is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to another within and across channels, contexts, media and culture
Who said that “Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to another within and across channels, contexts, media and culture”
Sipacio, P.F & Balgos, A.G. (2016)
the root words of communication which means to share, or to make common
what is the meaning of communicare
share or to make common
Who said that the root word of the word communication is communicare, which means to share, or to make common
Weekley, E. (1967)
is defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning
who said that communication is defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning
Pearson, J., & Nelson, P. (2000)
it is the act of process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone else
Who/What said that communication “act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone else
Merriam Webster
is the exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result to understanding
Who/What said that communication is the exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result to understanding
Cambridge Dictionary
2 Types of communication
- Verbal communication
- Non-verbal communication
3 Nature of Communication
- Continuous process
- Transmission of message
- Expressed verbally & non-verbally
What are the elements of communication?
- Sender & Receiver
- Messages
- Channel
- Feedback
- Context
- Noise
they conveys messages by converting their thoughts into symbols or observable signals such as words
the process of conveying messages by converting their thoughts into symbols or observable signals such as words
codification or encoding
they hear the signals and convert the symbols into their thoughts
the process of hearing the signals and convert the symbols into their thoughts
decoding, deciphering, or interpretation
Not only should the symbols be heard correctly, they should also have the _____ for both senders and receivers
same meaning
the ideas or thoughts that are transmitted from sender to receiver
is the medium or the means, such as personal, non-personal, verbal or non-verbal, through which the message is sent
it connects the sender and the receiver
refers to the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver in response to the message of the speaker
it is very important to communication because it lets the participants in the communication see whether ideas and feelings have been shared in the intended way
refers to the interrelated conditions of communication which affect how people understand the message
what are the 6 types of context
- Physical context
- Social context
- Psychological context
- Cultural context
- Historical context
- Temporal context
includes the setting where the communication takes place, the time of the day, the environment condition, distance between or among communicators, etc.
Physical context
refers to the nature of relationships existing between or among the communicators and it also sets the formality of the interaction
Social context
involves the communicators’ moods and feelings
Psychological context
is comprised of the beliefs, values, and norms shared by a large group of people
Cultural Context
involves the background provided by previous interactions between or among communicators which affect understanding of the current exchange
Historical context
is a message’s position within a sequence of events
Temporal context
refers to the interference that keeps a message from being understood or accurately interpreted
3 types of noise
- External noise
- Internal noise
- Semantic noise
includes sights, sounds, and any other distractions in the physical environment
External noise
refers to the distractions within the communicator. can be categorized as either physiological or biological noise
internal noise
involves the unintentional misunderstanding caused by ambiguity, ethnic slurs, profanity, and vulgar speech
Semantic noise
Enumerate the process of communication
The speaker generates an idea
The speaker encodes an idea or converts the idea into words or actions
The speaker transmits or send out a message
The receiver gets the message
The receiver decodes or interprets the message based on the context
The receiver sends or provides feedback
2 types of internal noise
- physiological noise
- biological noise
What are the FUNCTIONS of communication
- Control
- Social Interaction
- Information
- Emotional Expression
- Information Dissemination