FIREARMS Flashcards
What are the 5 safety features of the gun?
- Double action only - pressure is applied to the trigger until the hammer is released and firing pin is struck
- Firing pin safety lever - allows the pistol to fire only when the trigger is pulled entirely to the rear
- Deliberate trigger pull
- 8 - 12 lbs - Magazine disconnect
- when the magazine is not fully seated, the gun should not fire, preventing unintentional discharge when changing magazines or performing other manipulations - Disconnector
- When the slide is out of battery, the gun will not fire, preventing injury from an explosion out of the ejection port
The “big four” fundamentals of shooting
- Stance
- Grip
- Sight alignment
- Trigger pull
- Feet
- shoulder width apart
- weight evenly distributed on balls of your feet
- squarely facing the target or dominant foot slightly behind support side foot
- knees slightly bent - Body
- back straight but not stiff
- neck and shoulders relaxed
- hip and shoulders square to the threat - Muscles
- relaxed to avoid trembling
- combat breathing - Head
- hold the head straight
- best vision out of centre eye - Arms
- extended straight but not locked
- push pistol out to eye level
- wrists straight
- Put the pistol in the “U” of the hand as high as you can against the tang
- Extension of hand - where the finger points - the fun points
- apply pressure front to rear - do not press into the side with fingertips
- firm grip
- trigger finger to contact centre of pad
- heel of hand on open portion of the grip
- wrap fingers around gun hand
- apply even pressure all around
- thumbs are parallel to one another and not touching the slide or pushing up the slide stop lever
- index finger does not go on the front of the trigger guard
Characteristics of smith & Wesson Model 5946
9mm parabellum Double action only Barrel length 4" Magazine capacity 15 rounds Stainless steel Sights: tritium/night sights - adjustable
Prior to loading any ammunition, confirm the following pertinent info:
- On the ammunition box
2. Check head stamp
Approved ammunition
- training
- operational
Training - 147gr truncated point
Velocity: 300 m/sec (985 ft)
Operational - 147 truncated JHP Hollow Point
Velocity: 300 m/sec
Are reloads permitted for use in RCMP issue firearms?
Rcmp duty shotgun
Remington 870 12 Gauge
Describe Remington RCMP duty shotgun
- barrel length
- action
- choke
- magazine
- capacity
- weight
- sight
Length 18 to 20 inches smooth Bore Action - pump No choke Magazine - tubular Capacity - x4 2 3/4 shells Weight - 3.5 kg Sights - bead
Load for duty
- Draw pistol quickly up on target and then returned to the low ready position.
- Retrieve a full magazine from your primary pouch, index it and inserted into the magazine well assertively.
- Cycle the action
- Perform a pinch check
- Holster the loaded pistol
- Top up your magazine pouches
Open action reload
- Obtain a fresh magazine first from your primary magazine pouch and index.
- Drop used magazine from the pistol to the ground
- Quickly insert the fresh magazine into the pistol, ensuring it is properly seated
- Cycle the action closed using an overhand grip
Closed action reload
- Obtain a fresh magazine first and index it
- Drop used magazine from the pistol to the ground
- Quickly insert fresh magazine into the pistol ensuring it is properly seated
Tactical reload x4
- Obtain a fresh magazine first
- Remove and retain the partial magazine by dropping it into your support hand along with the fresh magazine
- Insert fresh magazine into the pistol, ensuring it is properly seated tug on the newly inserted magazine with your support had prior to putting the partial magazine away
- Please the old magazine in the rear support side pocket for easy access to not place the partial magazine in a magazine pouch
Four basic steps to render a firearm safe
Remove the source of ammunition open the action clear
the chamber
engage the safety, if there is one
Describe the phase 1 stoppage
Tap & rack & reassess
Phase 2 stoppage
Seek cover Get new magazine Strip magazine Insert new magazine and tap & rack Reassess
Phase 3 stoppage x6
Mechanical malfunction:
- seek cover
- lock back slide
- Strip magazine
- clear pistol
- insert new magazine and tap and rack action
- reassess
Stage 1
- Magazine of 14 live & one dummy round
- Five rounds standing dominant side barricade
- Two rounds standing support side barricade
- Five rounds kneeling dominant side barricade
- Closed action reload-load behind barricade & open door
- Two rounds prone
- Closed action reload and holstered
Stage two
- Four rounds standing unsupported
- Four rounds kneeling unsupported
- Closed action reload and holster
Stage III
- Shooter starts at right of Lane
Pistol drawn to low ready position - Two rounds-shift left-low ready, on command
- Two rounds-shift right-low ready, on command
- Two rounds-shift left-low ready, on command
- To rounds - shift right
- Tactical reload and holster
Stage four
- Two rounds to center of mass-reassess then one round to the head
- Each string begins from holster
- Close action reload and holster
Stage five
- Start with round in the chamber and a magazine of three rounds
- For around dominant hand only-lockback reload
- Four rounds support hand only
- Unload, clear and re-holster empty pistol