Module 1 Flashcards
Which of the following problems confront experiments that are designed to test sociological theories?
Low Validity
In 1960, women in South Korea had an average of about six babies each. Today, women in South Korea have fewer than two babies each. Which of the following statements offers the best sociological explanation of this change?
South Korean industrialization turned many farmers into urban workers and homemakers. Whereas it was valuable to have many children working on the farm, it was more costly and less useful to raise as many children in the city, so women started having fewer babies.
What is the purpose of research?
To disprove the validity of theories.
A sociologist wants to research a problem about which little is known and concerning which theories are poorly developed. Which of the following research methods would be the most appropriate for her research?
Participant Observation
A sociologist observes that cow worship and malnourishment are common in rural India. He can’t understand why rural Indians refuse to eat beef and engage in a variety of ritual practices involving cows when they need more food. He conducts research on the subject, leading him to theorize that rural Indians don’t slaughter cows because cows provide things of great value. They give birth to oxen that can plough fields, and yield abundant manure that can be used as a cooking fuel and a fertilizer. With which theoretical tradition is the sociologist’s explanation for cow worship in rural India associated?
Define sociology
the systemic study of human behaviour in social context
Define social structures
stable patterns of social relations
Define sociological imagination
the quality of mind that enables one to see the connection between personal troubles and social structures
what are microstructures?
patterns of social relations formed during face-to-face interaction
what are macrostructures?
overarching patterns of social relations that lie outside and above our circle of intimates and acquaintances
Define patriarchy
A system of power relations and customary practices that help to ensure male dominance in economic, political, and other spheres of life.
define values
ideas about what is right and wrong, good and bad, desirable and undesirable, beautiful and ugly
Define social solidarity
a property of social groups that increases with the degree to which a group’s members share beliefs and values, and the frequency and intensity with which they interact
what is functionalist theory?
is a conjecture based on the notion that social structures based mainly on shared values contribute to social stability and then govern human behaviour
who is considered the first modern sociologist?
Emile Durkheim
what are latent functions
less visible and unintended effects of social structures
what are manifest functions
visible and intended effects of social structures
what is conflict theory?
the conjecture that tensions underlie social structures and under certain conditions can burst into the open and cause social change
who is associated with conflict theory?
Karl Marx
what is symbolic interactionism?
a school of thought that examines how various aspects of social life convey meaning and thereby assist or impede communication
who is associated with symbolic interactionism?
George Herbert Mead
what is gender?
a person’s personal sense of being masculine or feminine, conventionally defined
what is globalization?
the process by which formerly separate individuals, groups, institutions, economies, states, and cultures are becoming tied together, and people are becoming increasingly aware of their growing independence