module 2 sampling strategies Flashcards
sampling strategies
process of selecting a portion of the population to represent the entire population
target population
group to which the researchers want to generalize the study results
random (probability) sampling
probability of being selected is known
- selection of a group of subjects from a population so that each individual is chosen by chance.
- reduced bias
- increases external validity/generalizability
nonrandom (non-probability) sampling
probability of selection unknown
- convenience or subjective judgment used to decided who is chosen for sample
- unable to determine whether the sample includes members from all relevant segments of population
types of nonrandom sampling
types of random (probability) sampling
simple random
stratified random
systematic sampling
all members of defined group
characteristics of population
simple statistics
characteristics of sample
simple random sample
sample is chosen in such a way that every set of individuals has an equal chance to be in the selected sample
stratified random
Stratified random sampling is used when your population is divided into strata (characteristics like male and female or education level), and you want to include the stratum when taking your sample.
cluster sampling
Cluster sampling is used in statistics when natural groups are present in a population. The whole population is subdivided into clusters, or groups, and random samples are then collected from each group.
systematic sampling
choose every 10th member, or every 100th member.
convenience sampling
Convenience sampling (also called accidental sampling or grab sampling) is where you include people who are easy to reach.
purposive sampling
Participants are selected according to the needs of the study (hence the alternate name, deliberate sampling); applicants who do not meet the profile are rejected.
quota sampling
The population is divided into groups (also called strata) and samples are taken from each group to meet a quota. Care is taken to maintain the correct proportions representative of the population.
snowball sampling
Snowball sampling is where research participants recruit other participants for a test or study.