est le nouveau standard corporel de beauté qui émerge depuis la dernière décennie ?
Le nouveau standard corporel de beauté qui émerge est l’idéal athlétique, qui combine minceur et tonification/musculation.
Quel rôle jouent les médias sociaux dans la perception de l’apparence physique ?
Les médias sociaux bombardent les utilisatrices d’images, de citations et de conseils sur l’activité physique et l’alimentation, renforçant une surévaluation de l’apparence physique et des préoccupations alimentaires.
What is healthism?
Healthism is the perspective that maintaining health should be an individual responsibility, often leading to stigma against those who are overweight or obese.
How does healthism view the body?
Healthism places the body as a central indicator of fitness, health, and beauty, promoting a simplistic relationship between body weight and health.
What factors influence body weight?
Body weight is influenced by a myriad of factors including genetic, environmental, social, and cultural aspects.
What are the documented benefits of physical activity?
The physical and psychological benefits associated with physical activity are well documented.
What did the Australian study find regarding young women’s body satisfaction?
The study found that physical activity was negatively associated with body satisfaction and self-esteem in young women under 21.
How do men and women differ in their body ideals?
Men and women have distinct body ideals; men prioritize performance and physical effort, while women focus on achieving a balance between diet and exercise for a slim body.
What did the study of American university women reveal about body ideals?
The study revealed that women preferred to have a body that is both slim and firm/muscular rather than just slim or muscular.
What is the ‘unhealthy fitness hype’?
The ‘unhealthy fitness hype’ refers to a lifestyle characterized by unrealistic standards of physical activity, diet, and body appearance, often reinforced by social media.
Quel parallèle est mentionné dans l’étude concernant les standards de minceur et athlétique ?
Les participants ont mentionné que « fit is the new skinny », où la valorisation de l’apparence musclée est présente chez les adolescents et adolescentes.
Quel est le standard de minceur pour les filles selon l’étude ?
Les filles considèrent important d’être forte et en forme sans être trop musclée.
Quels sont les dénominateurs communs des modèles corporels athlétiques et de minceur ?
Une faible masse grasse et une bonne musculature dans les modèles corporels athlétiques.
Quels risques sont associés à la valorisation des idéaux corporels athlétiques ?
Ils sont extrêmement difficiles à atteindre et peuvent causer des changements marqués dans les habitudes alimentaires et d’activité physique.
Pourquoi 90 % des utilisateurs d’Instagram consultent-ils du contenu valorisant l’idéal athlétique ?
Pour des raisons de santé, comme s’inspirer à mieux manger et à être plus actifs.
Quel pourcentage d’utilisateurs d’Instagram cherchent à améliorer leur apparence physique ?
54 % le font également pour améliorer leur apparence physique et pour perdre du poids.
Quel pourcentage de femmes désirant un corps plus musclé modulent leur apparence corporelle par l’activité physique ?
73 % des femmes qui désirent avoir un corps plus musclé font de l’activité physique pour moduler leur apparence corporelle.
Quelle est la réaction des femmes face à l’exposition à des images de l’idéal athlétique féminin ?
Cela génèrerait une plus grande insatisfaction corporelle chez les femmes que l’exposition à des images d’idéaux de minceur.
Quelles sont les conséquences pour les utilisatrices d’Instagram qui publient du contenu lié à l’idéal athlétique ?
Elles rapportent plus d’activité physique compulsive, un désir accru de minceur et un corps musclé, et plus de symptômes boulimiques.
Qu’est-ce que l’objectification du corps des femmes ?
C’est une perception socioculturelle où le corps des femmes est vu comme un objet à être regardé et évalué par les autres.
Quelles sont les conséquences de l’auto-objectification chez les femmes ?
Elles finissent par prioriser leur apparence externe aux dépens de leur personnalité et d’autres caractéristiques psychologiques.
Comment se manifeste l’auto-objectification du corps ?
Par une surveillance constante de son apparence, ce qui peut nuire à l’estime et à l’image corporelle.
What is the relationship between self-objectification and eating disorders among women of different ethnic backgrounds?
The relationship is mediated by body shame and/or anxiety regarding body appearance.
What does the theory of objectification state?
Self-objectification of the body and monitoring of appearance can increase anxiety and harm the awareness of internal physical sensations, such as hunger.
In which populations has the theory of objectification been confirmed?
It has been confirmed in various samples, including older women, physically active women, adolescents, homosexual men, and transgender women.
How does self-objectification manifest?
It manifests as constant monitoring of one’s body.
What are the consequences of self-objectification?
Consequences include increased body shame, eating disorders, decreased flow experience, increased anxiety about appearance, decreased awareness of internal physical sensations, and depression.
How can self-objectification be conceptualized?
It can be conceptualized as an individual trait (‘trait self-objectification’) or a state in response to environmental stimuli (‘state self-objectification’).
What experimental manipulation was used to induce state self-objectification?
Participants were asked to wear a swimsuit or a t-shirt in a fitting room with a mirror.
What were the effects of wearing a swimsuit in the experiment?
Women who tried on the swimsuit experienced increased self-objectification, body shame, negative emotions, and greater dietary restriction. They also scored lower on a subsequent math test compared to the control group.
What does constant vigilance towards physical appearance demand?
It demands a strong mental load, which consequently decreases the resources available for other cognitive tasks.
What is the relationship between self-objectification and depressive symptoms?
Self-objectification is positively associated with depressive symptoms.
How does self-objectification relate to self-esteem?
Self-objectification is negatively associated with self-esteem.
How does self-objectification change with age in women?
Self-objectification of the body and appearance monitoring decrease with age, while body dissatisfaction is not related to age.
What factor may decrease the experience of self-objectification?
The practice of yoga may decrease the experience of self-objectification.
What did a study on yoga participants reveal about self-objectification?
The study documented a decrease in self-objectification of the body among participants over a 2-month period.
What is associated with more embodiment and positive affects in yoga practitioners?
More frequent yoga practice is associated with greater embodiment and positive affects.
What factors contribute to increased self-objectification in women?
Factors include reading beauty magazines, viewing images of thin women, sexual violence, and participation in aesthetic sports like ballet.