Module 11 - Logic Solvers Flashcards
What are the 4 types of logic solvers?
- Relays
- Solid state logic
- PLCs
- Safety PLCs
What is a safety configured PLC?
IEC 61511 permits safety configured PLCs up to SIL2 if they can satisfy requirements for prior use
Is it worth using an ordinary PLC in a safety configured application?
Not usually, high effort not warranted
What are the two common safety PLC architectures?
- TMR 2oo3D
2. 1oo2D/2oo4D
What is one advantage of 2oo4D vs TMR safety PLC architectures? What is one advantage of of TMR over 2oo4D?
2oo4D has a lower spurious trip rate but TMR has a faster scan time
When is a communication link safety rated?
When at least one SIF fails to function because of the failure of the comms link
What is the difference between white and black channel communication?
White channel communication has the entire link compliant with 61508/61784. Black channel only has the interfaces compliant
What constitutes separation of the BPCS and the SIS?
A BPCS failure shall not prevent the SIS from successfully executing any SIFs
What are three issues with integrating the BPCS with the SIS?
- Systematic failures
- Security breaches
- Common mode failures