Midterm #2 Review Flashcards
In a family conversation with her teenage children, Carmela described the family’s financial situation. She told her children that the total value of everything they owned minus the total amount of debt that they owed was approximately $1200. Which term do sociologists use to describe this number?
Which term refers to statements such as these: “Those people are poor but honest”; and “Those people are poor because they don’t want to work”?
When Carolina is interested in nurturing her baby dolls and playing with her Easy-Bake Oven, what is she following?
gender role
After a four-year study of salary and gender, a university found that female faculty received, on average, $2000 less in salary than their male counterparts even after adjustments were made based on seniority, tenure, faculty, and age. This gender earnings gap is an example of which of the following?
gender discrimination
What do functionalists contend?
Stratification is inevitable.
What are crimes such as embezzlement, false advertising, tax evasion, insider stock trading, fraud, copyright infringement, and price fixing examples of?
white-collar crimes
Kasia has worked as a junior manager for nine years. She has watched several men younger than her get promoted over the years, despite her superior performance evaluations. What is Kasia likely experiencing?
the glass ceiling
The Canadian government instituted a policy of forcibly placing First Nations children in residential schools. Which term best describes the effects this had on Indigenous heritage?
cultural genocide
What alternative model to crime and punishment emphasizes individual and social healing, communication, and joint problem-solving between victims and their offenders?
restorative justice
Which theory states that society needs to create incentives so the most talented people are motivated to train for the most important jobs?
functionalist theory
Lauren is a firefighter working in a fire house where all the other firefighters are male. She endures the sexual innuendos, derogatory comments about her abilities as a firefighter, and “practical jokes” like having the hot water turned off every time she showers. What is Lauren experiencing in her workplace?
Sexual harassment
What is a major shortcoming of official crime statistics?
Authorities and the public decide which crime acts to report and which to ignore.
Salena bought a clothing factory, upgraded the sewing machines, and purchased higher-quality cloth to make high-fashion clothing. What would Karl Marx say she invested in?
The means of production
Ryan is interested in working at a multinational corporation as a manager. In order to increase his chances of getting hired there, he has enrolled in the Business Administration program at his university. What is he investing in by going to university?
Human capital
One of the most important expressions of gender inequality is the gap between female and male earnings. Which of the following is a primary factor that contributes to this gap?
Heavy domestic responsibilities
Selene speaks Greek fluently, makes traditional food, dances at traditional festivals, and was married at the Greek Orthodox Church. What is she a part of?
an ethnic group
What does heteronormativity imply about sex, gender, and sexual orientation?
They should be perfectly aligned.
In monetary terms, which type of crime likely costs society the most?
White-collar crime
According to the text, most people use which of the following to ensure others conform to conventional heterosexual gender roles?
positive and negative sanctions
Jelena was laid-off from her bookkeeping job four months ago. Having depleted her savings account, she now has no money to buy groceries for her children and shoplifts some bread and cheese from the local grocery store. Which type of crime is Jelena guilty of committing?
A street crime
What is the main source of crime statistics?
police reports
Garrett is interested in working at a large multinational manufacturing company. His uncle knows the family who owns the company, so Garrett asks his uncle if he can help get him an interview. What is Garrett making use of in asking his uncle?
social capital
Which term refers to the co-existence of a variety of ethnic groups, each of whom retains its own cultural heritage within a society where all groups have equitable access to resources?
Ryker hates competing in the math competition at school when there are a lot of Asian competitors because he believes they are innately much better at math. What does Ryker’s attitude illustrate?
Samir’s professor invited her colleague Leslie to give a guest lecture to their sociology of sexuality class. Leslie was invited to present their recent research undertaken to support the claim that stable sexual identities do not accurately describe the sexual experiences of humans. Instead, these identities are the result of labels being imposed on people by society. Which of the following theoretical perspectives is Leslie working in?
queer theory
Which of the following groups believes that apparently natural or innate features of life, such as gender, are actually sustained by social processes that vary historically and culturally?
social constructionists
Although Andrew has not yet met Cedric, his future dorm roommate, Andrew was told that Cedric was attending university on a football scholarship. He is anxious and unhappy about sharing his room with a football player because he expects Cedric will be a “party animal” who will make studying difficult. How can Andrew’s attitude be classified?
What conclusion does the text reach regarding “race”?
“Race” is significant because people believe it is and they act toward others on the basis of their beliefs.
Which term refers to the unfair treatment of people due to their group membership?
Which of the following involves boys playing stereotypically girls’ games and girls playing stereotypically boys’ games?
boundary crossing
What is the definition of colonialism?
people from one country invading and taking political, cultural, and economic control over people in another country
Which term refers to a change in social status from the time of a person’s first job to their current job?
INTRAgenerational mobility