Module 1 Flashcards
This module discusses the current environmental situation in the Philippines. It describes the environmental impact brought about by a rapidly increasing Filipino population. As you realize the stressful effects of people’s activities on our environment, we hope that you will also realize that environmental degradation has become a major social concern. Likewise, we hope that such realization will help you to be more aware of our responsibilities in protecting and enhancing the Philippine environment. And that such new awareness will lead to the emergence of another Filipino youth who is committed to take an active stewardship role in “saving the present for the future.”
or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act took effect in 2000. This law declares the policy of the State to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program.
Republic Act 9003
known as the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 mandates the control and management of the import, manufacture, processing, distribution, use, transport, treatment and disposal of toxic substances and hazardous and nuclear waste in the country.
Republic Act 6969
or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 provides for various approaches to address problems on water quality. It also envisions the protection, preservation, and revival of our bodies of water through an integrated strategy among various sectors.
Republic Act 9275
originate from mobile sources like automobiles, stationary/point sources like industrial firms, and area sources like busy roads, burning garbage, forest fires, construction work, and aircraft operations.
Air Pollutants
contributes the greatest amount of pollutants into the atmosphere.
Carbon Monoxide
is a phenomenon that is brought about by sulfur and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere.
Acid Rain
or the Clean Air Act of 1999 bans incineration, which was originally considered an option by many local governments for solid waste disposal.
Republic Act 8749
Indiscriminate logging, kaingin (slash-and-burn) farming, forest fires, natural calamities, conversion to agricultural lands, and human settlements have brought about…
is working on projects like accelerated composting technology or bioreactor.
The Department of Science and Technology-Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI)
refers to the number of different species in an ecosystem.
is the limitation of an ecosystem in supporting a certain number of organisms at a given time.
Carrying capacity
is the rampant removal of trees in the forests mainly because of changing land use and excessive logging.
a living organism that are threatened with extinction.
Endangered species
are the effects of people’s activities undertaken in a particular environment.
Environmental impacts
is a “dying condition/process” of a body of water characterized by initial over-accumulation of nutrients that accelerate profuse growth of organisms called “blooms” which consequently die and decompose, resulting in depletion of oxygen, massive death of aquatic life and eventual drying up of the body of water.
is a method of collecting coral reef fish that results in massive destruction of coral reefs due to heavy pounding with the use of huge stones by hired drivers.
is pursuing economic activities to meet the needs of the present and future generations while giving equal consideration to environmental integrity.
Sustainable development