We all know that ICT take a major role for us by means of communicating way back in the pastour parents use to make letter and send it via post mail. But now with the help of ICT it is casier to communicate with our love ones. We can use cellular phones that design for communicating with other people even they are miles away far from you.
In the employment sector, ICT enables organizations to operate more efficiently, so employing staff with ICT skills is vital to the smooth running of ang business. Being able to use ICT systems offectively allows omployees more time to concentrate on areas of their job role that require softskills.
Job Opportunities
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum. Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, use classroom time for more interactive exercises.When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT
Social media has changed the world. The e rapid and vast adoption of these technologies is changing how we find partners, how we access information from the news, and how we organize to demand political change
Increase in access to information and services that has accompanied the growth of the Internet. Some of the positive aspects of this increased access are better, and often cheaper, communications, such as VoIP phone and Instan Messaging.
Access to information
ICT gives access to new tools that did not previously exist: digital cameras, photo-editing software and high quality printers. screen magnification or screen reading software enables partially sighted or blind people to work with ordinary text rather than Braille.
New tools, new opportunities
Cost savings by using e.g. VoIP instead of normal instead of post video conferencing instead of traveling to meetings.e-commerce web sites instead of sales catalogues. Access to larger even worldwide, markets.
eg. distance learning and online
Tutorials. new way
Improved access to education
Data mining of Customer information To produce fists for targeted advertising.
Information Management
ICT solves or reduces some security problems, eg. Encryption method’s can keep data safe from unauthorized people both while if it is being stored or while it is being sent ekctronically.
in a wider, even worldwide society.
ICT allow’s people to participate
students can access teaching materials from all.
Distance learning:
has the ability to perform impossible experiment by using simulation.
ICT facilities
interesting jobs would be Systems analysts , programmers
Creation of new move
Manual operations being replaced by automation robots replacing people on an assembly Line.
Job Loss
Most people need some form
Interaction in their daily lives if chance to meet t talk w/ others.
Reduced personal interaction:
can lead to hatch Problems such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
Reduced physical activity
A lot of f software ICT hardware & software is expensive,both to purchase & to maintain
thought of as being a good thing, but for some organizations being expose the greater competition can be problem.