Module 2/Week 2 Flashcards
What is naturalistic observations?
Gather data in the natural environment
What is structured observations?
Observed in a controlled setting
What is an open-ended interview?
Gathers a large amount of information, done in a conversational matter
What is a structured interview?
Same set of questions for everyone
What is a questionnaire?
Gather data from large sample quickly, usually a multiple choice survey
What are some examples of physiological measures?
EEG, CT scan, fMRI, DTI
What is a case study?
Rich description of individual, qualitative data, multiple sources on one case
What is a correlational study?
Permits analysis of relationships among variables as they exist in the real world
Correlation does NOT equal causation
What is cross-sectional research?
Compare groups of different ages at one point
What is longitudinal research?
Follow same group of participants throughout many points in time
What are the 5 ethical principles?
- Do good and avoid harm
- Responsibility
- Integrity
- Justice
- Respect for autonomy
What is child assent?
Child’s agreement to participate in a study
What is passive consent?
Parents must opt out of study if they do not want child to participate
What is applied developmental science?
Examines lifelong developmental interactions among individuals and their contexts
What are the assumptions of intersectionality?
- All individuals have multiple identities that converge
- Within each identity is a dimension of power or oppression
- Identities are influenced by other sociocultural contexts.
Describe conception.
Does not take long to concieve. The egg travels from the ovaries to the uterus. Millions of sperms produced everyday but only some make it to the egg.
What is the germinal period?
0-2 weeks
This is when the zygote begins cell division. The blastocyst protects the cells
What is the embryonic period?
3-8 weeks
The embryo begins to form. The placenta provides necessary nutrients. The neural tube is formed, which will become the central nervous system. Indifferent gonads will form into the genitals.
What is the fetal period?
9 weeks-Birth
This is when the organism grows rapidly. Limb movement coordination
Describe an ultrasound AND a fetal MRI.
An ultrasound creates an image of the entire womb.
The fetal MRI focuses on the body of the fetus to detect abnormalities.
Describe what amniocentesis AND chorionic villus sampling is.
Amniocentesis is when a small sample of amniotic fluid is extracted.
Chorionic villus sampling is when parts of the placental tissue are tested. This test can be performed earlier than an amniocentesis.
Describe non-invasive pre-natal testing.
Screens mother’s blood. No risk to the baby.
What is a teratogen?
Any environmental factor that is disruptive to the pregnancy.
What is the critical period?
This is when the organism is most sensitive. Embryonic period is the most sensitive stage.
What are some risks of malnutrition in terms of the neural tube?
Spina bifida: Lower neural tube does not close properly
Anencephaly: Top of the neural tube fails to close properly
What are some factors that affect access to prenatal care?
Lack of insurance, socioeconomic status, cultural factors
What are the 3 stages of labor?
- Dilation - Last 8-14 hours, cervix is dilating
- Delivery - Cervix is fully dilated and ready
- Placenta - the placenta seperates from the uterine wall
What is a cesarean delivery?
Baby is removed from the uterus through the mother’s abdomen
What is the difference between a doula and a midwife?
A doula is someone who specializes in providing support for the mother and partner throughout the pregnancy
A midwife is a healthcare professional who specializes in childbirth