MODULE #1 Flashcards
Why is it important to know your clients?
- To ensure that their interests are taken into account in how you deliver your service.
- Meet their needs, demands and expectations in terms of service delivery (defining problems, establishing priorities, deployment of personnel, assessing in meeting standards)
- Dissipate potentially violent situations
- Resolve community problems related to safe communities
- Generate workable and sustainable preventive action
- Mobilize the community to assist in achieving safe homes and safe streets.
The people with whom police interact in the delivery of their service and the people who that service is delivered.
What are the two types of clients?
Indirect and direct
The type of clients you interact with at various points in your service delivery or investigations.
Direct clients
The type of clients not directly involved in an incident or its investigations but who have an interest in its outcome. They include taxpayers, the public, Interest groups, govt agencies, family members etc.
Indirect clients
What are 6 expectations of our clients?
- Call for assistance
- Call to an incident In progress
- Call to an incident after-the-fact
- Interaction with a suspect/prisoner
- Testimony in court
- Community group call for assistance
What is the importance of acquiring and analyzing information?
Information is essential to police work, to the apprehension of suspects, to the fair resolution of incidents through the Justice system or alternative means.
What are some sources of information?
Clients, partners, colleagues, and libraries, resource centres, information systems
Based on information acquired from various sources.
Risk assessment
Anyone within the organization, other than govt departments or agencies, or the community who can assist you to provide better quality service and more timely service.
What are four reasons it is important to establish and maintain partnerships?
- Develop trust to ensure that partners are available as required.
- Ensure that you are aware of the potential partners that do exist so that the best available information or assistance is available to clients as soon as possible.
- Ensure that their are contingency plans in place so that when assistance is required, it is immediately available
- Ensure that the clients receive assistance and follow-up through volunteers when you have other priorities to attend to.
What are some types of partners within and outside of the RCMP?
Doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, psychologists, scientists, lab technicians, dog specialists, firemen, clergy, colleagues with experience in a particular area, cultural groups, half way houses, organizations supporting battered women, victims, volunteers, informants
For every call for assistance or intervention, police have available to them four major types of response strategies:
- Service
- Protection
- Enforcement
- Prevention
Assisting the public and referring them to available partners
Protecting the public, victims, and those affected by their victimization, in partnership with community agencies and experts.
In some cases, it is in the public’s best interest, in the pursuit of justice objectives, to enforce the law by laying charges and proceeding through the judicial system.
You may judge that enforcement is not in the best interest of those concerned and opt not to proceed through the judicial system
Preventing incidents (offences, accidents or problems from occurring or escalating through intervention, proactive problem solving and education.
In a given situation, what are three questions you must continuously ask?
- What is my primary responsibility?
- What course of action would be in the public’s best interest?
- What clients should get priority at various stages of an incident?
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the service provided in partnership with our clients. The determination of what worked and what did not work, with a view on improving future service. Developing problem solving strategies to address any factors.