Module 2: Alterations in Cells and Tissues Flashcards
- Cell size decreases or shrinks
- Normal example: thymus
- Pathological ex: loss of blood circulation, hormones, aging = loss of brain cells
- Mechanism: decrease in protein synthesis
- upregulation of proteasome activity
- autophagy by lysosomes
- cellular debris breaks down
- Visible Changes: smaller cell size
- Cell size increases
- Normal ex: increased demand by hormones or growth factors
- i.e. construction worker with hypertrophied upper body
- Pathological Ex: chornic hemodynamic overload
- leads to cardiomegaly
- Mechanism: Increased protein synthesis
- increased DNA synthesis
- does NOT occur due to swelling caused by fluid
- Visible Changes: increase total cell size
- increased number of organelles
- the number of cells increases due to increased cell divison
- Physiological Ex:
- compensatory hyperplasia: hepatocytes of the liver regenerate and replicate in the liver after they are damaged by alcohol
hormonal hyperplasia: hormone dependent organs experience replication of cells when exposed to certain hormones
- i.e. endometrium of uterus grows with increased hormone production
- Pathological Ex: abnormal proliferation of cells
- i.e. cancer/tumors
- Mechanism: hormonal and growth facotrs increase
- failure of normal growth regulation
- Visible changes:
- excess cells
- enlarged nucleus with enlarged nucleoli
- a type of cell is replaced with another type of cell, often becoming more homogenous (less differentiated)
- New cell type may be more suitable for new environment–> prolonged exposure can lead to neoplasia
- Mechanism: cytokines and growth factors related to inflammation and injury cause precursor cells to reprogram
- Visible changes: cells look more homogenous (less differentiated)
- abnormal cells that are not typical of surrounding cells are present
- mature cells end up with abnormal shapes, size, and organization
- aka atypical hyperplasia
- caused by persistent cell injury or irritation
- NOT a good adaptive change
- can be classified as low or high grade; or mild, moderate, or severe
- can be associated with neoplastic growths in the cervix, respiratory tracts, or breast cancer
- Mechanism: increased cell division
- visible changes: increased number of cells, abnormal shape, and organization
- Enlarged nucleus as inm hyperplasia and hypertrophy
Cellular Injury
a change occurs that can result in death
cellular adaptation
changes that occur in the cell as a result of changes in the environment
Causes of cellular injury (8)
- hypoxia
- free radicals
- chemical agents
- infectious agents
- physical or mechanical stress
- immune reactions
- genetic factors
- nutritional imbalance
Early Reversible Stages of Cellular Injury
- Trigger is low oxygen
- mitochondria reduce ATP production (only glycolysis can occur)
- results in loss of Na/K pump acitvity
- Na builds up intracellularly
- water no longer block by Na in the ECF and enters the cell
- K build up in the ECF
- Na builds up intracellularly
- Results in loss of Na/Ca exchanger
- intracellular build up of Ca in the ICF
- Water enters the cell
- causes cellular swelling, endoplasmic reticulum dilation, detached ribosomes, decreased protein synthesis, and lipid deposition
- anaerobic glycolysys occurs
- increased production of lactic acid leads to a decrease in pH in the cell which causes the nuclear chromatin to clump
- results in loss of Na/K pump acitvity
- mitochondria reduce ATP production (only glycolysis can occur)
Prolonged Hypoxic Cellular Injury
- swelling continues which causes vacuolation: the formation of cavities within the cell; and blebs to occur
- swelling of lysosomes:
- becuase they are digesting cytoplasm and nuclear components
- swelling of mitochondria
- Ca2+ activates intracellular enzymes
- proteases, phospholipases, and endonucleases
- cell membrane damage occurs
- influx of Ca2+
- Further loss of proteins, degradation of nucleic acids, loss of ATP
- Becomes irreversible–>cell death
Hypoxic Cellular Injury Causes
***Most common type of cellular injury*** Caused by lack of O2
- loss of local blood supply
- low oxygen in the air
- loss or alteration of hemoglobin
- decreased number of red blood cells ie anemia
- damage to oxidation enzymes (Cytochromes)
- insufficient systemic respiration
- insufficient system circulation
- reduced blood supply
- but if it is gradual then adaptations can occur
- ex. thrombus that is growing and reducing blood supply
- can adapt by creating new vessels that circumvent the thrombus
- ex. thrombus that is growing and reducing blood supply
- total lack of oxygen–> not tolerated by most tissues
- ex. an embolus that gets stuck in a vessel
Oxidative Stress
- Caused by reactive oxygen species(ROS)
- ROSs causes cell, membrane, and organelle damage by:
- peroxidation of lipids–> breakdown of unsaturated fatty acids
- alteration of proteins
- DNA damage
- MITOCHONDRIA are very important in this oxidative stress
- they produce and are damaged by ROS
- they generate them during the electron transport chain
- if ROS levels are high they can overhwlem the peroxisomes which carry antioxidant enzymes
- they produce and are damaged by ROS
- Lipids, proteins, and mtDNA are all affected by ROS
Free Radicals
- Definition: they are uncharged atoms with unpaired electrons that are unstable and often damage other molecules
- Formed by: neutrophils and other inflammatory cells
- endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle, fibroblasts
- they are possible in all cell types to different degrees
- Formed due to:
- energy sources that hve excess energy: UV and other radiation
- redox reactions
- enzymatic breakdown of exogenous molecules or drugs
- They cause:
- peroxidation of lipids–> breakdown of unsaturated fatty acids
- alteration of proteins
- DNA damage
Chemical Injury
- Examples of chemicals that cause injury
- carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)
- lead
- carbon monoxide
- ethanol/alcohol
- mercury
- drugs
- exposure via inhalation, ingestion, and absorption
- Common mechanisms:
- direct toxicity to the cell, membrane or organelles
- production of free radicals
- cellular enzymes or proteins may be altered
- blocked synthesis of molecules
- blocked cellular functions
Reperfusion Injury
- Reperfusion can lead to apoptosis of cells
- calls accumulate xanthine and hypoxanthine during ischemia
- these two molecules combine with oxygen to form the ROS superoxide and hydrogen peroxide
- causes cell membrane damage
- mitochondrial Ca2+ overload
- mitochondrial permability transition pore (MPTP)
- results in loss of ATP and loss of solutes
- mitochondrial permability transition pore (MPTP)
- Apoptosis–> activation of cell death by activation of Caspases
- caspases are activated by the release of cytochrome C from the mitochondria
- calls accumulate xanthine and hypoxanthine during ischemia
- pro-apoptotic enzyme
- lead to a cascade that breaks down DNA \
- can be activated by the release of Cytochrome C from the mitochondria
4 types of necrosis
- coagulative necrosis
- liquefactive necrosis
- casseous necrosis
- fat necrosis
4 mechanisms of cellular accumulations
- abnormal metabolism
- defect in protein folding or transport
- enzyme defects
- cellular uptake of substances
Examples of Types of Cellular Accumulations
Can be transient or permanent; can also be harmless or toxic
- waters
- lipids
- carbohydrates
- glycogen
- proteins
- pigments
- calcium
- urate
Cellular Accumulations and Ethanol
Ethanol–> acetaldehyde and free radicals in the liver–> leads to inflammation, fatty liver, membrane damage–>depresses the CNS by acting on reticular formation which normally inhibits unacceptable behavior
Storage Disease *
These are a set of diseases that lead to abnormal accumulations within the body
- accumulation of substances caused by:
- rare, genetic disease
- loss of a specific enzyme function
- accumulation of metabolic products due to defect in catabolism
- Macrophage uptake these accumulations:
- may be expelled into extracellular matrix
- taken up by macrophages
- may be stored in the liver or spleen
Systemic Manifestations of Cellular Injury
- fatigue
- malaise
- decreased appetite
- fever–> endogenous pyrogens
- increased heartrate
- increased white blood cells(5000-9000mm3)
- pain
- release of enzymes from damaged cells
Mechanisms Leading to Necrotic Cells
- Decreased ATP
- Mitochondrial damage
- results in leakage of pro-apoptotic proteins
- entry of Ca2+
- increases mitochondrial permability
- activation of multiple cellular enzymes
- Increased ROS
- damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA
- Membrane Damage
- Plasma membrane
- loss of cellular components
- lysosomal membrane
- releases enzymes that begin to digest cellular components
- Plasma membrane
- protein misfolding and DNA damage
- activates pro-apoptotic proteins
Coagulative Necrosis
The area that has undergone coagulative necrosis is also called an infarct
- follows hypoxia
- commonly affects heart, kidneys, and adrenal glands
- ***proteins become denatured*** and become firm and opaque
- albumin becomes firm “cooked egg white”
Caseous Necrosis
- Coagulative+ Liquefactive
- common with Tuberculosis
- clumped cheese appearance
Liquefactive Necrosis
Generally affects the brain the most and is caused by excessive hydrolases
- following ischemia in the brain
- excessive hydrolases (break down water/-OH groups)
- liquifies neural tissue, forms cysts
- excessive hydrolases (break down water/-OH groups)
- following certain bacterial infections
- excessive hydrolases from pathogens
- liquifies bacteria and causes nearby cell pus
- excessive hydrolases from pathogens
Fat necrosis
Caused by excess lipases
- lipids get broken down and combine with Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na2+
- leads to saponification
- occurs in breast, pancreas, and abdomen
- where there is more fatty tissue
- Tissue level necrosis
- its a result of severe hypoxic injury usually as a result of atherosclerosis or severe blockage of arteries
Dry Gangrene
Causes by coagulative necrosis
- appearance:
- dry, shrunken, dark brown to black
- there are no blood vessels that supply neutrophils which would make it wet
- dry, shrunken, dark brown to black
Wet Gangrene
Caused by liqufactive necrosis
- liquefactive necrosis due to neutrophil (anitgen presenting cell) invasion and inflammation
- characteristics:
- pus, foul odor
- cold, swollen, and black
Gas Gangrene
Caused by Clostridium perfringens (anaerobe) which releases excess hydrolytic enzymes
- causes crepitous:
- gas bubbles in the muscle cell
Intrinsic Pathway for Apoptosis
- cell receives signals from inside the cell
- endoplasmic reticulum stress
- causes mitochondria to produce enzumes and DNAses that break down everything
- DNA is the first thing to break down
- Pro-apoptotic enzymes
- caspases–> lead to cascade that breaks down DNA
- membrane itself does not break down right away
- cellular shrinkage
- one cell affected
- cell contents ingested by neighboring cells
- no inflammatory response
- blebbing but integrity is maintained
- apoptotic bodies form
- mitochondria release pro-apoptotic proteins
- chromaticn condensation and non-random DNA degradation
- example: breast tissue when mothers ween after breastfeeding
- Size:
- cellular swelling
- many cells affected
- Uptake:
- cell contents ingested by macrophages
- significant inflammation
- Membrane:
- loss of membrane integrity
- cell lysis occurs
- Organelles:
organelle swelling and lysosomal leakage
- random degradation of DNA
nucleus shrinks and condenses
nucleus dissolves
Extrinsic Pathway for Apoptosis
cell receives death signals through FAS ligand pathway that activate caspase 8/10 which triggers the cascade to break down
when a cell eats itself, result in the delivery of cargo (organelles, etc.) to the lysosome for degradation and RECYCLING
- membrane remains intact
- 3 types:
- microautophagy
- macroautophagy
- chaperone-mediated autophagy
- eats external things
- occurs at the level of the peroxisome
- type of autolysis
- eats its entire self
- occurs through the phagophore
- the phagophore is a double membrane that encloses the cytoplasmic components during macroautophagy
Chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA)
uses a receptor
Cellular Aging
characterized by atrophy, decreased function, and loss of cells (through apoptosis)
loss of muscle mass and strength
Tissue and Systemic Aging
every physiological process declines with age
- progressive stiffness and rigidity
- arterial, pulmonary, and musculoskeletal
- Can be a wasting syndrome of aging
- decreased mobility, balance, muscle strength, motor activity, cognition, nutrition, endurance, and bone density in creased falls and fractures
- accompanied by declining hormone levels and increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines