Module 1 - the normal child Flashcards
Determinants of a child’s growth
1 x gross motor, fine motor, speech/hearing, social/self help development expected for child:
PLUS 1 red flag for each age
GM: no head lag on pull to sit, supports weight when held in standing position with NO stepping reflex
FM: hold objects briefly if put into hand
H&S: coos and laughs
S&SH: smiles spontaneously
RF: head lag
GM: anticipates pull to sit by lifting head up, lift head with extended arms when in prone position
FM: reaches for objects, puts objects in mouth
H&S: babbles, turns head to localise soft sounds at ear level
S&SH: finger feeds, hold arms out to be picked up
RF: hand preference (should be equal both hands)
GM: sits unsupported, crawls or bottom shuffles
FM: bangs objects together, object permanence (looks for hidden toy)
H&S: says mama and dada without meaning
S&SH: stranger awareness, waves bye bye
RF: not sitting unsupported
GM: stands alone, beginning to walk
FM: pincher grasp
H&S: 2-3 single words with meaning
S&SH: points with index finger to indicate wants
RF: no stranger awareness, not standing with support
GM: climbs stairs 2 feet per step
FM: scribbles purposefully, may see hand dominance begin
H&S: 6+ words, identifies 2 parts of the body
S&SH: feeds self with spoon and drinks from a cup
RF: not walking
GM: runs, kicks a ball
FM: turns single pages, unscrews small bottle lid
H&S: many words, identifies objects
S&SH: washes and dries hands
RF: not joining words and not running
GM: climbs stairs 1 foot per step, jumps on spot
FM: mature pencil grip, hand dominance
H&S: can count to 10, knows 3 colours
S&SH: dresses except laces and buttons, usually toilet trained (may still wet at night until 6yrs)
RF: not playing interactively with peers, speech difficult to understand
GM: hops on one foot
FM: draws a face
H&S: asks ‘wh’ questions
S&SH: knows family name, does front buttons
RF: no imaginative play, not toilet trained
Concerns at any age:
- strong parental concerns
- loss of previously acquired skill
- lack of response to visual or auditory stimulus
- seems floppy or tense
- difference in movement or tone between right and left sides of the body
Vaccinations received at 6 weeks and 4 months?
Diptheria, pertussis, tetanus, haemophilus influenzae type B, polio, hep B
Meningococcal B (Aboriginal children)
Vaccinations received at 6 months?
Diptheria, pertussis, tetanus, haemophilus influenzae B, polio, hep B
- all in the one vaccine (INFANRIX HEXA)
Vaccinations received at 12 months?
Meningococcal ACWY
Meningococcal B (Aboriginal children)